Less than 48 hours after the story on Esther Suelzle’s battle with stage 4 cancer came out, during a random business contact, a Corban dad heard of a litter of puppies that would be born this month. He immediately knew one of those pups was destined for Esther. He sent Esther’s story to the gentleman, who responded with great excitement. He and his wife have committed that Esther would get one of the puppies for just their cost. (shots, stud fees etc.)

The week of Christmas Esther can choose her puppy, who will be ready to take home the week of Valentines day. With some donations from local businesses and some cash raising by the students of Corban, we should have what we need quickly. This is where you, Corban, come in! Standing outside of chapel tomorrow will be students holding buckets where you can put your contribution, no matter how small, towards the cost of the newest edition to the Suelzle’s family!


ATTENTION: COMMUTERS!!!! (Protein boost coming your way!)


As you are well aware, next week is finals!!! Student Life would like to make the week as stress free as possible for you! So stop by the Student Center (located on the same floor of the Pavilion as Common Grounds) Monday through Thursday, from 11-3:30-ish for FREE peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!!! Yep, you read that right: FREE PEANUT BUTTER/JELLY SANDWICHES TO COMMUTERS!


You are invited to the: Corban Debate Christmas Party!

Interested in finding out more about the debate team? Want to have fun and debate Christmas topics? Need a festive break from studying? Come one and all to our Christmas party!

Thursday, Dec. 4th at 7:00 pm
PV 109
Hot Drinks and Cookies!

Merry Christmas!
Corban Debate
CLT Student Initiatives

Christmas cookies



Consider serving in a Reach project (40 hours) over Christmas Break! Go to the Reach page of Converge to upload a completed Project Registration Form. If you could benefit from some Reach advising, please email Valerie Geer for an appointment.


Corban University Library Holiday hours

Finals Week:
Sunday 12/7: 1:30PM-1AM
Monday 12/8: 7:30AM-1AM
Tuesday & Wednesday 12/9-12/10: 7:30AM-11PM
Thursday 12/11: 7:30AM-5PM
Friday 12/12: 8AM-5PM
Saturday & Sunday 12/13 and 12/14: Closed

Christmas Break Hours:
Monday-Friday 12/15-12/19: 8AM-5PM
Saturday and Sunday 12/20-12/21: Closed
Monday-Wednesday 12/22-12/24: 8AM-5PM
Thursday-Sunday 12/25-12/28: Closed
Monday-Wednesday 12/29-12/31: 8AM-5PM
Thursday-Sunday 1/1-1/4: Closed

Stress busters:
We will have a War of the Fandoms popping up in the library. As you browse the stacks you might find some great fandom tie-ins with our collection of books. Look for Marvel vs. DC, Star Wars vs. Star Trek vs. Stargate vs. Starcraft, Broncos, Seahawks, Blazers and more sports teams, Animal Crossing vs. FarmVille and much, much more. There are even 5 golden tickets floating around. There are prizes attached to some of these items.

Introducing Play dough:
Play dough will be on a 2-hour reserve at both desks. It is specially formulated with essential oils to provide stress reduction, memory retention, and a calming effect. There will also be Gluten Free play dough for those with sensitivities. Check it out and study in the library for Finals. The play dough will be available starting December 2nd.



FINAL EXAMS: December 8 – 11: Unsure when your final exam is scheduled? Check this link :

RESCHEDULING A FINAL: Rescheduling a final is an option only when there is an unavoidable emergency, if you have two exams scheduled at the same time, have more than three exams in one day or a documented disability. Please stop by the Registrar’s Office if you need to reschedule your exam.

SPRING SEMESTER REGISTRATION: All students should be registered for their spring semester classes. If not, please take time to do this before you leave for Christmas break. Spring semester classes will begin on Wednesday, January 7, 2015.

GRAD FINALE IS COMING!: Thursday February 19th from 2:30 – 6:30 p.m. in The Emitte Center. If you are graduating this year, this event is for you! It is an opportunity to take care of all of your graduation needs in one stop. You can pick up you cap & gown, commencement tickets and meet with a variety of campus departments and outside vendors related to graduation. More info to coming in the new year.

Come to chapel this Friday at 10:00 AM for a special celebration.

You don’t want to miss out on sweet treats, great company and an inspiring message from President Nord.

golden christmas card



Utah Spring Break mission team is hoping to do a servant sale to raise money. Faculty and staff do you have any odd jobs or yard work that you just don’t have time for? Hire us to do it for you, and in the process help us to raise money for our trip! Contact Katrina Aman to inquire.

This is donation based and we are able to serve anytime from now to March.



As many of you may know Nathan & Val Geer (Dean of Students and Director of Reach, respectively) have four sons. But do you know the name of the 4 legged family member that lives in the backyard? First one to the Student Life desk with the correct answer wins $5! (Jack Lander is disqualified for one week, as he has won the money the past two weeks! Sheesh…what doesn’t this guy know?!)



Turkey Lucas

Show up to Schimmel to take part in the Turkey Trot, a unique race where students, faculty, and staff come together and celebrate the hard work of the semester and express our thankfulness for what is most important to us. So on Monday come wearing the best costume or race gear you have and race with us to celebrate this momentous event and even get a FREE t-shirt!



Attention, students, staff and faculty:

You are cordially invited to “Open Dance” Wednesday, December 3rd, at noon, in the gym! Jeanette Richards, the instructor for the class, says everyone is invited to come and dance during their class time that day! They will be playing Foxtrot, Waltz, Tango, Cha Cha and Swing music. No problem if you don’t know how to dance, she will be giving mini lessons, or the current students of the class can help with teaching the steps.

Come on...give it a whirl! 
(You know you want to!)



Do you know the answer? First one to the Student Life Desk with the right answer wins $5 CASH!

Who was the Provost before Dr. Matt Lucas? (Hint : there is a tree planted on campus in this person’s honor.)




• We’re cheering you on, graduating seniors! Keep up the good work, you’re almost there.
• December 2014 grads: Your Reach is due by the first Friday in December
• May 2015 grads: Your Reach is due by the first Friday in April

Go to the Reach page of Converge (under “My Courses”) to register.



  • Friday: Men’s Basketball vs. Simpson University @7:30pm
  • Saturday: Watch the Corban Men’s Soccer team play in the NAIA National Tournament on a big screen in the Emitte Center in Schimmel Hall. Game time is set for 11am, but the doors will open at 10:30am for all viewers. ASB IS PROVIDING SNACKS!
  • Saturday: Men’s Basketball vs. New Hope Christian College @7pm



Tonight and tomorrow night at 7:30 in the Psalm Center! You will NOT be disappointed in this display of fine music theatre! Come be amazed at your fellow students talent.

General Admission: $15
Sr. Citizen, students & groups of 10 or more: $12


All performances are free and in the Psalm Center.

  • General Student Recital at noon on December 2nd featuring music students performing solos.
  • Christmas Concerts by the Corban Music Department…you will leave these performances in the Christmas spirit…guaranteed!

