Busy…Busy Weekend on Campus! Don’t Miss a Thing!

Right now…this afternoon there are doughnuts in the ASB office! Come up visit Student Life and ASB and grab a doughnut!


It’s time for the Basement Bash!!!

The theme: Mullet: Business in the front, party in the basement!

The time: 8 – 11 p.m.

In the basement will be the dance…but every where else around the building there will be low key activities.
All Corban students are invited!!!
Go enjoy a fun Halloween night, TONIGHT with other Corbanites in Aagard!!!


Saturday, Men’s Soccer Game at Willamette

Corban University head men’s soccer coach Aaron Lewis announced this morning that Saturday’s Cascade Collegiate Conference (CCC) match vs. The Evergreen State College has been moved to be played at Willamette University due to field conditions at Warrior Field. In addition to the location change, the match will now start at 8 p.m. instead of the previously scheduled time of 1 p.m. due to field availability.

Prior to the start of the match on Saturday night, Corban’s nine seniors will be honored in a pregame ceremony as they each will be playing in their final regular-season home match for the Warriors. The match will be live streamed through video and audio, and live stats will be available as well.


Men's Soccer



Here is a great opportunity to worship Jesus with other young adults in the city. The Spot is an all-city worship and prayer event for our generation and you are invited!

Date: Friday, November 7
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Salem Vineyard Church (4750 Salem Dallas Hwy NW, Salem, OR 97304)
More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1487448194867417/

The spot poster


Fireside Chat:

This Wednesday, November 5th from 7 to 8:30, there will be a Fireside Chat with Dr. Nord to discuss the alcohol policy. Dr. Nord wants to hear your opinions and answer your questions. Come to the Emitte Center on Wednesday night for a students exclusive event as well as Dr. Nord.

Dr. Nord


Battle of the Bands:

Auditions are over and the bands have been picked. Keep your eyes open for the Battle of the Bands promo video coming out early next week! Only 9 days until the main event!!



As a Corban student, this past Tuesday you should have received a “Gift from Corban’s Library” email from Dean of Students Nathan Geer. You also should have received an invitation to activate a free account to RightNow Media’s exciting new online video library. This extensive media resource is made available for your unlimited personal use – again at absolutely no cost to you.
RightNow Media is essentially the “Netflix of Video Bible Studies.” Through this site you have instant access to thousands of outstanding videos covering a range of topics to challenge and encourage you. The RightNow Media site includes:
• Bible Study Library with video content on books of the Bible, the character of God, biblical finance, and much, much more. You’ll also find Leadership training from leaders like Tim Keller, John Piper, Matt Chandler, J. D. Greear, Eric Mason, Dave Ramsey and Andy Stanley.
• Just for Kids provides great video entertainment like What’s in the Bible, VeggieTales, Boz, Theo and many others.
• Customizable Training Library with a wealth of short training videos on a variety of topics.
• Leadership Events Library with videos from major conferences like RightNow, Catalyst, D6, Verge and Passion.

You can access and view these videos from your smart phone, tablet or computer … watch them on your TV … or project them for group viewing.
If you didn’t receive your email RightNow invitation this past Tuesday, please check your mail filter. Simply find the email, click on the link, put in your name and a password and you’re set to go!



DROPPING A CLASS: Friday, November 7th is the last day to withdraw from a course! Pick up a course change card in the Registrar’s Office and pay the $10 fee per class dropped.
SPRING SEMESTER REGISTRATION: It is time to schedule an appointment with your advisor.
Seniors: All seniors should now be registered for spring semester classes as October 27th was the opening of registration.
Juniors: Registration begins: Monday, November 3rd
Sophomores: Registration begins: Monday, November 10th
Freshman: Registration begins: Monday, November 17th. You will receive information about your new academic advisor in your upcoming core group. We must receive your final high school transcript prior to your spring semester registration. If yours has not been received by our office you were notified by email.

*All students, with the exception of Music majors will participate in self-registration. This requires you to set up an advising visit with your advisor to go over course scheduling and to receive your registration code.

Graduating in May of 2015, but haven’t applied to graduate?: Time is running out…The last day to submit your graduation application to the Registrar’s Office is Monday, December 1, 2014. Application are still available for pick up in the Registrar’s Office.



Hey! Check out the cool places we’ll be visiting in Scotland on our Corban University Great Britain Academic Tour. Just follow this link We’ll be visiting almost ALL of these sites—especially the castles, cathedrals, and palaces (oh, and some of the restaurants and shops as well. Also, don’t forget to sign up for HU491: GREAT BRITAIN on your Spring schedule. There’s a way to take the class for “FREE”… that’s right, “FREE!” For more info. email Sam Baker.


Note from Financial Services:

Registration is now underway, and anyone with a financial HOLD on their account will not be able to complete their schedule. Before you see your advisor, please come see Financial Services so we can assist you with the payment process, and clear you for registration.
• If you have questions regarding your semester balance, or need to make an online payment, click here for access your Student Tuition Account. You can also reach us at (503)375-7030 or financialservices@corban.edu.
• Having trouble making an online payment go to https://media.corban.edu/ds9/files/Online-Payment-Instructions_1.pdf.
• If you need to research additional outside loan options you can contact the Financial Aid Office at (503) 375-7006 or financialaid@corban.edu.
• It is not too late to apply for a Monthly Payment Plan.

Financial Services is open Monday through Friday, between 9:00 and 4:00 on the first floor of Schimmel.
We would be happy to assist you!!


Reach Information:

Did you know that you can see your Reach record? Just log onto Converge, click on My Courses, then Reach. On the left-hand side, you can click on “Grade,” and it will show you how many of the 4 required projects you have completed.


Sign up to be a Corban Experience Host!

Less than 2 weeks until our campus is filled with wonderful guests and their families! Have you signed up to be a host yet? What are ya waiting for?! I am in search of awesome hosts that can help accommodate pairs, and trios of friends visiting together. And gentleman, I have quite a few fellas coming and I need some more hosts for these guys… So I’m looking at YOU to help me with that!
Guide them, encourage them, pray with them, and let them explore Corban. Being a host can be a rewarding opportunity to serve and bless someone!
Obey then not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. Ephesians 6:6
Follow this link to register! http://undergrad.corban.edu/visit/corban-experience/host
Any questions? Let me know! mfahlgren@Corban.edu
