


Come by Student Life today from 3:30 – 4:30p.m.!!!! Come and munch some!!!


President’s Day (2/16) Schedule for Corban Dining

Dining Hall
10:30am – 6:30pm

Coffee Shop


ASB Coordinator Applications still available!

Pick one up at the Student Life desk and if you have any questions, contact an ASB officer.

ELECTION CHAPEL is NEXT Wednesday (2/18)! Go to the election chapel to hear the speeches from candidates for next years ASB Vice President positions.



From Chris Vetter: I want to say thank you to everyone for another great Corban Experience event. We welcomed nearly 170 prospective students and their parents to campus over the weekend. I want to say a special thank you to Campus Care and Campus Safety for their extra work over the weekend – especially when we had the tree come down. Also to Aramark for all the efforts made to take good care of our guest through food service. MARCOMM came through again with some great materials for the event as well. Faculty – thank you for taking the time to show up on Monday and meet students and also for welcoming visitors to your classes.

Finally our students deserve thanks as well. Many of them invited strangers into their rooms and did a great job of making them feel welcome. The students also provided some great talent for Sunday night as well. It is the people that make Corban University the special place that it is – thanks for all that you do.

From Michelle Fahlgren: Thunder, lightning and even a fallen tree could not disrupt the awesome time our Corban Experience guests had this past weekend! HUGE thank you to all that hosted one or more of the visitors we had for the night. Reviews have come back positive and this weekend was beyond blessed despite the rainy Oregon welcome. Your voices and insight are so appreciated during this event, so thank you and have a wonderful – slightly less hectic- weekend!



The Music Department’s 15th annual Hymn Fest is happening February 19th & 20th at 7:30 pm. This year’s title is “What Wondrous Love is This”, and the focus is on Christ’s Passion.
The event will take place at First Presbyterian Church, 770 Chemeketa St NE, Salem OR.
All of the hymns are arranged by our resident composer, Mr. John Bartsch, for orchestra, choir, and congregation.



Stinky Bagels poetry club meets Wednesdays at 3 in the Coffee Shop.


Art Processing Group

An art processing group offers students a creative way to:
• Process feelings of stress and anxiety
• Gain insight about themselves
• Express themselves in a safe environment

Group begins: March 3rd at 12:30 pm and meets every Tuesday (except during Spring Break)
Location: Wellness Center in Davidson

Please email Counseling@corban if interested.



Grad Finale
GRAD FINALE: Thursday, February 19th from 2:30 – 6:30 pm in the Emitte Center (open house). Are you graduating this year? Then you should attend. This will be an opportunity to pick up your cap and gown, graduation tickets, order graduation announcements, class rings, meet our graduation photographer, learn more about alumni and career services, the ABS banquet and much, much, more…DON’T MISS THIS!!!!

GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: Final College Transcripts Due:
Graduating Seniors, if you have taken classes from another college or university, all official transcripts from other institutions must be received in the Registrar’s Office by April 1st. All Reach requirements must be completed by April 1st of the senior year.

DROPPING CLASSES: Please check online in SIS to make sure that your schedule is correct. If you need to drop a course, stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up the necessary paperwork and pay the $10 fee per class dropped.

Summer classes 2015

The following courses will be offered online summer semester 2015:
• ED 410: Philosophy of Education, 2 credits, June 1st – July 31st
• TH233: Biblical Worldview w/Dr. Kent Kersey, 3 credits, June 15th – July 17th
• BI105: Bible Study Methods w/Dr. Sam Baker, 3 credits, July 20th – August 20th
• BI432EO: NT Book Study, Ephesians w/Dr. Gary Derickson, 3 credits, July 20th – August 20th
*Cost per credit hour: $335 Tuition must be paid to the Corban University Business Office at the time of registration.
Pick up a course registration form in the Registrar’s Office.




Men’s Basketball: Corban looks to continue the momentum from last weekend’s 18-point triumph over No. 16 Warner Pacific College when it travels to Eastern Oregon University and The College of Idaho this weekend. The Warriors are currently fighting for a spot and positioning in the CCC Tournament.

Women’s Basketball: With another pair of wins over the weekend and a thriller against Warner Pacific, Corban has solidified its third-place spot in the CCC standings and will look to move up in the standings with wins this weekend against Eastern Oregon University and The College of Idaho.

Baseball: Corban plays a game per day from Thursday-Monday, taking on teams from the Northwest conference each day.

Softball: Corban heads to Redding, Calif., on Friday for the Simpson Tournament. In this season-opening tournament, the Warriors play three games each day, taking on teams from all up and down the west coast.


Wondering where you’re at with Reach?

Log onto Converge, look under My Courses, then click on Reach. Select “Grade” from the left-hand menu, and you can see how many of the four projects you have completed (this will include any transfer credit exemptions).
1. “Complete” – this means you’re done with that project
2. “Incomplete” – this means you have registered for a project and are currently working on it, but there are documents missing (supervisor eval and/or reflection paper)
3. blank – this means you have not registered for a project

Questions or want to schedule an appointment? Click here to email the Reach office.
