March 13th edition


The theater department’s production of The Miracle Worker opened yesterday, March 12th  and continues at 7:00p.m. this evening and the evenings of March 14, 19, 20, and 21. Tickets are $10 for students. (COMMUTERS: the first 50 of you to the Student Life Office get FREE tickets!)
The Miracle Worker tells the story of Helen Keller’s childhood and how she learned to understand the world around her with help from her teacher Annie Sullivan. After losing her sight and hearing at only 18 months old, Helen emerges from darkness into all the hope and beauty life has to offer. Come enjoy this award-winning play and support your fellow students onstage and off!


GRADUATION APPLICATIONS 2016: If you are planning on graduating in December 2015 or May 2016, stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up your application. Applications and application fee are due Friday, April 17th.

REGISTRATION DATES FALL SEMESTER 2015 CLASSES: Please take time to set up an appointment with your advisor prior to the start of registration. All students are to meet with their advisor, go over the courses you are to register for and then receive a registration code.
Registration dates are as follows:
 Juniors to be seniors & seniors: Monday, March 30, 2015
 Sophomores to be juniors: Monday, April 6th
 Freshman to be sophomores; Monday, April 13th
*You must have already completed the following number of credit hours to be considered a: Senior: 93+, Junior: 62- 92, Sophomore: 31 – 61, Freshman: 0 – 30.

CAP AND GOWN: If you missed Grad Finale and were unable to pick up your cap and gown, please stop by the Registrar’s Office today. If you would like more information about Commencement please go to our webpage:


GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: Final College Transcripts Due:
Graduating Seniors, if you have taken classes from another college or university, all official transcripts from other institutions must be received in the Registrar’s Office by April 1st.

summer sunshine    2015

The following courses will be offered online summer semester 2015:
• ED 410: Philosophy of Education, 2 credits, June 1st – July 31st
• TH233: Biblical Worldview w/Dr. Kent Kersey, 3 credits, June 15th – July 17th
• BI105: Bible Study Methods w/Dr. Sam Baker, 3 credits, July 20th – August 20th
• BI432EO: NT Book Study, Ephesians w/Dr. Gary Derickson, 3 credits, July 20th – August 20th
*Cost per credit hour: $335. Tuition must be paid to the Corban University Business Office at the time of registration.
Pick up a course registration form in the Registrar’s Office.



  • Advise and coach students to set up a lemonade stand business.
  • Coach kids’ soccer this Spring.
  • Serve in the gardens or the historic mansion at Deepwood Estate.

Check out these cool (and immediate!) Reach opportunities and many more toward the bottom Reach page of Converge (partner and non-partner organizations listed).

Graduating seniors (Spring 2015), don’t forget that ALL Reach work is due by Friday, April 3, 2015. Contact Valerie Geer with any questions or concerns.



Early Registration for Fall semester opens March 30th. If you have an unpaid balance and are not on a Payment Plan, a registration HOLD is currently on your account. Take care of your balance, so we can remove that HOLD today!
Payment Options:
1. Pay in Full. If you choose this option visit to access your Student Tuition Account and make payments electronically.
2. Pay with additional Loans. More information available HERE or contact the Financial Aid Office: (503) 375-7006 or EMAIL.
3. STOP BY and see us if you have questions or concerns. We want to help!

Tuition accounts not on a Payment Plan, covered in loans or paid in full for the semester, incur a monthly late fee of 1.5% of the outstanding balance. This fee will be added on March 16th. Please make payment arrangements to avoid further fees.



Corban’s publications, “The Hilltop,” “Hilltop Online,” and Yearbook are looking for a few great writers, photographers, or business-minded students.
If this sounds like you, pick up an application in the Student Life office to apply for an editor, assistant editor, or business manger position. If you are selected for the position, not only will you be able to use your skills to act as the voice of Corban, but you will also receive a scholarship!
If selected, you will need to enroll in Journalism Workshop on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:00-4:15 p.m.
Return your application no later than Thursday, March 19, to the faculty drop box, 5th floor AC, addressed to Amy Elker, journalism adviser.


open MIC

Next Tuesday, March 17th in Common Grounds!



You still can catch the 2nd Annual Christian Thought Leader Conference chapel message by scholar, speaker and author James W. Skillen, Ph.D. His message title? “RESPECT. LOVE. CLASH. REPEAT: House Rules for Christian Political Engagement.” It’s featured on Corban’s new SoundCloud podcast channel,



…is coming up March 16 – 20, the week before Spring Break.
• Learn about other cultures represented by our international students.
• Sample international cuisine each lunchtime in the Dining Hall.
• Make a difference in the world by joining for prayer for needs from different countries.
• Join us an inspirational movie that will challenge you to make a difference in the world.

Mon., Mar. 18 – 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. – International Displays (Library)
Tues., Mar. 17 – 8:30 – 9:30 p.m. – Making a Difference in our World through Prayer (Emitte Center)
Thurs., Mar 19 – 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. – Movie Night (PVG Movie Room)
Fri., Mar. 20 – 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. – International Student Chapel –
“Picking up the Pieces and the Challenge to Belong”

Please support our international students and join us in this inspiring week!



BASEBALL: Corban travels to College of Idaho to take on the Yotes this weekend for four games, opening NAIA-West action in the process.

SOFTBALL: The Warriors travel to take on College of Idaho and Eastern Oregon University, opening up Cascade Collegiate Conference (CCC) play for the 2015 campaign.

TRACK & FIELD: The Corban track & field teams look to continue their strong start to the 2015 season when they compete at the Saints Open this Saturday in Gresham.

GOLF: The Warrior golf teams look to continue a strong start to the 2015 campaign following a solid showing at the Corban Spring Invite. Next Tournament — Warner Pacific Spring Invite on March 21-22.

SPRING HAS HIT CAMPUS…there’s alot happening!

LOOKING FOR A JOB?…interview


A mock interview may help “calm your nerves” as you work through the job search process.

Mock interviews include: Thinking about the questions you might be asked from the following categories…

  1. Background
  2. Job/Company/Industry
  3. Style/Personality
  4. skills/Experience
  5. Future
  6. Goals/Aspirations

Other topics of discussion:

  • Dress for positive impact
  • Be prepared – show up with all needed documents for interview
  • Bring your own questions to ask!

Interested? Email Paul Lindell, M.A., LPCi at the Corban Wellness Center.


Josh Garrels Concert! March 31st

josh garrels

In the Psalm Center at 8:00pm. Email Kelsea Banks for a ticket!



If you didn’t get a ticket for the Spring Formal, we have a solution for you! All regular admission tickets are sold out, but we’ve printed off some Film Festival/dance admission tickets that grant entry at 7pm. While these tickets don’t include swing dancing and dinner, they do include admission to the Film Festival and dance party, which is 4 hours worth of good times! These tickets are available to anybody that wants, student or non-student alike. Get them in the bookstore now!


Films for the film festival are due on Wednesday, March 11th from 2-5pm in the ASB office!! Look in your inbox for a previous email sent out by ASB for tickets & specific criteria!