Friday, December 5th at 7:30 p.m.

Saturday, December 6th at 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm.



In a highly anticipated talk, author and psychologist Dr. Gary Lovejoy spoke to a capacity crowd in Corban’s Psalm Performing Arts Center about depression—fiction and facts. If you missed his talk, you can catch it online at Then consider sharing Dr. Lovejoy’s message URL: with others via your favorite social media channel(s).


Library hours for the week of Thanksgiving break (11/23-11/30) will be:

Sunday 11/23: 1:30PM-Midnight (normal)
Monday 11/24: 7:30AM-11PM (normal)
Tuesday 11/25: 7:30AM-5PM
Wednesday 11/26 through Saturday 11/29: CLOSED
Sunday 11/30: 2PM-Midnight (regular hours resume)



A new program — SNAP! – is available for yearbook. YOU can download photos for the yearbook to include.

We are especially looking for action photos, not posed photos or selfies. We know lots of fun, interesting, exciting, humorous things happen on campus, and our photographers can’t be everywhere. When you submit your photos, you will get photo credit in the yearbook, too.

Here are the directions:
1) Go to
2) Click on Community Upload
3) Type in Corban (it will show you Corban College — we plan to get that corrected).
4) It will ask you for the code, which is Corban.
5) Download your photos!

It’s that easy! Sending your action/candid photos (no selfies please) will help the yearbook staff to fill the book with GREAT photos, and it will enable you to see YOUR photos in the yearbook. Any questions email Professor Ellen Kersey.


COME TO AMBEX!!! (You won’t regret it!)

If you want to have the best semester of your life… GO TO AMBEX! You can do this while receiving a full semester load of classes!
Why would you not want to Study Abroad with your friends, see the world, and experience God’s creation in a whole new way?!!
There is going to be one last Ambex luncheon in early December, in the Oakland room of Aramark before the end of the semester! Anyone who is interested in Ambex, COME! The specific time is to be determined … STAY TUNED!
If you have any questions, contact Mallory Malot and Lisa Ross your Study Abroad Ambassador’s!



FINAL EXAMS: December 8 – 11: If you are unsure when your final exam is scheduled, please check this link for scheduled times:

RESCHEDULING A FINAL: Rescheduling a final is an option only when there is an unavoidable emergency, if you have two exams scheduled at the same time, have more than three exams in one day or a documented disability. Please stop by the Registrar’s Office if you need to reschedule your exam.

SPRING SEMESTER REGISTRATION: All students should be registered for their spring semester classes. If you have not registered please take time to this before you leave for Christmas break.

HAVE YOU APPLIED TO GRADUATE? Time is running out…The last day to submit your graduation application to the Registrar’s Office is Monday, December 1, 2014. Application are still available for pick up in the Registrar’s Office.

Spring Semester Class Registration: Students if you are still looking to add an HP course to your schedule we have just added Ballet: HP131BL which will meet on Monday and Wednesday from 1 – 1:50 pm



We would love to get you registered for Spring!!
Anyone with a financial HOLD on their account will not be able to complete their schedule. Before you see your advisor, please come see Financial Services so we can assist you with the payment process, and clear you for registration.
• If you have questions regarding your semester balance, or need to make an online payment, click here for access your Student Tuition Account. You can also reach us at (503)375-7030 or
• Having trouble making an online payment go to
• If you need to research additional outside loan options you can contact the Financial Aid Office at (503) 375-7006 or
• It is not too late to apply for a Monthly Payment Plan. Maybe a combination of loans and payments will provide the solution you need. If you don’t come by we can’t make you aware of all your options.
Financial Services is open Monday through Friday, between 9:00 and 4:00 on the first floor of Schimmel.
We would be happy to assist you!!



WARNING! There’s a fire on campus on December 4th!

YOU can help by keeping old school papers and handouts ready.

Stay tuned. S’more details to come.

With your help, we can burn through Dead Week.



Saturday December 6th (Carpool at 2:00 p.m.)

Providing winter clothes, warm drinks and friendship to the homeless. Drop off your clothing contribution to the Library on the bottom floor.

“Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” John 13:35



Corban 3.1 Run:
The sky was gray and gloomy on September 27th but 14 brave students woke up at the crack of dawn to run their hearts out. 10 women and 4 men ran the windy trail and as their heart rates rose and the adrenaline rush was pulsing through their bodies – 3 fast students took home a trophy for their victory.
First Place registered competitive female runner: Liz Reardon (22:52)
First place registered competitive male runner: Drew Larabee (22:38)
First place for registered recreation female runner: Hannah Johnson (38:17)

Students had a blast coming out & releasing some energy in a friendly competitive manner.

Ultimate Frisbee:
It was Wednesday October 1st when competing teams trucked down Warrior drive to the Intramural field to give it all they had to decide the title. Standing champions 2 years in a row, Top Geer and a highly competitive team, as did The Baggenstos who were there to bring it. The Baggenstos gave it all they had and stole the title of champions for Ultimate Frisbee Intramurals 2014.

18 hole 4 player Disc Golf Tournament:
Three teams took it to the Corban Disc Golf course and enjoyed the beautiful 80-degree weather on Friday October 3rd 2014. 11 men and 1 women took on the challenge of 18 holes to define the Fall 2014 Corban Disc Golf Champions. We enjoyed seeing the faces of our alumni out there with the Corban Students and Staff playing the course starting the Homecoming and Alumni Weekend off right.

Spike Ball:
A new sport was presented this year to the Corban community… SPIKE BALL! A combination of speed and accuracy is needed for this intense sport and 10 brave teams of 2 arose from the student body to take on the challenges of this sport. These teams faced great matches every Tuesday and Thursday night until the last night. It was 9p.m. when Chase Silver & Timothy Yee representing team Dustin Cooper, and Micah Leatuyer & Barrett James representing team Fresh Meat, came to one last match. And the champion of Corban’s first ever Spike Ball Intramural went to… Fresh Meat!




Presented by Corban Music & Theatre opens TONIGHT! Don’t miss your chance to see this amazing presentation of a timeless classic. Student tickets are on sale for $12.00 in the bookstore! Show times are: November 14th, 15th, 20th, 21st and 22nd at 7:30 p.m. in the Psalm Center. For more information go to



There will be informational meetings for the Switzerland Study Tour today from 11-2pm in the dining hall’s Oakland Room. Then again next Friday the 21st, same time and location. Please drop into the Oakland Room to learn more about the trip.

When: May 4-17
Where: Across Switzerland via Swiss Rail







  • The Corban University men’s soccer team won an exciting semifinal match on Tuesday evening over Concordia, 2-0, and in doing so advanced to the CCC Tournament Championship match on Saturday, November 15, against Northwest University. Kickoff is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. in Kirkland, Wash.
  • The Warrior men’s basketball team hosts Multnomah University on Friday night at 7pm in a non-conference showdown.
  • The Corban women’s basketball team travels to Montana for three games over the weekend.
  • Senior cross country runner Emily Childers prepares for NAIA Nationals which are set to take place on Saturday, November 22.



