Corban ASB Leadership is starting something new this year! If you have a passion for photography and want to get involved in producing some photos and videos for events and other projects, then this is the place for you! The Corban Camera Crew is a group of students that will get opportunities to produce amazing media for ASB, the University, and potentially the Salem community. This is a great opportunity for you if you have a passion for creating media.
There will be an interest meeting in PV 102 on November 5th @ 7pm. If you are interested in being part of this exciting new group, or just want to know more, then join us! If you have any questions please email

Remember to return your books to the library, as there are fines:
Books = $0.50 a day overdue
Reserves = $ 0.50 for each hour overdue
You can renew your books by going to, clicking on a Primo hyperlink. Using the sign in link in the upper right hand corner, sign in with your student id and last name. Then use the “my account” link to renew your books.
The Library has found a gift card. If you think it is yours, please see Sarah Davis.


Join the Fraagard community on October 31, Halloween Night, for the Basement Bash! We will be dancing in the basement, painting pumpkins, eating food, and so much more. Also, you won’t want to miss our new trick-or-treating event – a chance for you to eat fresh apple cider doughnuts, drink some freshly pressed cider, and find some other treats around our area. So grab a costume and come on down for the 37th annual Basement Bash down in Aagard!
*Fear not, there will be no mullet drop this year
Also check out the promo video here:
Are you a responsible student with good office skills, looking for on-campus employment for the rest of the fall semester? Student Support is accepting applications for a Student Office Assistant. Applicants must be able to work from 12 – 2 p.m., M, W, F. (If you can work until 3 p.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays, that would be even better.) They are looking for someone who can work 6 – 10 hours total, and will discuss other hours. Please stop by Student Support, AC3301, to ask for an application. Those who cannot work M, W, F from 12 – 2 p.m. need not apply. Applications are due to Student Support no later than Thursday, Oct. 29th. Thank you.
Registration deadline is Friday, November 6th!
People are registering for our May 2016 Bible Lands Study Tour! YOU TOO can go to the Holy Land with Dr. Tim Anderson and Dr. Greg Trull. They would love for you to join them! If you would like more information speak with Dr. Anderson or Dr. Trull OR request a brochure from them. You can receive 3 units of Bible credit!

Cost: $2095 + Airfare
Dates: May 6-20
Payment: $250 tour deposit due with your registration (reserves your spot)
Deadline: November 6.
Greg Trull, Ph.D. Tim Anderson, Ph.D.
Dean, School of Ministry Professor of Theology
Don’t miss chapel on Friday, Nov. 6, 10:00 a.m. It’s a University-wide communion service. Details at:

Wednesday, November 4th all lost and found items from around campus will be displayed in the hallway outside of Emitte Center. Any leftover items will be donated to the ASB clothing drive on November 11th. (You may also check the lost and found from November 4th – 11th in the Student Life Office.)
Hello all,
Corban University and the American Red Cross are hosting an upcoming blood drive. Please join our lifesaving mission and schedule an appointment today.
Site: Corban University
Address: 5000 Deer Park Dr. SE, Salem, OR, 97317
Where: American Red Cross Bus
Date: Fri Nov 6, 2015
Time: 11:30 AM – 4:30: PM
Coordinator Name: Tammy Dederick
Coordinator Phone Number: 5035108006
Click here to make an appointment
If you have an unpaid balance, or have Financial Aid documents outstanding, a registration HOLD is currently on your account preventing you from registering for Spring.
Please get in touch with the Financial Aid Office regarding your plan for this balance, so they can clear the HOLD prior to your registration date below.
Juniors & Seniors: Monday, November 2nd
Sophomores: Monday, November 9th
Freshman: Monday, November 16th
- If you have questions regarding your balance, visit to access your Student Tuition Account. You can also reach Financial Services at at (503)375-7030 or
- If you do not see your Financial Aid reflected on your account, you may have documents missing. Stop by Financial Services and a Financial Aid counselor will walk you through the steps you need to complete. You can contact the Financial Aid Office at (503)375-7006 or if you need to arrange for Additional outside loans.
Financial Services is open Monday through Friday, between 9:00 and 4:00 on the first floor of Schimmel. They would be happy to assist you!!
Who: You! (Yes, you reading this clip!)
What: Host a student over Corban Experience Weekend
Where: Your awesome dorm room!
When: November 8th-9th, 2015
Why: This is a chance to mentor a prospective student, share your own Corban journey, inspire higher education, win some cash, introduce campus culture, and eat pancakes at midnight… just to name a few!
The host application is now live! You can access the registration form here (INSERT HYPER LINK)
WITHDRAWING: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6th is the last day to withdraw from a class!!!!
If you need to withdraw from a class, please stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up a course change card. Once you have the required signatures, please return the form to the Registrar’s Office with your $10 fee per class withdrawn. The last day to withdraw from a course is: Friday, November 6th.
SPRING SEMESTER REGISTRATION: It is time to start scheduling appointments with your advisor:
- All Graduating Seniors should already be registered for their classes for spring semester. Please check SIS to see if you need to make any changes to your spring schedule now. Students if you have a Student Life, Financial or Registrar’s Office hold on your account you will not be allowed to register. If you have a hold you should have been notified from the specific department and by your advisor.
- Non-graduating Seniors/Juniors : Registration begins on Monday, November 2nd
- Sophomores: Registration begins on Monday, November 9th
- Freshman: Registration begins on Monday, November 16th. New adviser information will be distributed at an upcoming freshman seminar.
- If you are a freshman and have not sent in your final high school transcript, please put in your request now to have your transcript sent to the Registrar’s Office at Corban. If we haven’t received your transcript, you and your core advisor have been notified. Transcripts will need to in the Registrar’s Office prior to the start of spring semester registration, otherwise this will prevent you from being able to register for classes.
- If you have taken classes at another university or college and have not had your final transcripts sent to Corban. Please contact the schools registrar’s office and have your final official transcript mailed to the Registrar’s Office at Corban.
GRADUATING THIS YEAR? If you did not apply to graduate last April, it is not too late. Pick up a graduation application in the registrar’s office and submit your paperwork before December 1, 2015.
The Smartest Way to Get Around Salem from Corban University
Cars when and where you need them, starting at $5*/hour!
Enterprise CarShare is thrilled to introduce their car sharing program at Corban University. Their car sharing program is a great way to get off campus to run errands or meet friends without the cost of car ownership.
Become a member today for only $1*! Your first-year membership fee is waived, plus all members will enjoy $5* hourly rates thanks to our partners at Nissan.
Enterprise CarShare vehicles are parked on your campus and hourly rates include fuel and damage/liability protection so you can go where you want, when you want.
Membership includes:
- Mobile reservations
- 24/7 vehicle availability
- Convenient, designated parking spots
Have questions? Learn more at
Cheryl Harris Composition Recital
November 5 – 7:30pm
Salem First Presbyterian Church | 770 Chemeketa St NE, Salem, OR
Come support your fellow student as she presents her original compositions and arrangements for her Senior Project. Her pieces will be performed by Corban students as well as musicians in the local community. This recital is free and open to the public.
Jazz Concert
November 6 – 7:30pm
Salem First Baptist Church | 395 Marion St NE, Salem, OR
The Corban Jazz Band will perform a lively selection of big band and modern jazz music. They will also be joined by the student-led Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting Combo. This concert is free and open to the public.
November 12 – 10:30am
November 13-14, 19-21 – 7:00pm
Psalm Performing Arts Center, Corban University
Come enjoy this Shakespeare comedy, which explores the joy and heartache of love, the shock of betrayal, and the horror and hilarity of misunderstanding.
Ticket pricing: Student/Senior: $10 — Adult: $12 — Child: $8
Tickets available at the bookstore, at the door, or online at
Lunches available at Thursday’s matinee for $5.
Curious about teaching abroad? Interested in Latin American culture? Rick Anderson, Director of Ministry at La Molina Christian Schools, will present teaching opportunities at LMCS in Lima, Peru while sharing Peruvian snacks and music. This event will most benefit Education majors, though all are welcome. Please RSVP to if you know you can attend (RSVP not required). Visit for more information.
When: Thursday, November 12, 4:30 to 5:30 pm
Where: PV 102