  • ONLY ONE WEEK LEFT TO DROP A CLASS!: Students you have until Friday, March 13th to withdraw from a class. If you need to drop a class, stop by the Registrar’s Office in Schimmel Hall to pick up the necessary paperwork and pay the $10 fee per class dropped.
  • CAP AND GOWN: If you missed Grad Finale and were unable to pick up your cap and gown, please stop by the Registrar’s Office today. If you would like more information about Commencement please go to our webpage.
  • GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: Final College Transcripts Due: Graduating Seniors, if you have taken classes from another college or university, all official transcripts from other institutions must be received in the Registrar’s Office by April 1st.
  • GRADUATION APPLICATIONS 2016: If you are planning on graduating in December 2015 or May 2016, stop by the Registrar’s Office any time after Monday, 3/9 to pick up your application. Applications and application fee are due back in the Registrar’s Office by Friday, April 17th.
  • REGISTRATION DATES FALL SEMESTER 2015 CLASSES: Please take time to set up an appointment with your advisor prior to the start of registration. All students are to meet with their advisor, go over the courses you are to register for and then receive a registration code.Registration dates are as follows:
     Juniors to be seniors & seniors: Monday, March 30, 2015
     Sophomores to be juniors: Monday, April 6th
     Freshman to be sophomores; Monday, April 13th

*You must have completed the following number of credit hours to be considered a Senior: 93+, Junior 62- 92, Sophomore: 31 – 61, Freshman: 0 – 30.

Summer classes2015
The following courses will be offered online summer semester 2015:
• ED 410: Philosophy of Education, 2 credits, June 1st – July 31st
• TH233: Biblical Worldview w/Dr. Kent Kersey, 3 credits, June 15th – July 17th
• BI105: Bible Study Methods w/Dr. Sam Baker, 3 credits, July 20th – August 20th
• BI432EO: NT Book Study, Ephesians w/Dr. Gary Derickson, 3 credits, July 20th – August 20th
*Cost per credit hour: $335 Tuition must be paid to the Corban University Business Office at the time of registration. Pick up a course registration form in the Registrar’s Office.


Special Events Intern-Paid position

In last week’s Clips we posted the Job purpose, details on day to day work load, and expectations for event days, for this position in the Special Events office. This is a 10-15 hour a week position. Interested? For details take a look at the full ad from last week’s Clips, Submit Cover Letter and Resume by March 20, 2015. Address to Kellie Wood, Director of Special Events, President’s Office, Schimmel Hall.


MIRACLE WORKER opens next week!

Come encourage the arts at Corban! The theater department’s production of The Miracle Worker opens Thursday March 12th at 10:30am, and continues at 7:00 on the evenings of March 13, 14, 19, 20, and 21. Tickets at $10 for students.
The Miracle Worker tells the story of Helen Keller’s childhood and how she learned to understand the world around her with help from her teacher Annie Sullivan. After losing her sight and hearing at only 18 months old, Helen emerges from darkness into all the hope and beauty life has to offer. Come enjoy this award-winning play and support your fellow students onstage and off!


15262C Christian Thought Leader Chapel Poster


Westrek: Tillamook Head Hike

Saturday, March 7th 9:45 AM PVG Lobby

Tillamook head rises 1000 feet from the ocean and boasts jagged capes adorned in vegetation. Lucky for us, this is where Westrek is headed next! Get off Campus and join us for an adventure on the coast! You can make new friends or meet new ones, it’ll be a hike to remember!

Cost is FREE!!!

Contact Gavin Bowen if you would like to sign up or have any questions



Spring Student Statements were sent to your Corban Email this week. It is your responsibility to make arrangements for the balance to be paid. Please forward your parents this E-statement if they are assisting you to pay.
Early Registration for Fall semester opens March 30th. If you have an unpaid balance and are not on a Payment Plan, a registration HOLD is currently on your account. Take care of your balance, so we can remove that HOLD today!

Payment Options:
1. Pay in Full. If you choose this option visit to access your Student Tuition Account and make payments electronically.
2. Pay with additional Loans. More information available HERE or contact the Financial Aid Office: (503) 375-7006 or EMAIL.
3. STOP BY and see us if you have questions or concerns. We want to help!
Tuition accounts not on a Payment Plan, covered in loans or paid in full for the semester, incur a monthly late fee of 1.5% of the outstanding balance. This fee will be added on March 16th. Please make payment arrangements to avoid further fees.



Abbot and Fenner Business Consultants $1000 Essay Scholarship.
• scholarships for a variety of student groups: Student Athletes, Christian Students, Future Teachers and more.

Need more info? email Jamie Gilman Financial Aid Counselor


Last Friday the Library had an Edible book contest. Check out our winners.

edible book 1




More details?



Do you have a passion for writing or photography?
Would you like to be a mover and a shaker?
Are you willing to learn and try new things?
Do you want to be a part of the “in” crowd and know what is happening on campus before the rest of the student body?
Could you use some extra cash to help pay for tuition?
If the answer is “yes”, consider applying for a leadership position for one of Corban’s publications!
Editor and Asst. Editor positions are available for Corban’s print publication “The Hilltop,” online publication “Hilltop News”, the yearbook, and photographer. We also have a new position available this year for a Business Manager. Each position is a year-long commitment and each includes a small scholarship.
You must be enrolled in Journalism Workshop on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:00-4:15 p.m. if you are selected for a position.
If interested, please pick up an application in the Student Life office. Return your application NLT Thursday, March 19, to the faculty drop box, 5th floor AC, addressed to Amy Elker, journalism adviser.



Townhouse apps are available in the Student Life office, located on the second floor of Shimmel. Your completed application is due March 12th.


 R E A C H !

Register your Spring Break Reach projects at your convenience by uploading a Project Registration Form through the Reach page of Converge (under My Courses). Go ahead and check your “grade” while you’re there, and make sure your Reach record is correct with your understanding of your previous Reach projects and transfer credits. Email any questions or concerns to


Information on Utah Mission

The Hagar Home = A place of refuge, healing, and hope for those fleeing polygamy
What? A 40 minute documentary about women & children who fled polygamy and have found refuge in Christ.
When? March 6th @ 8pm
Where? Emitte Center
Why? To see what this ministry is all about and how you can help!!
* If you are unable to attend but would still like to learn more about this ministry, please contact Jenna Marie Harris, Morgan Case, or check out the website


Last Clips of February!


Email Kelsea Banks for a ticket for the March 31st concert. In the Psalm Center at 8PM. Do NOT get your ticket online, those are ONLY for people who do not go to Corban.



As has been announced previously, the Film Festival is just around the corner! In about 3 WEEKS, on Sunday March 15, you’ll be able to sit back, relax, and enjoy some amateur films created by your very own classmates. The Festival will be a part of the Spring Formal event at the Salem Convention Center in the Willamette Ballroom.

In order to have a successful night, we need your film submissions!  Many of you have already begun the production process. As you create your movies, keep these rules in mind:

  • There is a 3 minute minimum and 10 minute maximum length for film submissions.
  • Film submissions are due on Wednesday March 11 from 2-5pm, 4 days before the event. At this point, we will review the films and request any edits as needed. This will allow you, the filmmakers, to have time to make edits before the event.
  • Films must be submitted in .mp4or .wmv format.

The films will be judged by a panel of judges and awards will be given based on film quality (there are no specific categories this year). The awards are:

  • Best Character (not Actor, but the best character concept)
  • Best Screenplay (based on quality of plot, dialogue, etc.)
  • Best Cinematography (based on quality of camera angles, lighting, etc.)
  • Best Soundtrack (based on the music’s representation of the film itself)
  • Best Film Editing (based on the continuity, uniformity, clarity etc. of the editing)
  • Best Picture (overall)

Good luck and break a leg!



The library is having an edible book contest TONIGHT, Feb. 27 4-8pm. If you would like more information or to register for the contest there are forms in the library. Registration deadline is 3:30pm TODAY. Come by and see the creations, vote for your favorite. We will be eating the creations after 7pm.