Senior Registration began Monday, October 27th: All seniors should now be registered for spring semester.
Juniors: Registration began: Monday, November 3rd
Sophomores: Registration began: Monday, November 10th
Freshman: Registration begins: Monday, November 17th. You should have already received information about your new academic advisor in core group.
*All students, with the exception of Music majors will participate in self-registration. This requires you to set up an advising visit with your advisor to go over course scheduling and to receive your registration code.
FRESHMAN: Final high school transcripts are needed. If we haven’t received your final transcript you were notified via campus e-mail and by your core advisor. We must receive these prior to the start of spring semester registration. You will not be allowed to register for spring classes until your transcript has been received in our office.

Graduating in May of 2015, but haven’t applied to graduate?: Time is running out…The last day to submit your graduation application to the Registrar’s Office is Monday, December 1, 2014. Application are still available for pick up in the Registrar’s Office.

FINAL EXAMS: December 8 – 11: If you are unsure when your final exam is scheduled, please check this link for scheduled times:

RESCHEDULING A FINAL: Rescheduling a final is an option only when there is an unavoidable emergency, if you have two exams scheduled at the same time, have more than three exams in one day or a documented disability. Please stop by the Registrar’s Office if you need to reschedule your exam.


Four reasons to come to OPEN MIC NIGHT!

1. Coffee
2. Music
3. Friends
4 “Homework”

Open Mic night is this Tuesday, November 18th!
The fun begins at 9:00 and lasts until 10:30.
Sign-ups are in the Coffee Shop. Janae Grieb says…”See you there!”



Tonight our Men’s Basketball team takes on Multnomah University at the C.E. Jeffers Sports Complex, and so, of course, your local area coffee shop, otherwise known as Common Grounds is offering it’s Game Day Special, which, if you didn’t know,

Starts at 1:00 and runs till close (3:00)


$1 off any specialty beverage


you are wearing TWO articles of Corban gear.

Please take advantage of this special offer and especially go cheer on the Men’s Basketball Team.




A big round of applause for everyone that helped make Corban Experience a success last weekend! We had over 150 guests stay in dorms Sunday night, and Monday we welcomed their families. The sun was shining and the campus was glowing, not doubt God blessed their time here. I want to thank all the hosts, your flexibility and grace at the 11th hour to accommodate for unforeseen changes was awesome. It took many departments and entities for this event to come together, and it will be exciting to see what happens for the next Experience in the spring!

November News…


The battle is at 7P.M. on Sunday in the Psalm Center! The bands this year are going to be great! Make sure you come and bring your “experiencers” with you!!



Sunday, November 9th | 9:00 PM | Farrar
This even it epic…EVERY year! If you don’t believe it view the P-Smash Promo Video
Make sure to go to Battle of the Bands in the Psalm Center before the Pumpkin Smash!

smashed pumpkins



  • The Cross Country team has their conference championship this Saturday. Men race at 11:00 and Women at 12:00. The race is at Fernhill Park in Portland.
  • Women’s basketball vs. Westmont on Friday at 3:30pm.
  • Volleyball vs. College of Idaho on Friday at 7pm
  • Volleyball vs. Eastern Oregon on Saturday at 5pm (SENIOR NIGHT)



Just because the Fireside Chat is over doesn’t mean the discussion is! No matter what your opinion is, go fill out this form online, you can do so anonymously if you choose! Every opinion matters!



Ape Cave – Saturday, November 8th 8:45 AM
This Saturday Westrek will be going to Ape cave! It’s an awesome lava tube near Mount St. Helens. We will be meeting in PVG at 8:45am and leaving at 9am.
Only 12 spots are available, so please contact if you’d like to join.
Cost is FREE!!!



The course Birds and Botany of Western Oregon is being offered this spring for one hour of general elective credit. We will meet once a week on Mondays from 4:00 to 5:30 pm. Contact Professor Scott if you have questions about this course (ID211).



Need help finding a place to serve for Reach? Check out some great volunteer position postings on the Reach page of Converge. Just log onto Converge, click My Courses, then select Reach from the drop down box. If you’d like a personalized Reach advising appointment, just email Val Geer  or



Today, Friday, November 7th is the last day to withdraw from a course this semester! Pick up a course change card in the Registrar’s Office and pay the $10 fee per class dropped.

SPRING SEMESTER REGISTRATION: It is time to start scheduling appointments with your advisor. (Seniors you should now be registered for spring semester classes.)

Juniors: Registration began: Monday, November 3rd
Sophomores: Registration begins: Monday, November 10th
Freshman: Registration begins: Monday, November 17th. You should have already received information about your new academic advisor in core group. If we haven’t received your final transcript you were notified via campus e-mail and your core advisor. We must receive these prior to the start of spring semester registration. You will not be allowed to register for spring classes until your transcript has been received in our office.

*All students, with the exception of Music majors, will participate in self-registration. This requires you to set up an advising visit with your advisor to go over course scheduling and to receive your registration code.

Graduating in May of 2015, but haven’t applied to graduate?: Time is running out…The last day to submit your graduation application to the Registrar’s Office is Monday, December 1, 2014. Application are still available for pick up in the Registrar’s Office.

FINAL EXAMS: December 8 – 11


CLT Student Initiatives presents…Triple Ten Devos!

Who we are: We’re different than a typical campus Bible study. Triple Ten Devos consists of students gathering for both personal devotions, and a time of sharing God’s Word with each other.

What we do: Each Triple Ten gathering is split into three parts:
1. Ten minutes of personal Bible reading
2. Ten minutes of journaling/praying
3. Ten minutes of sharing what we read with each other
When: 8:00-8:30 PM, every Tuesday night.

Busy…Busy Weekend on Campus! Don’t Miss a Thing!

Right now…this afternoon there are doughnuts in the ASB office! Come up visit Student Life and ASB and grab a doughnut!


It’s time for the Basement Bash!!!

The theme: Mullet: Business in the front, party in the basement!

The time: 8 – 11 p.m.

In the basement will be the dance…but every where else around the building there will be low key activities.
All Corban students are invited!!!
Go enjoy a fun Halloween night, TONIGHT with other Corbanites in Aagard!!!


Saturday, Men’s Soccer Game at Willamette

Corban University head men’s soccer coach Aaron Lewis announced this morning that Saturday’s Cascade Collegiate Conference (CCC) match vs. The Evergreen State College has been moved to be played at Willamette University due to field conditions at Warrior Field. In addition to the location change, the match will now start at 8 p.m. instead of the previously scheduled time of 1 p.m. due to field availability.

Prior to the start of the match on Saturday night, Corban’s nine seniors will be honored in a pregame ceremony as they each will be playing in their final regular-season home match for the Warriors. The match will be live streamed through video and audio, and live stats will be available as well.


Men's Soccer



Here is a great opportunity to worship Jesus with other young adults in the city. The Spot is an all-city worship and prayer event for our generation and you are invited!

