Category Archives: Uncategorized

Need a Yearbook?


2017-2018 Yearbooks can be purchased NOW for only $10! You can log onto this website: and pay with a credit or debit card.

If you prefer, you may pay with cash or check; simply put cash or check in an envelope marked YEARBOOK and drop it in the Big Blue Box outside the faculty office on the 5th floor of the Academic Building. Be sure your name is on it.


If you missed out on getting a yearbook last year, you still can do that. For only $5, you can get a copy. Just log onto, and select 2016-2017 Student On-Campus. Use a credit or debit card and pay $5. Or you can pay $5 cash or check. Just email Ellen Kersey, yearbook adviser, at, and she will arrange a time for you to pick up last year’s yearbook.


Check out the error on the bulletin board outside the Adjunct Office, AC5525, across from the elevator. Be the first to email explaining the error, and you’ll earn a free coffee from Common Grounds.

Humans vs Zombies

Starting this Sunday night, humans try to fend off the sudden outbreak of zombie students with nerf guns and sock bombs all around campus. Contact SAB to find out more!

The harvest season is upon us! Come get to know the garden program to help grow food for those in need, learn organic gardening methods, eat tasty vegetables, and sign-up for a Reach project. Meeting times are Mondays from 4:00pm-5:30pm

Please let us know if you would like to be included on our garden email list (

Find us on Facebook at ‘Corban Community Garden

Beach, Reach, and More!

Beach Party 2017!!! Come enjoy some fun in the sun playing games, digging for treasure, eating, and more!

Where? Bob Straub State Park in Pacific City, OR

When? Saturday, September 9th from 2PM-8PM


Greetings from the Barn! Starting this week, our biweekly Barn newsletter will be sent out via email. Each email will include the latest Barn news, including photos, projects, and upcoming events. It’s a great way for us to get to know one another! Hesitant about the frequency, or already plugged-in to our social media sites? You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the link at the bottom of each newsletter. (Just don’t forget about us, okay?)


“Make a Difference Day” Wednesday, September 13th.

Hosted by the Reach Program, the day will kick off in chapel with a message from Mark Bulgin, Ike Box co-founder. Mark will share the Ike Box vision, a powerful story about the tragic death of their infant son, and how the Ike Box was born. Ike Box  now impacts the lives of youth through their mission: “We help divested young people build capacity to rise to the challenges of life”.

Evening activities will be located in the Barn from 6:30p.m. -8:30 p.m. and will feature students presenting their summer Reach projects and reflection artwork. Coffee, cheesecake and barn activities will be provided!

Service Saturday Program

Not sure where to serve for Reach? We have an opportunity for you!

Join Reach Coordinator, Liane Smith, and other Corban students for a monthly service day to complete a Reach project! The Service Saturday program will introduce you to issues surrounding our community as we serve with local organizations that are meaningfully impacting Salem.

Details: Attend each monthly Service Saturday and you will satisfy one Reach project.

First Service Saturday: September 16 at Habitat for Humanity (12:30 to 5:00 p.m.)

How to sign up: email and attend an informational meeting. We are limited to 15 students so sign up if you are interested!



Spring Reminder


ADDING/DROPPING CLASSES: Friday, January 20th is the last day to add/drop classes from your Spring schedule without a fee.  After that date you may only withdraw from a class up through the 10th week of the semester (Friday, March 17th).  Please verify your Spring semester class schedule in SIS to make sure everything is up to date.

GRAD FINALE 2017: Are you graduating this school year?:  Graduates you were recently mailed a flier about our upcoming Grad Finale event to be held on Thursday, February 16th, from 2 – 6 p.m. (open house) in the Emitte Center.  This is an opportunity for you to pick up your cap & gown, commencement tickets, order graduation announcements & class rings, meet our graduation photographer, learn more about being an alum, the ASB banquet and much, much more…DON’T MISS THIS!!!! 


The Barn

The Barn is transitioning to Summer Hours! 