More details:



Happy Friday, Corban!
CLT has listened to your feedback once more!
Because of this, Triple Ten Devos is changing it’s meeting time!
Our new meeting time will be Tuesday nights at 9:30pm. Hope you can make it!
Look for new flyers soon for more information.

Questions, comments or suggestions?
Please contact:
Spencer Raibley
Corban University
CLT, Student Initiatives



Special Events InternPaid position

Job Purpose: The Special Events Intern’s main role is to advertise for, hire, train, and manage the Student Event Team (SET), also assist the Director of Special Events during events, including preparation before the event, set up, assist during event, and tear down afterward.
Job Details Day to Day:
• Report to Kellie and assist her in whichever tasks require assistance
• Acting as communications liaison between Kellie and Student Event Team members
• Keep track of SET member hours and availability
• Be a point of contact for SET members
• Plan and lead (with Kellie) monthly meetings/trainings
• Meet consistently with Kellie
• Manage/upkeep all utilized forms of social media
On event days:
• Assist in coordinating student workers
• Be prepared to assist Kellie in event set up, clean up, and any tasks during events
• Be in charge of the hiring process for new SET members
o Assist in marketing activities, including brainstorming, implementation, execution
o Attend/conduct interviews and work with Kellie in the selection process
Necessary Qualifications
• Be an undergraduate student in good academic standing
• Have 10 – 15 scheduled work hours per week, more during event weeks
• Be available for events, including evenings, weekends, or during class hours
Skills Required:
• Communication – must be effective & efficient on phone, e-mail, and in person
• Multi-tasking
• Detail-oriented
• Flexibility
• Knowledge of social media usage

Submit Cover Letter and Resume by March 20, 2015
Address to Kellie Wood, Director of Special Events, President’s Office, Schimmel Hall.



Our Masters in counseling program needs volunteer clients. If you’re willing to come talk about yourself and your life on tape for 45-50 minutes, you can help the counseling students continue to develop their counseling skills? Come once or schedule several appointments, your choice. Talk about anything from indecision about your major, roommate issues, school stress, or anything else you would like to talk about. Please remember these are beginning counseling students. If you think you may have a more serious clinical problem then you should contact the counseling center on campus instead of volunteering with us.
These taped sessions are used to give clinical feedback to the counseling students and the tapes are deleted as soon as the student counselor presents the tape in supervision. This process makes them better counselors and prepares them to go out into agencies in the fall.
If you’re willing to help the student counselors work on their skills please respond by emailing Mary Aguilera. In your response please give me the times you are available Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. (Tues. 9 a.m.-4 p.m.), and if you would prefer a male or a female student counselor. My teaching assistant, Andrea Blake, will contact you with an appointment time. The counseling room is AC5524 on the 5th floor.


GRAD FINALE Door Prizes 2015
PRIZE WINNERS – Thank you to our donors!

$25 Starbucks Gift Card (Adult Degree Program) Alena Harvey
Diploma Frame (Advancement Department) Randi Cavalier
Diploma Frame (Advancement Department) Jennifer Limbeck
Corban Gear Gift Basket (Alumni Office) James Moller
$50 Nike Certificate (Athletic Department) Hannah Seagren
$20 Cash for Gas (Financial Aid) Nicholas Lampe
$25 I Tunes (Grad Admissions) Lyndee Elmer
Photo Package (Grad Images) Thomas Graves
Photo Package (Grad Images) Melody Wahne
Photo Package (Grad Images) James Lloyd
Photo Package (Grad Images) Susan Smith
Fire HD 6 (Liberty Mutual Insurance) Cassandra Forster
One night lodging (Phoenix Inn South) Molly Schaap
$25 I Tunes (President’s Office) Leah Burns
$50 Gas Card (Reach) Dustin Cooper
$50 Gas Card (Reach) Andrew Kato
$50 Dinner and a Movie Package (Registrar’s Office) Emma Felzien
$50 Amazon gift card (Registrar’s Office) Eli Kaspari

*If you have won a prize, please come by the Registrar’s Office to claim your prize!

Summer classes2015
The following courses will be offered online summer semester 2015:
• ED 410: Philosophy of Education, 2 credits, June 1st – July 31st
• TH233: Biblical Worldview w/Dr. Kent Kersey, 3 credits, June 15th – July 17th
• BI105: Bible Study Methods w/Dr. Sam Baker, 3 credits, July 20th – August 20th
• BI432EO: NT Book Study, Ephesians w/Dr. Gary Derickson, 3 credits, July 20th – August 20th
*Cost per credit hour: $335 Tuition must be paid to the Corban University Business Office at the time of registration. Pick up a course registration form in the Registrar’s Office.

CAP AND GOWN: If you missed Grad Finale and were unable to pick up your cap and gown, please stop by the Registrar’s Office today.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: Final College Transcripts Due! Graduating Seniors, if you have taken classes from another college or university, all official transcripts from other institutions must be received in the Registrar’s Office by April 1st.
DROPPING CLASSES: Please check online in SIS to make sure that your schedule is correct. If you need to drop a course, stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up the necessary paperwork and pay the $10 fee per class dropped.



  • Will you be serving at least 40 hours over Spring Break? Register for a Reach project through the Reach page of Converge (under My Courses). Questions? Email
  • Graduating seniors: All Reach work (Project Registration Form, Supervisor Evaluation, and one-page reflection paper) is due by Friday, April 3, 2015. Heads-up: that is the first Friday back after Spring Break!!!



This is a symbolic day marking the point in the academic year when tuition stops paying for a student’s education and support from donors takes over. For the remainder of the year, it is gifts to the University that makes an education possible! This annual gratitude event is in celebration of our generous donors. On Friday March 13 during chapel, write a note, thank a donor, and eat a donut!



We are seeking out anybody who would like to donate to the trip in exchange for any yard work, cleaning, car washing… anything!
Everything is donation based – the team is not asking to be paid hourly per person.

Any questions about the trip or would like to schedule to have work done before or after Spring Break in March, email Katrina. Thank you so much considering!


The Hagar Home is a place of refuge, healing, and hope for those fleeing polygamy
What? A 40 minute documentary about women & children who fled polygamy and have found refuge in Christ.
When? March 6th @ 8pm
Where? Emitte Center
Why? To see what this ministry is all about and how you can help!!
* If you are unable to attend but would still like to learn more about this ministry, please contact JennaMarie Harris, Morgan Case, or check out the website



Overcoming insecurity through exploring identity. This processing group gives students an opportunity to:
~ Process feelings of insecurity and anxiety
~ Explore and expand their identity
~ Gain insight about themselves
~ Express themselves in a safe, non-judgmental environment


Art Processing Group

An art processing group offers students a creative way to:
• Process feelings of stress and anxiety
• Gain insight about themselves
• Express themselves in a safe environment
Group begins:
March 3rd at 12:30 pm and meets every Tuesday (except during Spring Break)
Location: Wellness Center in Davidson
Please email if interested



Win $5 by being the first person to the Student Life desk with the correct answer…


How much time, altogether, has Valerie Geer spent in China?

Ready? GO!!!




The Corban men’s and women’s basketball teams play in their final regular-season home games on Saturday night! Women tipoff at 5:30 p.m., and the men tipoff at 7:30 p.m. Saturday is SENIOR NIGHT, so be sure to get there to cheer on their Warriors and see all of the Warrior seniors honored prior to the start of the men’s game!

Also, next Tuesday, February 24th, the Warrior women’s basketball team will host a CCC Tournament Quarterfinal game! Opponent and tipoff time are yet to be determined, so stay tuned on!