Date: Friday, November 7
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Salem Vineyard Church (4750 Salem Dallas Hwy NW, Salem, OR 97304)
More information:

The spot poster


Fireside Chat:

This Wednesday, November 5th from 7 to 8:30, there will be a Fireside Chat with Dr. Nord to discuss the alcohol policy. Dr. Nord wants to hear your opinions and answer your questions. Come to the Emitte Center on Wednesday night for a students exclusive event as well as Dr. Nord.

Dr. Nord


Battle of the Bands:

Auditions are over and the bands have been picked. Keep your eyes open for the Battle of the Bands promo video coming out early next week! Only 9 days until the main event!!



As a Corban student, this past Tuesday you should have received a “Gift from Corban’s Library” email from Dean of Students Nathan Geer. You also should have received an invitation to activate a free account to RightNow Media’s exciting new online video library. This extensive media resource is made available for your unlimited personal use – again at absolutely no cost to you.
RightNow Media is essentially the “Netflix of Video Bible Studies.” Through this site you have instant access to thousands of outstanding videos covering a range of topics to challenge and encourage you. The RightNow Media site includes:
• Bible Study Library with video content on books of the Bible, the character of God, biblical finance, and much, much more. You’ll also find Leadership training from leaders like Tim Keller, John Piper, Matt Chandler, J. D. Greear, Eric Mason, Dave Ramsey and Andy Stanley.
• Just for Kids provides great video entertainment like What’s in the Bible, VeggieTales, Boz, Theo and many others.
• Customizable Training Library with a wealth of short training videos on a variety of topics.
• Leadership Events Library with videos from major conferences like RightNow, Catalyst, D6, Verge and Passion.

You can access and view these videos from your smart phone, tablet or computer … watch them on your TV … or project them for group viewing.
If you didn’t receive your email RightNow invitation this past Tuesday, please check your mail filter. Simply find the email, click on the link, put in your name and a password and you’re set to go!



DROPPING A CLASS: Friday, November 7th is the last day to withdraw from a course! Pick up a course change card in the Registrar’s Office and pay the $10 fee per class dropped.
SPRING SEMESTER REGISTRATION: It is time to schedule an appointment with your advisor.
Seniors: All seniors should now be registered for spring semester classes as October 27th was the opening of registration.
Juniors: Registration begins: Monday, November 3rd
Sophomores: Registration begins: Monday, November 10th
Freshman: Registration begins: Monday, November 17th. You will receive information about your new academic advisor in your upcoming core group. We must receive your final high school transcript prior to your spring semester registration. If yours has not been received by our office you were notified by email.

*All students, with the exception of Music majors will participate in self-registration. This requires you to set up an advising visit with your advisor to go over course scheduling and to receive your registration code.

Graduating in May of 2015, but haven’t applied to graduate?: Time is running out…The last day to submit your graduation application to the Registrar’s Office is Monday, December 1, 2014. Application are still available for pick up in the Registrar’s Office.



Hey! Check out the cool places we’ll be visiting in Scotland on our Corban University Great Britain Academic Tour. Just follow this link We’ll be visiting almost ALL of these sites—especially the castles, cathedrals, and palaces (oh, and some of the restaurants and shops as well. Also, don’t forget to sign up for HU491: GREAT BRITAIN on your Spring schedule. There’s a way to take the class for “FREE”… that’s right, “FREE!” For more info. email Sam Baker.


Note from Financial Services:

Registration is now underway, and anyone with a financial HOLD on their account will not be able to complete their schedule. Before you see your advisor, please come see Financial Services so we can assist you with the payment process, and clear you for registration.
• If you have questions regarding your semester balance, or need to make an online payment, click here for access your Student Tuition Account. You can also reach us at (503)375-7030 or
• Having trouble making an online payment go to
• If you need to research additional outside loan options you can contact the Financial Aid Office at (503) 375-7006 or
• It is not too late to apply for a Monthly Payment Plan.

Financial Services is open Monday through Friday, between 9:00 and 4:00 on the first floor of Schimmel.
We would be happy to assist you!!


Reach Information:

Did you know that you can see your Reach record? Just log onto Converge, click on My Courses, then Reach. On the left-hand side, you can click on “Grade,” and it will show you how many of the 4 required projects you have completed.


Sign up to be a Corban Experience Host!

Less than 2 weeks until our campus is filled with wonderful guests and their families! Have you signed up to be a host yet? What are ya waiting for?! I am in search of awesome hosts that can help accommodate pairs, and trios of friends visiting together. And gentleman, I have quite a few fellas coming and I need some more hosts for these guys… So I’m looking at YOU to help me with that!
Guide them, encourage them, pray with them, and let them explore Corban. Being a host can be a rewarding opportunity to serve and bless someone!
Obey then not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. Ephesians 6:6
Follow this link to register!
Any questions? Let me know!




Oct. 24th Edition

FREE – Popcorn in Student Life – TODAY!


& warm

From 2:30-4!

Second floor of Schimmel…across from the ASB office.


The Barn Party is tomorrow!!

Barn Party

Come enjoy pie, dancing and fun with your fellow Corbanites!!! It will be at the Historic Horse Barn at the Salem Fairgrounds from 7-10pm!! Keep an eye on your emails for directions to the event!!!


TONIGHT Friday, October 24, JOIN US…..

At 7:30 PM – Concert Band and Choir Concert in the Psalm Performing Arts Center


Hungry for some pizza? Don’t feel like driving to pick it up?

Corban’s journalism students are selling value cards to Papa John’s Pizza for only $5 to raise funds to attend a journalism conference in the spring. Not only do the cards offer incredible discounts at Papa John’s (you will make up what you paid for the card with the savings from your first order), but Papa John’s has also decided to extend their delivery area to include Corban! For great pizza, at a great price, to support a great cause send an email to or contact a journalism student to purchase your Papa John’s value card today.


The Wellness Center

We are developing a list of resources common to our Corban population to help assist you in getting the answers you need about your health or mental health needs. Please click here to see these resources so that when you need them you know where they are!

Also, we will be hosting a flu shot clinic for Costco on November 12th from 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. If your health insurance does not pay for this the cost is an affordable $14.99. Please email Student Life to get on the list.


Athletic Events happening this weekend!