Our last Open Table session will be this Thursday from 9am-5pm!
The Barn hours will be changing! More information to follow via Instagram and The Clips so stay tuned! We will be arranging our hours based on the schedule of special events. If you have questions, concerns, or ideas for a special event, feel free to email

You can also check out our calendar:
Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram @thebarnatcorban!

Dining Hall

Residence Dining schedule for this Friday, April 29:

Dining Hall: 7:30 am – 2:00 pm
Coffee Shop: 7:30 am – 1:00 pm
POD: 8:00 am – 1:00 pm

 Thank you for a great year and we look forward to serving you again in the Fall!



If you are planning on graduating in December of 2016 or May 2017, stop by the Registrar’s Office TODAY to pick up your graduation application. Completed applications and graduation fee are due in the Registrar’s Office by Friday, April 15th, 4:00 p.m. Applications that are turned in after the due date will be charged a late fee.

Students please take time to set up an appointment with your advisor prior to the start of fall semester 2016 registration. All students must meet with their advisor to go over their fall schedule and to receive their registration access code. Please check your account for any holds. Holds will prevent you from being able to register for your classes.

Registration dates are as follows:

  • Junior to be seniors & seniors: Monday, April 4, 2016
  • Sophomores to be juniors: Monday, April 11, 2016
  • Freshman to be sophomores: Monday, April 18, 2016

*You must have already completed the following number of credit hours to be considered a:
Senior: 93+, Junior: 62-92, Sophomore: 31-61, Freshman: 0 – 30

COMMENCEMENT 2016: Saturday, April 30th, 2:00 p.m. at the Salem Armory Auditorium. Rehearsal for graduates will begin promptly at 12:15 p.m. at the Armory. Please visit our webpage for more information about the event. Tickets are required to attend:

Summer 2016 online course offerings: Each course is 3 credits:

Session I: May 1st – June 25th

_____BI103SP Introduction to Biblical Literature: Chuck Schreiner
_____EN123SP College Writing I: Ellen Kersey
_____EN307SP American Literature: 19th Century: Colette Tennant
_____MA103SP Contemporary Math: Joe Greenwood
_____PS105SP General Psychology: Carl Chica
_____PS205SP Lifespan Development: Ann Gibson
_____TH205SP Introduction to Theology: Kent Kersey

Session II: June 26th – August 20th

_____AT102SP Introduction to Art: Paula Wenell
_____BA225SP Micro Economics: Chuck Schreiner
_____BI312SP Bible Book Study: Acts: Nick Coleman
_____CM213SP Missional Living: Paul Johnson
_____CO102SP Fundamentals of Speech: Andrew Madaus
_____HI423SP: Special Topic: Bonhoeffer & The Reich: John Scott
_____MA113SP College Algebra: Joe Greenwood
_____SC143SP Life Sciences (w/lab): Jason Brownell
_____TH233SP Biblical Worldview: Kent Kersey

*Cost per credit hour: $420. Tuition must be paid to the Corban University Business Office at the time of registration
Pick up course registration forms in the Registrar’s Office. Students will be allowed to register for up to 6 credits this summer


We are looking for 10-15 students to participate in our LAST Admissions photo shoot of the year. Can you help?

When: Wednesday, April 20, 2pm-4pm (come for all or part of the time)
Where: Meet at the Welcome Desk in Schimmel

  • Solid colored clothing or muted patterns
  • Choose a top with sleeves (t-shirt or longer)
  • Keep jewelry simple and minimalistic
  • Corban gear is not required but always welcome. Note: Logos are not permitted unless it is Corban’s
  • Remember, you will be representing Corban, so put your best self forward, clothing included
  • Bring backpacks, laptops, coffee cups, etc.—anything you would typically carry around campus with you

Email if you can participate. As our thanks, you’ll get access to the digital photos and a $5 gift card … and the fun of seeing yourself as the face of Corban!