In the ASB Office, after chapel until their gone!



President: Cecilee Russell
Executive Vice President: Mattias LaVoie
VP of Marketing and Communication: Brendan Dettwyler
VP of Ministries: Travis Carr
VP of Finance and Administration: Olivia Andvik
VP of Community Engagement: Micah Ropp
VP of Student Initiatives: Becky Peters



Spring Student Statements were sent to your Corban Email February 3rd.

If there is a balance due, and no Payment Plan is in place, please forward your tuition statement to your parents or the one(s) paying your tuition. It is your responsibility to make arrangements for the balance to be paid.

Payment Options:

1. Pay in Full. If you choose this option visit to access your Student Tuition Account and make payments electronically.
2. Monthly Payment Plan. If you did not need a payment plan for Fall semester but need to set one up for Spring, drop by Financial Services and we would be happy to help you.
3. Pay with additional Loans. More information available HERE or contact the Financial Aid Office: (503) 375-7006 or EMAIL.
Tuition accounts not on a Payment Plan, covered in loans or paid in full for the semester, incur a monthly late fee of 1.5% of the outstanding balance. This fee was added on February 18th.
Please make payment arrangements to avoid further fees being added to your balance.



What do you do when you encounter someone who is different than you?

As Christians we need to be able to understand other cultures to communicate and work effectively. This workshop equips participants to improve their cultural intelligence, or CQ. Join us in the Emitte Center Saturday, March 7 from 9:00 am—3:30 pm. Please RSVP by February 20 to Kelli Bennett  There is a $25 fee to cover the cost of the assessments.



Reminder for all Spring 2015 graduates: All Reach work is due by Friday, April 3, 2015. Email  for questions, advising, or to schedule an appointment.



An art processing group offers students a creative way to:
• Process feelings of stress and anxiety
• Gain insight about themselves
• Express themselves in a safe environment

Group begins:
March 3rd at 12:30 pm and meets
every Tuesday (except during Spring Break)
Location: Wellness Center in Davidson
Please email  if interested



GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: Final College Transcripts Due:
Graduating Seniors, if you have taken classes from another college or university, all official transcripts from other institutions must be received in the Registrar’s Office by April 1st.

DROPPING CLASSES: Please check online in SIS to make sure that your schedule is correct. If you need to drop a course, stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up the necessary paperwork and pay the $10 fee per class dropped.

Summer classes 2015
The following courses will be offered online summer semester 2015:
• ED 410: Philosophy of Education, 2 credits, June 1st – July 31st
• TH233: Biblical Worldview w/Dr. Kent Kersey, 3 credits, June 15th – July 17th
• BI105: Bible Study Methods w/Dr. Sam Baker, 3 credits, July 20th – August 20th
• BI432EO: NT Book Study, Ephesians w/Dr. Gary Derickson, 3 credits, July 20th – August 20th
*Cost per credit hour: $335 Tuition must be paid to the Corban University Business Office at the time of registration.
Pick up a course registration form in the Registrar’s Office.



Applications are now being accepted for the 2015 Great Lakes National Scholarship Program, which awards up to 750 scholarships of $2,500 each to qualifying majors in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) disciplines. Learn more.


PARKING REGULATIONS- Direct from the Campus Safety page

• All students, staff and faculty must register any vehicles they drive, including motorbikes
• Students are restricted from parking on Western Way including in front of Schimmel Hall from 7 am to 5 pm Monday-Friday.
• Resident students are required to park in their residence hall parking lot at all times.
• Commuter students are not to park in designated residence hall parking.

Areas designated “visitor” are to be used only by visitors at all times.



The Utah Spring Break Mission Trip is still fundraising for and is seeking out anybody who would like to donate to the trip in exchange for any work – yard work, cleaning, car washing… anything! Everything is donation based – the team is not asking to be paid hourly per person. Thank you so much considering!

If you have any questions about the trip or would like to schedule to have some work done before or after Spring Break in March, contact Katrina at



The CLT Public Engagement team is still looking for participants for the Poverty Simulation on Saturday, Feb. 28, 2015. By choosing to participate, you’re intending to:
-Increase your awareness of poverty
-Enhance your perspective and understanding of poverty
-Learn solutions to poverty and improve existing resources


The poverty simulation experience is designed to help participants begin to understand what it might be like to live in a typical low-income family trying to survive from month to month. It is a simulation, not a game.  The object is to sensitize participants to the realities faced by low-income people. It will be an impactful and practical way of stirring hearts to serve those living in poverty.


For more information, contact Katrina Aman at


Say So Long to Insecurity!

Overcoming insecurity through exploring identity. This processing group gives students an opportunity to:
~ Process feelings of insecurity and anxiety
~ Explore and expand their identity
~ Gain insight about themselves
~ Express themselves in a safe, non-judgmental environment

Group Begins on March 3 from 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm and meets in the Wellness Center every Monday, except during Spring Break.








Come by Student Life today from 3:30 – 4:30p.m.!!!! Come and munch some!!!


President’s Day (2/16) Schedule for Corban Dining

Dining Hall
10:30am – 6:30pm

Coffee Shop


ASB Coordinator Applications still available!

Pick one up at the Student Life desk and if you have any questions, contact an ASB officer.

ELECTION CHAPEL is NEXT Wednesday (2/18)! Go to the election chapel to hear the speeches from candidates for next years ASB Vice President positions.



From Chris Vetter: I want to say thank you to everyone for another great Corban Experience event. We welcomed nearly 170 prospective students and their parents to campus over the weekend. I want to say a special thank you to Campus Care and Campus Safety for their extra work over the weekend – especially when we had the tree come down. Also to Aramark for all the efforts made to take good care of our guest through food service. MARCOMM came through again with some great materials for the event as well. Faculty – thank you for taking the time to show up on Monday and meet students and also for welcoming visitors to your classes.

Finally our students deserve thanks as well. Many of them invited strangers into their rooms and did a great job of making them feel welcome. The students also provided some great talent for Sunday night as well. It is the people that make Corban University the special place that it is – thanks for all that you do.

From Michelle Fahlgren: Thunder, lightning and even a fallen tree could not disrupt the awesome time our Corban Experience guests had this past weekend! HUGE thank you to all that hosted one or more of the visitors we had for the night. Reviews have come back positive and this weekend was beyond blessed despite the rainy Oregon welcome. Your voices and insight are so appreciated during this event, so thank you and have a wonderful – slightly less hectic- weekend!



The Music Department’s 15th annual Hymn Fest is happening February 19th & 20th at 7:30 pm. This year’s title is “What Wondrous Love is This”, and the focus is on Christ’s Passion.
The event will take place at First Presbyterian Church, 770 Chemeketa St NE, Salem OR.
All of the hymns are arranged by our resident composer, Mr. John Bartsch, for orchestra, choir, and congregation.



Stinky Bagels poetry club meets Wednesdays at 3 in the Coffee Shop.


Art Processing Group

An art processing group offers students a creative way to:
• Process feelings of stress and anxiety
• Gain insight about themselves
• Express themselves in a safe environment

Group begins: March 3rd at 12:30 pm and meets every Tuesday (except during Spring Break)
Location: Wellness Center in Davidson

Please email Counseling@corban if interested.



Grad Finale
GRAD FINALE: Thursday, February 19th from 2:30 – 6:30 pm in the Emitte Center (open house). Are you graduating this year? Then you should attend. This will be an opportunity to pick up your cap and gown, graduation tickets, order graduation announcements, class rings, meet our graduation photographer, learn more about alumni and career services, the ABS banquet and much, much, more…DON’T MISS THIS!!!!

GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: Final College Transcripts Due:
Graduating Seniors, if you have taken classes from another college or university, all official transcripts from other institutions must be received in the Registrar’s Office by April 1st. All Reach requirements must be completed by April 1st of the senior year.

DROPPING CLASSES: Please check online in SIS to make sure that your schedule is correct. If you need to drop a course, stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up the necessary paperwork and pay the $10 fee per class dropped.

Summer classes 2015

The following courses will be offered online summer semester 2015:
• ED 410: Philosophy of Education, 2 credits, June 1st – July 31st
• TH233: Biblical Worldview w/Dr. Kent Kersey, 3 credits, June 15th – July 17th
• BI105: Bible Study Methods w/Dr. Sam Baker, 3 credits, July 20th – August 20th
• BI432EO: NT Book Study, Ephesians w/Dr. Gary Derickson, 3 credits, July 20th – August 20th
*Cost per credit hour: $335 Tuition must be paid to the Corban University Business Office at the time of registration.
Pick up a course registration form in the Registrar’s Office.




Men’s Basketball: Corban looks to continue the momentum from last weekend’s 18-point triumph over No. 16 Warner Pacific College when it travels to Eastern Oregon University and The College of Idaho this weekend. The Warriors are currently fighting for a spot and positioning in the CCC Tournament.

Women’s Basketball: With another pair of wins over the weekend and a thriller against Warner Pacific, Corban has solidified its third-place spot in the CCC standings and will look to move up in the standings with wins this weekend against Eastern Oregon University and The College of Idaho.

Baseball: Corban plays a game per day from Thursday-Monday, taking on teams from the Northwest conference each day.

Softball: Corban heads to Redding, Calif., on Friday for the Simpson Tournament. In this season-opening tournament, the Warriors play three games each day, taking on teams from all up and down the west coast.


Wondering where you’re at with Reach?

Log onto Converge, look under My Courses, then click on Reach. Select “Grade” from the left-hand menu, and you can see how many of the four projects you have completed (this will include any transfer credit exemptions).
1. “Complete” – this means you’re done with that project
2. “Incomplete” – this means you have registered for a project and are currently working on it, but there are documents missing (supervisor eval and/or reflection paper)
3. blank – this means you have not registered for a project

Questions or want to schedule an appointment? Click here to email the Reach office.




Donut Friday! Come visit the ASB office for a sweet treat!



Can you guess how many packages were delivered to students for the month of January?
The one who does not go over the number will win a $10.00 Starbucks gift card and some homemade chocolate chip cookies!
Submit your answer to the mailroom, make sure your first and last name are on your guess. – One submission per person, duplicate guess will disqualify you completely!
Contest will end on Feb 12th at 5pm

Contest not open to Mailroom student workers (sorry)



The Student Life team wants to know!  We don’t believe that we are doing enough to foster student curiosity, creativity, and innovation and are requesting your help so that we can make changes.  On Tuesday, February 17, from 7-9pm in PV101, we’ll be conducting what’s called a Design Thinking Exercise.  This crazy activity might make your brain hurt a bit, but if you believe that we NEED to and CAN do better, please RSVP to and join us.

And yes, there will be both food and prizes!



  • Have you ever faced the frustration of finding a study room during finals week?
  • Have you ever felt odd for peeking in windows trying to figure out if someone was using the room?

Corban Library has a solution for you. **Door Hangers**
Like hotel rooms with their “room service” and “do not disturb” signage. These door hangers will communicate with those outside the study room.
Occupied – means that someone is using the room. This allows for a quick glance to see if the room is free to use.
You Are Welcome To Study In Here – the room might be occupied but you do not mind someone using the other part of the table to study, or to sit in a corner and read for class, etc.
The library hopes that you will be gracious and allow others to study in a room with you.
The door hangers will be in the study rooms on the second floor of the library only starting February 9th.



Check out Corban’s new podcast channel

Now, anytime you want, you can hear select chapel messages by Dr. Sheldon Nord, Dr. Matt Lucas, or other favorite Corban speakers. You also can hear a variety of our guest chapel speakers including Dr. Gary Lovejoy’s message on dealing with depression. Please visit, sample, like, follow, and share!




We are wrapping up sign-ups for the Great Britain Academic Tour, this May, 13-28. Spots are limited and we need to know by February 10 whether you are “in,” or “out.” As Robert Lewis Stevenson said, “To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive, and the true success is to labor.” We want you to “labor” with us! (And by the way, you’ll be able to visit Stevenson’s memorial in Edinburgh, Scotland!). If you’re interested and need more information, please contact Dr. Baker .



GRAD FINALE: Are you graduating this year? Information should have arrived in your mailbox this week about Grad Finale. Grad Finale will be: Thursday, February 19th from 2:30 – 6:30 pm in the Emitte Center. This will be an opportunity to pick up your cap and gown, graduation tickets, order graduation announcements, class rings, meet our graduation photographer, learn more about alumni and career services, the ABS banquet and much, much, more…DON’T MISS THIS!!!!

GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: Final College Transcripts Due:
Graduating Seniors, if you have taken classes from another college or university, all official transcripts from other institutions must be received in the Registrar’s Office by April 1st. All Reach requirements must be completed by April 1st of the senior year.

DROPPING CLASSES: Please check online in SIS to make sure that your schedule is correct. If you need to drop a course, stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up the necessary paperwork and pay the $10 fee per class dropped.



  • Resume Writing
  • Interviewing skills
  • Career Assessments
  • Behavioral Analysis
  • Job Sourcing
  • Discovering Passion

8a.m. – 4p.m. Tues & Thurs @ Wellness Center

RSVP to or call Paul at extension 2004



Campus Safety is accepting student applications for a Campus Safety Officer position through February 28th. If interested please go to print out and submit the application to Director Mike Roth.


Abbott and Fenner Scholarship Program

Abbott & Fenner Business Consultants are pleased to be able to continue with our scholarship program for the 8th year.

We will be awarding up to $1,000 to the winner(s) each year.
Scholarship Deadline – June 15, 2015.

Application Process:
Students will submit an essay on the topic that appears on the scholarship page of our web site:
Full details are available on our site.



WBB vs. Concordia Friday 5:30pm
WBB vs. Warner Pacific Saturday 5:30pm

MBB vs. Concordia Friday 7:30pm
MBB vs. Warner Pacific Saturday 7:30pm


The Corban Wellness Center has created a special place for relaxation! This is a space where you can relax by yourself in a small, low lit room where calming sights and sounds and back and feet massages are available. Many of us are stressed and tense and just wish we could get away from it all, well we can… at least for a moment. The Relaxation Room is open Monday/Wednesday/Friday in 30 minute time blocks. Instructions are posted and the experience is up to you.

AND… if you fall asleep we will wake you up!



  • Get your Applications and Deposits in to secure your spot!
  • Only 12 Study Abroad Spots are available!
  • Reminder: If you didn’t go to the Lunch Meeting Monday, Feburary 2nd… DON’T WORRY! There is another one Tuesday, February 10th 12-1pm in the Oakland room of Aramark!
  • Contact Mallory Malot (541)-326-6438, or Lisa Ross (714)-309-5526, your Study Abroad Ambassadors!



Townhouse apps are available in the Student Life office, located on the second floor of Shimmel. Your completed application is due March 12th.



Spring Student Statements were sent to your Corban Email February 3rd.
If there is a balance due, and no Payment Plan is in place, please forward this tuition statement to your parents or the one(s) paying your tuition. It is your responsibility to make arrangements for the balance to be paid.