  • Women’s Soccer vs. Eastern Oregon – Saturday, October 25 @1pm – SENIOR DAY & Breast Cancer Awareness Day


  • Volleyball vs. New Hope — Saturday, October 25 @7pm


Here is the World Outreach Week (WOW) schedule:

MONDAY 10/27

  • 10:00 a.m. Chapel with Steve Richardson “Essentials (or Preparation) for the Journey – Hebrews 11”
  • 6:30 p.m. Emitte Center – Mr. Troy Ready, Chaplain of the Portland Timbers, speaking on the topic, “An Open Door to the World through Sports and Athletics.”
  • 8:00 p.m. Using Your Major to Be a Witness to the World (Nachos and beverages served)  Four Locations…
  1. -Business, Math and History and Government Majors (Davidson)
  2. -Education, English, (Balyo)
  3. -Health Science and Exercise Science Majors (P.V. 101)
  4. -Music, Psychology, Ministry Majors (Aagard Basement)


  • Noon Oakland Room in the Cafeteria – “Using My Hobbies in Missions”
  • 6:30 p.m. Emitte Center — Come hear the story of the “Peace Child.” Steve and Arlene Richardson will share about how Steve’s parents sought to reach the Sawi tribe where three warring tribes once fought to the death and where now hundreds of believers worship the Lord in unity.
  • 8:00 p.m. Global Worship Night — A Night of Praise for Salvation Among the Peoples of the World (Balyo)


  • 10:00 a.m. Chapel with Steve Richardson — “Nature of the Journey – Opportunities and Adversaries, 1 Cor. 16:9”
  • Noon Oakland Room in the Cafeteria — Q&A time with Steve and Arlene Richardson
  • 8:00 p.m. “Missions” in America – Reaching-Out to International Peoples Among Us. (Davidson)


  • Noon Oakland Room in the Cafeteria – “Stories from the Frontlines”
  • 1:30 p.m. Emitte Center – For Women Only — Arlene Richardson speaks on the topic, “Extreme Devotion – How God Uses Women to Impact the World for His Glory”
  • 8:00 p.m. Around the World in One Hour – Prayer for Needs around the World (Balyo)

FRIDAY 10/31

  • 10:00 a.m. Chapel with Steve Richardson – “Surprises on the Journey – Jonah”


Note from Financial Services:

If you have an unpaid balance on your account, or have Financial Aid documents outstanding, a registration HOLD is being placed on your account today. Please come see Financial Services so we can assist you with the payment process, and clear you for registration.

• If you have questions regarding the information on your statement visit to access your Student Tuition Account. You can also reach us at (503)375-7030 or

• If you do not see your Financial Aid reflected on your statement, you may have documents missing. Stop by Financial Services, and a Financial Aid counselor would be happy to walk you through the steps you need to complete. You can contact the Financial Aid Office at (503) 375-7006 or

It is not too late to apply for a Monthly Payment Plan. Application is available here.
Financial Services is open Monday through Friday, between 9:00 and 4:00 on the first floor of Schimmel. We would be happy to assist you!!


  • DROPPING A CLASS: You may continue to withdraw from classes through Friday, November 7th. Pick up a course change card in the Registrar’s Office and pay the $10 fee per class dropped.
  • SPRING SEMESTER REGISTRATION: It is time to start scheduling appointments with your advisor.
  • Senior Registration begins Monday, October 27th: All graduating seniors should already have registered for their spring semester classes. Please check SIS to see if you need to make any scheduling changes now.
  • Non-graduating seniors will be allowed to register for classes on Monday, October 27.
  • Juniors: Registration begins: Monday, November 3rd
  • Sophomores: Registration begins: Monday, November 10th
  • Freshman: Registration begins: Monday, November 17th. You will receive information about your new academic advisor in your upcoming core group. We must receive your final high school transcripts prior to the start of spring semester registration.

*All students, with the exception of Music majors will participate in self-registration. This requires you to set up an advising visit with your advisor to go over course scheduling and to receive your registration code.

Graduating in May of 2015, but haven’t applied to graduate?: Time is running out…The last day to submit your graduation application to the Registrar’s Office is Monday, December 1, 2014. Application are still available for pick up in the Registrar’s Office.



Are you currently serving in a capacity that you are intending for Reach, but haven’t actually registered yet? Make sure you upload a completed Project Registration Form through the Reach page of Converge (look under My Courses to find Reach).

Project Registration Forms need to be submitted before you start serving or while the project is current or underway. Questions? Just email


Anime Club Meeting

Calling all Anime fans and novices! On Monday November 3rd at 7pm, the Anime Club will be meeting in PV107. We will be looking at how the “popular” animation style has evolved over the years, and sharing our personal recommendations. To join the Anime Club mailing list please email Curtis Brown. See you soon!

  • Trivia Question of the Week: From the TV Show Pokémon, who is Ash’s first choice as his original first Pokémon? 3rd person to answer correctly will win a Pokémon Plush!

Good Stuff Coming Your WAY!!!!




Tonight! Friday, October 17 @7pm: Volleyball vs. Southern Oregon
Saturday, October 18 @5pm: Volleyball vs. Oregon Tech


A quick reminder about our Game Day Special between 1:00-3:00 today @ Common Grounds. Then don’t forget to BE THERE – TONIGHT – Taking on Southern Oregon at the house Clarence Jeffers built!!!


Darwinism Massacred by A Monarch

Answers-In-Action will be sponsoring a presentation demonstrating the impossibility for Darwinism to explain the irreducibly complex metamorphic transformation of the Monarch caterpillar into the majestic Monarch butterfly.

Jesus and The Monarch — Dr. Thomas Kindell
9am Monday October 20th
Coffee Shop – Cost: $0.00

• Irreducible Complexity in its metamorphosis
• Navigates amazingly and flies longer than any human-designed micro-aerial vehicles
• A transformation alike to a believer’s change in Christ



Did you miss Chapel on Monday?

While on campus here Monday, Ebola M.D. Debbie Eisenhut did interviews with ABC’s KATU TV, CBS’s KOIN TV, NBC’s KGW TV, and other media, taking her message to hundreds of thousands of people. It’s not too late for thousands more to hear Dr. Eisenhut speaking to the public about serving on the front lines in Liberia, her evacuation to the U.S., and answers to a number of key questions. Via email, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn and other channels, please encourage family and friends to listen to the edited podcast .


Battle of the Bands Auditions

Battle of the Bands Auditions are next Wednesday and Thursday (October 22nd and 23rd) from 7:00-9:00pm. But you must sign up for a 15 minute slot on the bulletin boards outside of the ASB office located on the second floor of Schimmel.


Shari’s Shake Soiree comes to a close!

Congratulations to Nathan Messmer for creating the Lemon Raspberry Shake!! It is now available at the Shari’s on Lancaster.


Open Mic Night!

Tuesday, October 21st!
9:00-10:30 pm!
Coffee Shop!
Sign up for a 10 minute slot. Share your poetry, musical talent, and even comedic abilities with us!
Come enjoy a lively coffee shop atmosphere.



DROPPING A CLASS: You may continue to withdraw from classes through November 7th. Pick up a course change card in the Registrar’s Office and pay the $10 fee per class dropped.

FRESHMAN: Final high school transcripts are needed. If we haven’t received your final transcript you were notified via campus e-mail and by your core advisor. We must receive these prior to the start of spring semester registration. You will not be allowed to register for spring classes until your transcript has been received in our office.

SPRING SEMESTER REGISTRATION: It’s time to schedule appointments with your advisor.
Senior Registration begins: Monday, October 27th: All graduating seniors should already have registered for spring semester classes. Please check SIS to see if you need to make any changes. Non-graduating seniors are allowed to register for classes on Monday, October 27.
Juniors: Registration begins: Monday, November 3rd
Sophomores: Registration begins: Monday, November 10th
Freshman: Registration begins: Monday, November 17th. You’ll receive info regarding your new academic advisor in core group next week.
*All students, with the exception of Music majors will participate in self-registration. This requires you to set up an advising visit with your advisor to go over course scheduling and to receive your registration code.