Payment Options Below:
1. Pay in Full. If you choose this option visit to access your Student Tuition Account and make payments electronically.
2. Monthly Payment Plan. If you did not need a payment plan for Fall semester but need to set one up for Spring, drop by Financial Services and we would be happy to help you.
3. Pay with additional Loans. More information available at or contact the Financial Aid Office: (503) 375-7006 or

Tuition accounts not on a Payment Plan, covered in loans or paid in full for the semester, incur a monthly late fee of 1.5% of the outstanding balance. This fee will be added on February 15th.

A 1098-T has been mailed to your home address, but is also available on
To Access Your 1098-T:
First, log onto and select the 1098-T form in the middle column, and follow steps to create a PDF you can download and print for your use. CAUTION: This will not work on a mobile device.
Please come see us, in the Financial Services Office, if you have any questions or concerns regarding your Student Account.


That Thing You Do!

Only 2 more days until the Talent Show!!


Applications for ASB Coordinators are still out!

Did you miss the deadline to apply to be a coordinator? It has been extended! Pick up and application and see if you want to be a part of ASB next year!


Developing your Cultural Intelligence Workshop

What do you do when you encounter someone who is different than you? How do you feel? What goes on inside of you? As Christians we need be able to understand other cultures to communicate and work effectively within various cultural groups. We have so much in common! Living, dying, eating, sleeping, caring for our familes, looking for meaning and purpose. Yet, there is so much that is different!

Join us in the Emitte Center
Saturday, March 7, 2015
9:00 am-3:00pm

If you plan to attend the CQ Workshop, send an RSVP by February 20 to Kelli Bennett kbennett@corban.eduAll RSVPs must be received by February 20th to allow time for the pre assessment.

COST: there is a $25 fee to cover the cost of the CQ assessment. Once your RSVP is received by Kelli, additional information will follow.

Questions? Contact Janine Allen, Dean of Global Initiatives,



CORBAN CLIPS 1/30/15 EDITION: Everything you need to know to survive the 1st week of February!


We are excited to share with you about our next outdoor adventure! Come along as we explore the beautiful Oregon coast on a 2-day getaway! Kayak, hike, build a bonfire and stay with us at the coast! Sign ups will open Feb.1st.
Reservations by email at

Outdoor Rec
 February 21-22 (registration closes 2/17).




  • Resume Writing
  • Interviewing skills
  • Career Assessments
  • Behavioral Analysis
  • Job Sourcing
  • Discovering Passion

8a.m. – 4p.m. Tues & Thurs @ Wellness Center

RSVP to or call Paul at extension 2004



If you have ANY problems with these …

a) punctuation (do you know when and where to use colons and semi-colons?),
b) spelling (what’s the difference between “it’s” and “its”?)
c) grammar (why is it correct to say “The box of books IS on the table, ” not “The box of books ARE on the table”?)

OR you could use a refresher course, join us.

Dates – Thursday, Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26
Time – 5-6 p.m.
Place – PV 103.
Cost – Zero
How to join – Sign up for En 091 in the registrar’s office.



Applications for ASB Leadership, Cabinet Members and Coordinators alike, are due this Monday, Feb. 2nd, at 5:00pm at the Student Life desk!





GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: Final College Transcripts Due:
Graduating Seniors, if you have taken classes from another college or university, all official transcripts from other institutions must be received in the Registrar’s Office by April 1st. All Reach requirements must be completed by April 1st of your senior year.

DROPPING CLASSES: Please check online in SIS to make sure that your schedule is correct. If you need to drop a course, stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up the necessary paperwork and pay the $10 fee per class dropped.

GRAD FINALE: Are you graduating this year? Information should have arrived in your mailbox this week about Grad Finale. Grad Finale will be: Thursday, February 19th from 2:30 – 6:30 pm in the Emitte Center. This will be an opportunity to pick up your cap and gown, graduation tickets, order graduation announcements, class rings, meet our graduation photographer, learn more about alumni and career services, the ABS banquet and much, much, more…DON’T MISS THIS!!!!



From Corban University Office of the Registrar:

Student Worker/File Clerk
10 hours/week

Key Responsibilities:
• File Set up
• General Filing
• Scanning of Files
• Clerical duties as assigned

Successful candidates will be:
• Dependable, self-motivated and productive.
• Detail oriented.
• Discreet and able to handle confidential information with propriety

Applicants should send a resume and cover letter outlining how they meet the specific requirements of the position to Opening will be posted until filled.


baseball team

The Fifth Annual First Corban Baseball Dinner is Saturday, January 31st in the Psalm Center at 6:00.

The get-together kick off to the baseball season will feature:
–Honoring the past head coaches of the program
–The retirement of Jacob Kopra’s number 21
–The music of former player Justin White
–Video introduction of the 2015 Warriors
–Update information on the Cuba Mission Trip
–Preview of the coming season
–Special raffle of Warrior items, and much more.

Tickets are $20.00 which includes dinner
and can be purchased from a Corban player or at the door.

The Corban Wellness Center has created a special place for relaxation! This is a space where you can relax by yourself in a small, low lit room where calming sights and sounds and back and feet massages are available. Many of us are stressed and tense and just wish we could get away from it all, well we can… at least for a moment. The Relaxation Room is open Monday/Wednesday/Friday in 30 minute time blocks. Instructions are posted and the experience is up to you.

AND… if you fall asleep we will wake you up!



Now for your viewing pleasure… we have an information VIDEO that can help enlighten you on the adventures of HOSTING an awesome guest ( or two…or three…. ) for CORBAN EXPERIENCE!!! Grab a snack and a beverage, get comfy and give yourself a brain break from studying. You won’t be disappointed.
FIRST… follow this link :
THEN… sign up to be a host HERE : Still have questions? Email:



Spring Student Statement will be coming to your Corban Email February 2nd.
Payment Options Below:

1. Pay in Full. if you choose this option visit to access your Student Tuition Account and make payments electronically.
2. Monthly Payment Plan. If you did not need a payment plan for Fall semester but need to set one up for Spring, drop by Financial Services and we would be happy to help you.
3. Pay with additional Loans. More information available at or contact the Financial Aid Office: (503) 375-7006 or
Tuition accounts not on a Payment Plan, covered in loans or paid in full for the semester, incur a monthly late fee of 1.5% of the outstanding balance.

A 1098-T has been mailed to your home address, but is also available on
To Access Your 1098-T:
First, log onto and select the 1098-T form in the middle column, and follow steps to create a PDF you can download and print for your use.

The $5 Question of the Week: “You may or may not know that our head coach for the Corban Men’s Basketball team, Steve Masten, once was a Warrior himself! First one to Student Life with the name of the head coach for the Warriors at that time, wins $5!”





After chapel stop by the ASB office in Schimmel for free donuts until their gone! ASB is awesome and wants to celebrate FRIDAY with you! Like their door says, “Loiterers Welcome!”



Pursuing Your Passion

Alum Jason Leon is a State Champion Public Speaker (World Championships of Public Speaking). He’s currently doing a speaking tour on “Pursuing Your Passion.” You can hear Jason at Corban this Saturday, Jan. 24, 10:00 a.m. in PV101. More details at



Two Evenings of Basketball!

WBB: 5:30pm vs. Northwest
MBB: 7:30pm vs. Northwest

WBB: 5:30pm vs. Evergreen
MBB: 7:30pm vs. Evergreen

Who knows…maybe you’ll see Cadmar!




Come see the men of PVG apply their minds, bodies, creativity, and cunning to determine who is fit for the coveted title of Mr. VG. This is no man pageant.