Graduating in May of 2015, but haven’t applied to graduate?: Time is running out…The last day to submit your graduation application to the Registrar’s Office is Monday, December 1, 2014. Application are still available for pick up in the Registrar’s Office.


“Where did YOU do your study abroad?”

Study abroad used to be an optional experience for students. In today’s climate, however, many employers assume that all students are doing some kind of international study. The question employers ask isn’t, “did you study oversees?” It is now, “where did you do your study abroad?” International study experiences beef up your resume quite a bit.

Many students aren’t able to spend a whole semester oversees. Here’s the good news: Corban offers short international experiences like our Great Britain Academic Tour.

You can join Drs Baker, Kersey, and Tennant and explore historic spots in England and Scotland firsthand. Then when asked about your international study, you can confidently tell them about your academic experiences in London, Oxford, and Edinburgh.

For more information contact Dr. Sam Baker

A drop of wisdom from Steve Hunt…

“Umbrellas are not your enemy.”

Mid Semester…busy…busy…busy!


Impressible You™

…will teach you the art of creating a resume that will get you noticed. This workshop is for the novice resume writer and even if you already have one, but just need a refresher. You will walk away with the key ingredients of how best to sell yourself on your resume. The event for all majors is scheduled for Thursday, October 16 from 7pm – 9pm in the Psalm Center. For free tickets, contact Sebastion Shoun .



Ever wanted to barb or jibe someone, but in a Shakespearian sort of way? Now you can! Join us on the Great Britain Academic Tour and you’ll learn how to graciously snub your friends, but in the most pleasant of ways. You’ll learn to say things like: “Hey, knock it off, thou artless base-court apple-john,” or “Do you mind not stepping on my shoe, thou qualling knotty-pated mammet,” or how about, “Please excuse me, thou spleeny pottle-deep gudgeon.” We’re joking, of course… but it you want to learn more Early Modern English slurs, come along on the trip! Deposits are now being taken. For more info. contact Sam Baker.


An Invitation from the Campus Safety Team

Do you have any questions or concerns they would like to voice to the Campus Safety Team? We would be more than happy to help you. Email, call (503-510-6430), or send us mail if you have any anonymous reporting. Or, better yet, set up a time to come talk to us. We care, and we want to help you any way possible.


Open Mic Night!!! Brought you by CLT

Tuesday October 21, 2014. 9:00PM-11:00PM in the coffee shop.

Sign up for 15 minute time slots in the coffee shop as soon as possible.
The sign up sheet is located on the counter.
You can sing, recite poetry, play musical instruments and etc.


Corban Experience Host Applications Available!

I know so many of you are excited to learn HOW to become a host for Corban Experience, well my friends I have good news. The host application is now live and I am just WAITING to hear from you! Simply click this link! Take this time to reflect back on your own Corban Experience weekend, and how can you can make that memorable for someone else beginning this journey. I am getting registrations left and right, and I can’t wait to let God lead me in pairing them up with their awesome hosts ( that would be YOU!). Let me have an opportunity to bless you, as you bless someone by opening your “home” and sharing your encouragement about college life! If you have any questions at all, please feel free to email me, Michelle.


The Great Shari’s Shake Soiree

Did you know that Shari’s Restaurant is creating a new shake flavor in honor of Corban Warriors?! I guess they really do appreciate our business late at night!  So this Tuesday, October 14th at 6:30 p.m. in front of the library stairs you can witness 4 “judges” deciding which flavor is most mouthwatering! Also, there’s still time to submit your idea for a flavor by filling out a ticket with your name & flavor you think Shari’s should create! The tickets and drop off location are at the Student Life Desk just outside of the ASB Office in Schimmel!



  •  Dropping a class: You may continue to withdraw from classes through Friday, November 7th. Pick up a course change card in the Registrar’s Office and pay the $10 fee to withdraw.
  •  Transcripts: Have you taken a course recently at another college or university? Make sure you request an official transcript be sent to our Registrar’s Office.
  •  Freshman: Final high school transcripts are needed in the Registrar’s Office. If we haven’t received your final high school transcript you were notified via e-mail. We must have your transcript prior to the start of spring semester registration, otherwise you will not be allowed to register for classes until it is received.
  •  Graduating in 2014-15, but haven’t applied to graduate?: Please stop by the Registrar’s Office and pick up a graduation application. The last day to submit your application is: December 1, 2014.



Men’s Soccer:

  • Friday, October 10th vs. The College of Idaho @4pm (Warrior Field)
  • Saturday, October 11th vs. Oregon Tech @1pm (Warrior Field)

Campus Recreation Department:

  • Sports Center GUEST FEE NOTICE:
    Effective Tuesday, October 14th, 2014. All non-alumni guest will pay a $5.00 guest fee. All alumni guest who graduated in 2013-2014 are free of charge up to one year following graduation. All other alumni guest will pay a $3.00 guest fee.
  • Guest Hours (includes alumni):
    Monday-Thursday 6pm-11pm
    Friday 6pm-10pm (closed during home matches)
    Saturday 6pm-10pm
    Game days 11am-4pm
    Sunday 6pm-10pm
  • No charge: Full and part-time Students, Staff, Faculty and all immediate family members of the aforementioned.
  • Intramural Leagues/Tournaments: Participation remains at no cost for all ALUMNI.

Questions? Contact Director of Campus Recreation Donny Zavala.


Interested in Japanese Anime?

Have you ever been interested in learning more about Japanese Anime, and what makes it such a unique form of art and storytelling? Join us Monday, October 13th at 7:00pm in PV108 for an in-depth look at this media with a special screening of Makoto Shinkai’s classic “5 Centimeters Per Second”. Any questions? Email Curtis Brown.


Many THANKS from the Office of Alumni & Parent Relations!

A sincere thank you to all those students to helped during Homecoming & Family Weekend and attended events!


From the Office of Student Life:

  • New office hours at the Student Life desk! The desk will be manned from 9am-5pm, Monday through Friday! All emails or voice mails to Student Life may be responded to by either Cathy Downs or Brittany Croft.
  • Changes to campus health services –Although Corban has had to say goodbye to our campus nurse, health services resources are still available to you! We have created a page of community resources. Click here  to help you locate medical support off campus. When health issues impact class attendance, students are encouraged to communicate this information directly to their faculty who will reach out to Student Life personnel if needed.

If you have further questions, please email Pam Standridge, Director of Wellness Services, or call her at 503.375.7177.


If you have had difficulty with your subscription to the Corban Clips, please try to activate it again. Information Services recently attempted to fix the difficulties in receiving the Clips directly to your email. Please go to the blog on the “Inside Corban” page and scroll down and “re-subcribe”. If you find that next week it does not go directly to your email, please give feedback to Student Life.