Be a Corban Experience Host & Be Blessed with Cash!

2 for $25! Let us supply some gas money, or coffee run money, or maybe there is something from Target you just really want but can’t save your pennies for right now… If you host TWO guests for Corban Experience, we will bless you with an additional bonus. Dorm room too small to accommodate a lot of guests? Well, this also works for 2 guests PER DORM ROOM- you just have to split the extra $5 with your roomie. If you host a solo guest you will still receive a $10 gift card because we are so thankful! Remember though, this is a great opportunity to serve and be an ambassador for Corban University! Everyone must register again for spring, even if you hosted last fall. Here is the link:


The CORBANATOR Arrives In February!

YOU may want to be a part.

What is the CORBANATOR? It is a workshop that will cover some of the basics of writing: grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.
When: Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26
Where: PV103
Time: 5-6 p.m.
How can I sign up? Register for En091 in the registrar’s office
Cost: Zero!
Credit: One credit
Questions? Email Ellen Kersey


Interested in AMBEX?

All students interested in Ambex either in the Fall of 2015 or Spring 2016, there are two Ambex Lunch times coming up in the Oakland room of Aramark on Tuesday January 27th from 12-1pm and on Monday, February 2nd from 12-1pm!

If you have any questions, you can contact your Study Abroad Ambassador’s
Mallory Malot and Lisa Ross.

We hope to see you all soon!


Career Counseling Services

  • Resume Writing
  • Interviewing skills
  • Career Assessments
  • Behavioral Analysis
  • Job Sourcing
  • Discovering Passion

8am – 4pm Tuesday & Thursday @ Wellness Center
RSVP to or call Paul at extension 2004



  • Graduation Requirements: Final College Transcripts Due:
    Graduating Seniors, if you have taken classes from another college or university, all official transcripts from other institutions must be received in the Registrar’s Office by April 1st. All Reach requirements must be completed by April 3rd.
  • Dropping Classes: Please check to make sure that your schedule is correct. If you need to drop a course, stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up the necessary paperwork and pay the $10 fee per class dropped.
  • Grad Finale: Are you graduating this year? Watch your mailbox for more information coming soon about Grad Finale. Grad Finale will be: Thursday, February 19th from 2:30 – 6:30 pm in the Emitte Center. This is an opportunity to pick up your cap and gown, graduation tickets, order announcements, class rings, meet our graduation photographer, learn more about alumni and career services, the ABS banquet and much, much, more…DON’T MISS THIS!!!!


Parking Stickers

Do you have a current 2014/15 parking sticker? Did you know that if you change residence halls you need to get a new sticker? (they are free of charge) Don’t get a senseless parking violation when they are free…at the Student Life desk, second floor of Schimmel!


A Reminder from the Reach Office:

Graduating seniors: Please remember that all Reach work is due by Friday, April 3rd, 2015. Please upload all Project Registration Forms and one-page reflection papers through the Reach page of Converge; email the Supervisor Evaluation form to the supervisor, and he/she will email it back to


Corban Softball Raffle!

The Corban Softball team is holding their annual raffle. Prizes include gift cards to local restaurants, coffee shops, a Red Lion hotel stay, and more! The grand prize is a guided winter steelhead fishing trip for two with famed guide, Josiah Darr, of JDarr Guided Fishing valued at $500. The drawing will be held January 31st. Tickets can be purchased for $5 each by emailing or calling Nathan Ohta (503.316.3398)



Don’t forget your Tuition Payment for Spring Semester! Payment Options Below:

  1. Pay in Full. if you choose this option visit to access your Student Tuition Account and make payments electronically.
  2. Monthly Payment Plan. If you did not need a payment plan for Fall semester but need to set one up for Spring, drop by Financial Services and we would be happy to help you.
  3. Pay with additional Loans. More information available at or contact the Financial Aid Office: (503) 375-7006 or

Tuition accounts not on a Payment Plan, covered in loans or paid in full for the semester,  incur a monthly late fee of 1.5% of the outstanding balance.



Complete your 2015-2016 FAFSA!

Complete it by January 15th to be eligible for the most aid possible!
Questions? Contact Financial Aid!
Schimmel Rm 107 – 503-375-7006 –




Speaking of presidents…first STUDENT to the Student Life desk with the answer to this question wins U.S. currency with President Lincoln’s face on it!
Which past president of Corban University (aka-Western Baptist Bible College) wrote poetry until well after he was 100 years old?





Come by Student Life this afternoon from 2:00-4:30 for FREE – HOT – POPCORN!!!



When? February 8th &9th
I know many of you are excited to learn HOW to become a host for Corban Experience. Well, my friends, I have good news. The host application is now live and I am just WAITING to hear from you! Here is the link:
Take this time to reflect back on your own Corban Experience weekend, and how can you can make it memorable for someone else beginning their college journey. I am getting registrations left and right, and I can’t wait to let God lead me in pairing them up with their awesome hosts (that would be YOU!). Let me have an opportunity to bless you, as you bless someone by opening your “home” and sharing your encouragement about college life! If you have any questions at all, please feel free to email me:


L.A. Missions (Spring Break) WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT!

We invite you to partner with us in one or more areas:

1. PRAYER — Prayer is vital. Please pray for our hearts to be
prepared and open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Pray that
the Lord would use us in a mighty way as we serve.

2. DONATE BAKED GOODS — We will be selling staff and faculty
made baked goods at the “Mr. VG Competition” on January 27. Email
Seth Henry to sign up or for more information.

3. HIRE A STUDENT WORK TEAM — Need work done around your home? Let us do it for you. Donations are gladly accepted.

More info about the mission trip: Corban students have an awesome opportunity to serve the Lord in Los Angeles to work with the Dream Center over spring
break. The Dream Center provides medical programs, hunger relief,
homeless housing, job skills training, Bible studies,
rehabilitation programs, among other things to the broken in the
Los Angeles area. Students will be working alongside the Dream
Center to help run the various ministries they provide at their

Thank you for however you choose to support us. Warmly in Christ, the giver of life, hope, peace, and salvation,
L.A. Missions Team



Our guest speaker will be Dr. Bill Senyard


Dr. Bill Senyard, author, speaker and pastor, lives in the front range of the Rocky Mountains near Denver. He has pastored churches in British Columbia and Eastern Pennsylvania and is now the pastor of Lookout Mountain Community Church (Golden, Colo.). He is the author of Fair Forgiveness (2014), Cupology 101: A Biblical Theology of Forgiveness (2012), and The Kiss of God (2010, co-authored with Colleen Pepper). He is also a contributor to Tyndale’s Holy Bible: Mosaic (2009). He earned a Doctorate of Ministry at Biblical Theological Seminary (Hatfield, Pa.) and a M.Div. at Regent College (Vancouver, BC) after a 15-year business career. He also has an MBA from Northwestern University’s Kellogg Graduate School of Management and a B.S. from LSU in Chemical Engineering. Visit for more information about Bill’s newest and arguably most important book.

forgiveness fair


good health


If you haven’t yet experienced this years flu, you may in the coming weeks!
• Wash your hands with soap a lot! And use your towel to turn off the water.
• Stay away from friends who have a cough, fever, or other signs of flu.
• Every dorm has over the counter medications in the white boxes, near the kitchens (cough drops, cold and flu medicine, etc.).
• Get lots of rest and drink fluids (sounds simple, but is the best way to overcome in a short amount of time).
Don’t go to class sick! Tell your professors you are sick, they will listen.



Are you interested in being a part of ASB Leadership for the 2015-2016 school year? Did you miss Chapel on Wednesday? Are you confused what by what people are talking about with the changes to ASB? Follow this link:, stop by the ASB office to talk to an officer, and/or pick up an application in Student Life!!



Students of Corban! Major changes have occurred for how student activities will be working next year! Hopefully you were in chapel to hear the explanation.

As it pertains to activities: all large scale ASB activities (Beach Party, Barn Party, Talent Show, etc.) starting next year will be ran by the Student Activities Board.

Activity Positions:

Student Activities Board (10 positions available): The Student Activities Board is a leadership team comprised of juniors and seniors living on campus who complement the Student Leadership Team by providing students with opportunities for meaningful connection and unique experiences through large scale events.

Student Director of Activities (1 position available) : The Student Director of Activities is responsible for facilitating all campus activities for the Corban Student Body. They work closely with the Student Activities Board, and handle communication with campus departments and personnel regarding campus activities.

Come by Student Life and pick up an application if activities interest you!



Please remember to write your name and address for the return address on all your outgoing mail. See example below.
If there is no return name or address, it will not be mailed.

mail example



Adding/Dropping Classes: You have until today, January 16th to add/drop classes from your spring schedule. Please check your schedule in SIS to make sure that it is correct. If not, you should be able to make adjustments to your schedule online. After today you will be allowed to drop courses with a $10 fee per class. Course change cards will be available for you in the Registrar’s Office.

Grad Finale: Are you graduating this year? Watch your mailbox for more information coming soon about Grad Finale. To be held on Thursday, February 19th from 2:30 – 6:30 pm in the Emitte Center. This will be an opportunity to pick up your cap and gown, graduation tickets, order graduation announcements, class rings, meet our graduation photographer, learn more about alumni and career services, the ABS banquet and much, much, more…DON’T MISS THIS!!!!



TONIGHT – Friday, January 16
‘GOLD OUT’ NIGHT! Warrios vs. The College of Idaho
-Women tipoff at 5:30pm; Men tipoff at 7:30pm
First 300 students will receive a free commemorative Gold Corban Warrior t-shirt
Cadmar, the first-ever Warrior mascot, will be unveiled prior to the start of the men’s basketball game.

Saturday, January 17
-Warriors vs. Eastern Oregon University Basketball
-Women tipoff at 5:30pm; Men tipoff at 7:30 pm
-Games will be broadcasted on CCTV



Need just a little extra boost to motivate you to register for Reach?  Email to set up a quick advising appointment.  You’ll be done in 15 minutes or less!


That Thing You Do

Next Wednesday and Thursday night are the Talent Show auditions so start preparing your talents!! Check your emails for more information!! Follow this link to sign up for a time:


Developing your Cultural Intelligence Workshop

What do you do when you encounter someone who is different than you? How do you feel? What goes on inside of you? As Christians we need be able to understand other cultures to communicate and work effectively within various cultural groups. We have so much in common! Living, dying, eating, sleeping, caring for our familes, looking for meaning and purpose. Yet, there is so much that is different!

Join us in the Emitte Center, Schimmel Hall
Saturday, March 7, 2015
9:00 am- 3:00pm

Questions? Contact Janine Allen, Corban University Dean of Global Initiatives
If you plan to attend the CQ Workshop, please send an RSVP to Kelli Bennet:




WELCOME BACK! We hope you are having a great first week of classes!

Here’s what is happening…

PVG party poster

Come to PVG’s lobby TONIGHT at 8:30pm.
There will be dancing, snacks, photo booth, arts and games and Super Smash Bros.

Jan 10 concert poster

When: This Saturday! 7pm!
Where: Psalm Center!
Cost: F-R-E-E

asb changes pic



If you have any questions in regards to the changes coming on ASB, or if you are interested in being a part of ASB next year, come and talk to us. Applications will be available at the Student Life desk on Wednesday after the ASB chapel.



LifePath is a recovery program designed to help people get out of areas that they’ve been stuck in. These groups are conducted as a ministry of Salem Alliance Church. Group topics range from self-esteem issues to grief, loneliness, anger, and more. Some last for 8 weeks and some are ongoing throughout the year. Registration is affordable ($20) and scholarships are available for those in need of assistance.

Corban student Alex Gowan will be co-facilitating a group on women’s sexual integrity with Stephanie Husk starting in January. For more information go to:

Testimonial: I took an 8-week course this last semester on the topic of connection, communication, and boundaries and I learned SO much. Some of my favorite things about LifePath are the unique and focused group setting, the wide range of ages in people who attend, and the Spirit-saturated atmosphere. The Lord does amazing work there.


Important message from the Financial Aid Office

Complete your 2015-16 FAFSA!

Complete it by January 15th to be eligible for the most aid possible. Questions? Contact Financial Aid! Schimmel Room 107 – 503-375-7006 –



Sunday: 1:30PM-Midnight
Monday-Thursday: 7:30AM-11PM
Friday: 7:30AM-6PM
(We will be closed for chapel on M, W, and F, from 9:55-10:50)
Saturday: Noon-6PM



Adding/Dropping Classes: Students please verify your Spring semester class schedule in SIS. You have until Friday, January 16th to add/drop classes from your spring schedule without a fee. After the 16th you may drop classes up through the 10th week of the semester with a course drop fee.



Did you do Reach service over Christmas Break? If you finished your 40 hours, please make sure to upload your one-page reflection paper through the appropriate “Project #” on the Reach page of Converge (look under “My Courses” to find Reach). Also, please remember to download the Supervisor Evaluation form and email it to your supervisor so s/he can email it back directly to You will receive an email notifying you when these documents have been processed and your project is “complete.”

If you started to serve over Christmas Break, but didn’t finish all 40 hours, don’t worry! You have a full year to finish a Reach project (unless you are a graduating senior—then it’s due by the first Friday in April). You can return during Spring or Summer break, finish up those hours, and make sure your remaining documents are submitted.


Lost & Found

Lost and Found will be displayed through Monday (January 13th) in front of the Emitte Center until 4:30 p.m. After that it will be boxed up and taken to a local charity. Please stop by and pick up your stuff before then.


Would you like to be a Resident Assistant for the 2015-16 Academic Year?

Applications are now available. Pick up yours in the Student Life Office. Applications are due Friday January 24th at 5:00pm.


Campus Rec logo

Welcome back! We are under a new year, which means another chance for the new you!
Make this year count. We are eager to see you staying active, working out, playing hoops, running, walking, joining a team, going on a hike, or whatever else you choose!
Let us know how we can help. Get involved! It all starts tonight.

Click here for all our spring programming, calendars and intramural registrations.
In advance, thanks for checking in at the front entrance when using the facility for recreational reasons.

Athletic League pic

Women's league pic


MLK Service Day 2015

All students are invited to participate in one of many different service projects around Salem on Monday, January 19, 2015. This is a great opportunity for Corban to go into the Salem community to serve as a unified student body.

There are two different shifts available for sign ups:

Morning Shift (generally 8:00-12:00)
Afternoon Shift (generally 12:00-4:00)

Students, staff, & faculty are all welcome to choose a service project and sign-up! These Sign-ups are posted in the Student Life hallway.

If you’re curious about some of the organizations Corban is partnering with for the day, here’s just a few on the list:

-Union Gospel Mission
-City of Salem Parks
-Marion Polk Food Share
-Historic Deepwood Estate
-Corban Community Garden

Looking forward to a great day of service together!



Stop by the Student Life office, or email to make a change. But move quickly, no changes can be accepted after the close of Registration, January 16th.