CLT Student Initiatives presents…

Triple Ten Devos!

Who we are: We’re different than a typical campus Bible study. Triple Ten Devos consists of students gathering for both personal devotions, and a time of sharing God’s Word with each other.
What we do: Each Triple Ten gathering is split into three parts:
1. Ten minutes of personal Bible reading
2. Ten minutes of journaling/praying
3. Ten minutes of sharing what we read with each other
When: 8:00-8:30 PM, every Tuesday night.
Where: The Library, South Solarium




First Week of October…and alot going on!!!

Changes to Campus Health Services

Although Corban has had to say goodbye to our campus nurse, health services resources are still available to you! We have created a page of community resources ( to help you locate medical support off campus. When health issues impact class attendance, students are encouraged to communicate this information directly to their faculty who will reach out to Student Life personnel if needed.
If you have further questions, please email Pam Standridge, Director of Wellness Services, or contact her at 503.375.7177.



If you want to know the answer to this one, you’ll have to experience it first-hand on the Great Britain Academic Tour – May 2015. Trust us when we say, “Great Britain has some of the most fascinating culinary delights in the world!” You will experience cuisine beyond the imagination—things like: Fish and Chips, Bangers and Mash, Crisps, Pasties, Toad in the Hole, Bubble and Squeak, Welsh Rarebit, Cullen Skink, Stargazey Pie, Singing Hinnies (no jokes here…), Jam Roly Poly… and more! Deposits are now being taken for the trip, so don’t miss out on a truly amazing experience. For more information, please contact Sam Baker.


Warrior Athletic Events this Weekend!

Friday Oct. 3: Volleyball vs. Northwest Christian @7pm C.E. Jeffers Sport Center
Saturday Oct. 4: Softball Alumni Game @ 10:00 a.m. – Warrior Field
Saturday Oct. 4: XCountry, Bush Park, Salem, Men at 11:00 a.m., Women at 11:50 a.m.
Saturday Oct. 4: Women’s Soccer vs. Southern Oregon @1 p.m.- Warrior Field
Saturday Oct. 4: ‘Fifth Quarter’ @2:45 p.m. — Food, Alumni, Family in Grass Triangle between Soccer and Baseball Field
Saturday Oct. 4: Men’s Soccer vs. Warner Pacific @4 p.m. – Warrior Field


Red Cross Blood Drive

The blood drive is coming up this Thursday, October 9th! We are still looking for several donors who are available between 11am and 4pm. It would only take an hour of your time and your blood would be used to save someone’s life. Sign up by emailing Ben Maison or finding an ASB Officer.


“Will West Africa’s deadly Ebola outbreak turn into a pandemic?”

It’s global headline news every day now. Three Christian medical missionaries were on the front lines when the crisis hit. We have the privilege of hearing directly from one of those three doctors, Salem’s own Debbie Eisenhut MD. She is scheduled to speak in chapel on Monday, Oct. 13. Don’t miss it!

Debbie Eisenhut in action for Chapel


CAPITAL PUNISHMENT – What should Christians do with a murderer?

Is capital punishment an appropriate Christian response to murder? Does the American justice system foster reconciliation? Come to the Psalm Center Wednesday, October 8th at 7:00 p.m. to hear Professor James D. Slack, Director of the Master of Public Administration Program at Regent University, discuss the crime and execution of Jack Harrison Trawick. Extra credit may be available in ATC &WTC classes for attendance (ask your instructor). Professor Slack’s discussion will be based on his book, Abortion, Execution and the Consequences of Taking Life.


Dean’s Reception -Tuesday, October 7th from 7-8:30 p.m.

Griff Lindell, Dean of the Hoff Schooll of Business invites you to an evening complete with Refreshments – Games – Prizes – GRAND PRIZE DRAWING FOR AN iPAD!!! (You must be a registered Corban student & present at the reception to be eligible to win.) Business students are required to attend. When you arrive, please check in at the registration table, pick up your name tag & drop off your ticket to be entered in the drawing. Seniors: host a table & get an extra ticket! To host, email Katelyn Dixon.



  • Friday, October 10th: No classes: Study Day
  • Freshman: Final high school transcripts are needed in the Registrar’s Office. If we haven’t received yours you were notified via e-mail. We must have your transcript prior to the start of spring semester registration, otherwise you will not be allowed to register for classes.
  • Transcripts: Have you taken a course recently at another college or university? Make sure that you request an official transcript be sent to our Registrar’s Office.
  • Dropping a class: You may continue to withdraw from classes through Friday, November 7th. Pick up a course change card in the Registrar’s Office and pay the $10 fee to withdraw.
  • Graduating in 2014-15, but haven’t applied to graduate?: Stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up a graduation application. Last day to submit your application is December 1, 2014.



Need help registering for a Reach project? Everything you need is on Converge, My Courses, Reach. Check it out, and it if you need additional help, please email Valerie Geer.


Student Life Desk Hours Have Changed

The Student Life reception desk will be staffed from 9am-5pm beginning Oct 6th?



Your October Tuition Statement should have reached you by Corban email this week!

• If you have questions regarding the information on your statement visit to access your Student Tuition Account. You can also drop by, reach us at (503)375-7030 or email
We would be happy to assist you.
• If you do not see your Financial Aid reflected on your statement, you may have documents missing. Stop by Financial Services, and a Financial Aid counselor would be happy to walk you through the steps you need to complete. You can also contact the Financial Aid Office at (503) 375-7006 or
• It is not too late to apply for a Monthly Payment Plan. Application available at
Tuition accounts not on a Payment Plan, covered in loans or paid in full for the semester incur a
monthly late fee of 1.5% of the outstanding balance assessed on the 15th of each month.
This charge will begin on October 15th.

Financial Services is open Monday through Friday, between 9:00 and 4:00 on the first floor of Schimmel. We would be happy to assist you!!


Epic Week Ahead for WARRIORS!

Lumberjack Games- TONIGHT, September 26th at 9:00 PM!

Come out to the Lumberjack Field across from the gym parking lot for a night of woodsmen from Davidson and Balyo intensely competing in the following events:
• Axe Throw
• Bear Claw
• Root beer & Pancakes
• Four Way Tug-a-war
• Log Press
• Two Man Buck
• Log Joust
• Log Roll

Remember to wear your flannel and bring a friend!



Westrek: Hiking & Outdoor Club

Saturday, September 27th 9:45a.m.

Join Westrek this Saturday as they do a 4 mile round trip hike up to Stahlman Point – which goes through some old growth forest to a small peak overlooking Mt. Jefferson and Detroit Lake. Remember to bring a lunch, and meet in the PVG lobby. Cost is FREE!!!

Contact Gavin Bowen if you would like to sign up or if you have any questions.


Student Event Team Applications Due!

Today is the last day to turn in applications to be a part of Corban’s Student Event Team! If you are still interested but haven’t picked one up yet, there is still time! They can be found at Student Life and returned once completed to the President’s Office.



Student Life is reinstating a past tradition…every other Friday there will be free, freshly popped popcorn at the coffee/candy table in Student Life! In case for some reason you’ve never ventured by the Student Life area, we are on the second floor of Schimmel, right outside the ASB Office. Come check us out this afternoon about 2 or 3p.m. and get some fresh popcorn…just follow your nose!


Warrior Athletic Events this Weekend!

  • There’s a volleyball game tonight at 7pm. WEAR FLANNEL to support both the volleyball team and the Lumberjack Games! Watch the Warriors take on Northwest University – – – BE LOUD!
  • Men’s Soccer vs. Northwest Christian University on Saturday at 1 p.m.
  • Volleyball vs. The Evergreen State College on Saturday at 5 p.m.

Go Warriors!


Corban’s 1st Harvest Party!!!

Keep that flannel handy because Sunday September 28th from 2:00-4:00pm is Corban’s first Harvest Party!!
You could:
-peruse the garden and learn about how you can get involved
-play lawn games
-sip on cider and chat with friends
-win a giftcard. Say what??!

So come on down to Corban’s Community Garden–located behind the Nutria Pond–to kick off the fall season!

Community Garden Pic F14


What do Harry Potter and John Wesley have in common?

Come with us to Great Britain and find out! Join Drs. Tennant, Kersey, and Baker, along with other students, alumni, and friends on a fantastic journey to England and Scotland. Great Britain tour, May 2015… it’s fantastic… it’s epic… and it’s affordable, even for the most “delicate” of budgets! Need more info.? Contact Sam Baker.



Watch for your October Tuition Statement coming this week!

• If you have questions regarding the information on your statement visit to access your Student Tuition Account. You can also drop by, or email us, or reach us at (503)375-7030.
• If you do not see your Financial Aid reflected on your statement, you may have documents missing. Stop by and a Financial Aid counselor would be happy to walk you through the steps you need to complete. You can also contact the Financial Aid Office at (503) 375-7006 or
• It is not too late to apply for a Monthly Payment Plan. Click here for an application.
Tuition accounts not on a Payment Plan, covered in loans or paid in full for the semester incur a
monthly late fee of 1.5% of the outstanding balance assessed on the 15th of each month.
This charge will begin on October 15th.

Financial Services is open Monday through Friday, between 9:00 and 4:00 on the first floor of Schimmel. We would be happy to assist you!!


Remember when you came to Corban Experience?

Calling all hearts for hospitality and service!
We will soon be infiltrated by a flock of young students, coming from exotic locations near and far, visiting our beautiful state of Oregon in November to experience life on campus. This is where YOU have the opportunity to open your “home”, share your journey and potentially inspire one (or all!) of these high school students to a path of Christ based education here at Corban. Go check out page 8 in this week’s Hilltop for some insightful and entertaining reasons why you should host. All the nitty-gritty details will be coming soon, but if you are so excited and you are busting with questions, feel free to email me, Michelle!


Keep your eyes open for Humans vs. Zombies publicity! Only a couple of weeks until the big event!



  • Freshman: Final high school transcripts are needed in the Registrar’s Office prior to the start of spring semester registration, otherwise you will not be allowed to register for classes. If we haven’t received your final high school transcript you were notified via e-mail.
  • Transcripts: Have you taken a course recently at another college or university? Make sure that you request an official transcript be sent to our Registrar’s Office.
  • Dropping a class: You may continue to withdraw from classes through Friday, November 7th. Pick up a course change card in the Registrar’s Office and pay the $10 fee to withdraw.
  • Graduating in 2014-15, but haven’t applied to graduate?: Please stop by and pick up a graduation application. The last day to submit your app is December 1, 2014.


From the Reach Office:

  • Check out all Reach details on Converge, My Courses, Reach.
  • No more summer Reach work will be accepted after 9-26-14 by 11:59 p.m. (that’s TODAY!), but you can register a project for this school year by following the instructions on the Reach page of Converge and uploading your registration.
  • Questions? Email Val Geer.


From the Mailroom:

Please print you first and last name legibly on all your homework papers.
If we are not able to read your name, we are not able scan your homework papers for you…and we know you want them!



YOU can find help for those little things you wish you knew:
1) Why does my professor make all those red marks on my papers?
2) Why is it wrong to say “Me and Johnny played video games.”
3) Why do I need to understand prepositional phrases?
4) How do I know what the subject of a sentence is? Why should I care?


1) Sign up in the registrar’s office for En 081.
2) Pay nothing.
3) Earn one credit.
4) Meet Thursdays (Oct. 2, 9, 16 and 23) from 5-6 p.m. in AC3302.

Questions? Email Ellen Kersey


What is Japanese Anime?

Have you ever been interested in learning more about Japanese Anime, and what makes it such a unique form of art and storytelling? Join us Monday, October 13th at 7:00pm in PV108 for an in-depth look at this media with a special screening of Makoto Shinkai’s classic “5 Centimeters Per Second”.


How can I prevent suicide in my community?

The Wellness Center would like to encourage you to take a moment to read through the suicide prevention fact sheet and to view a short (8 minute) video explaining teen depression. Because:
One conversation can change a life and you could be the 1.

View Video


Musical Event:

Faculty Recital featuring Casey Bozell, violin
Tuesday, September 30, 2014 at 7:30 PM in the Psalm Center



During the first chapel of September Dr. Matt Lucas presented a compelling introduction to Corban’s “Picking Up the Pieces” theme for this year. This past Monday Dr. Greg Trull launched “Picking Up the Pieces – Through the Book of Judges,” a 6-part Fall 2014 series by Corban’s School of Ministry faculty. If you missed either of these messages, it’s not too late. Both are featured on Corban’s social media channels, including Facebook (aka

Check it out!


Homecoming & Family Weekend is October 3rd & 4th

There’s plenty going on and many options for you and your family!

Friday October 3:

  • 1:30-2:30 LADIES TEA in the Psalm Center, yep, only females. This will include your mother, grandmother and alumnae. Special music, door prizes and Lee Ann Zanon, Adjunct Faculty, will share on “Smiling at the Future, Holding on to Hope”.
  • 1:30-3 Disc Golf Tourney for GUYS only. Go play 9 holes of disc golf on the new course. Bring your own disc. Prizes will be awarded! Hosted by Campus Rec. This includes your dad, grandfather and alumni.
  • 7:30-8:30 Best of Corban (not a competition — just showing off your talent). Join friends for a musical variety show of solos, duets, combos and some surprises. Kettle corn and candy!
  • 9 p.m. Table Tennis Tourney with prizes. Hosted by Campus Rec.

YOU MUST, MUST, MUST RSVP FOR THESE EVENTS. Why? So we can feed you! So click this link to register for Friday (do it by Oct. 1)

Saturday Evening Oct 4th:

  • 7-8 p.m. REACH Showcase in the Psalm Center. Come hear and see where some of your friends have gone plus yummy International desserts!!
  • 7-9 p.m. In It to Win It. You already know what this is!! Sponsored by Campus Rec.

Just click on link to register for Saturday stuff by Oct. 1.