Events You Don’t Want to Miss!

Lumberjack Games

Come join us Friday, October 25th at 9:30 pm  in the Lumberjack Field for the annual Lumberjack Games! Make sure to wear your flannel and boots as you watch competition in the following events:

  • Axe Throw
  • Bear Claw
  • Beer & Wings
  • Tug-a-War
  • Log Press
  • Flannel Thrasher
  • Two Man Buck
  • Log Joust
  • Log Roll
    You really don’t want to miss this!

Upcoming Recreation events

Hurry and sign up!  Time is running out…
Super Smash Bros: Registrations close Monday, November 11th at 5pm.
Finders Keepers:     Registrations continue to be open until Tuesday, November 12th
4 spots remaining.
For more information, check out our website at

Weekend Fanatic Events…..

1). Wear your “Barracks” t-shirts to the men’s soccer game and volleyball games this weekend. There will be prizes, and ice cream social sponsored by ASB, and a chance to accumulate points for your dorm!

2). The softball team is collecting unopened jars of peanut butter to be distributed for the Oregon Food bank in conjunction with a service project they will be participating in. Please contact Karlee Flores, or just drop a jar by the Athletic Office, attn: Nathan Ohta if you would like to help out.

Westrek: Come Adventure With Us!

Saturday, October 26th – Henline Mountain & Henline Falls
Join us for an epic hike to the summit of the forested and rocky Henline Mountain with views of a majestic river valley and the Cascade Mountains!
Cost: $4 (the same as a trip to Dutch Bros)
How to sign up & questions: contact Travis Carr or Angel Prideaux.

Graduation Recital – Amy Griffith, Composition

Saturday, November 2nd, at the Louck Auditorium, located at 585 Liberty Street SE, Salem.  Amy will be presenting her original compositions for a variety of instruments and ensembles.

Announcements that effect YOU!

Battle of the Bands Auditions:

Sign up sheet in Schimmel on the ASB bulletin Board. Audition time slots are October 29 & 30th from 7-9pm and will be held in PA100B.
If you have any questions feel free to email

Free job search & referral program!

Goodwill Job Connection is a FREE job search and referral program designed to help current students and graduates find a job that fits your needs and abilities! They will help with your resume’, interviewing skills and a whole lot more. Go here for more information:, call (503) 798-9103, or contact Don Sparks on campus.

Get ready for SPANISH CLUB…

Tuesday, November 12th @ 7:00 P.M. in Farrar lobby / lounge. 
Food (!claro!), conversation, games, and culture.  ALL levels of Spanish are welcome.  If a large group comes like last time, we’ll do some conversation in smaller groups to maximize participation and speaking/listening practice.
?Preguntas?  Contact Tim & Debbie Blycker: or


Time is running out to reserve a spot for our May 2014 Bible Lands Tour as the deadline is Wednesday, November 6th. This may be your best chance to go to Israel for a great price. You can tour Israel for $1850 plus airfare, much less than other tours.  Check out the Corban University website for more info ( Contact Dr. Tim Anderson ( or Dr. Greg Trull ( or send in the sign up section of our brochure with your deposit to the Business Office. You can also take our Bible Lands tour course and receive three units of Bible credit.



Chapel Schedule

Here’s what’s coming up in chapel next week:

Oct         28           Mon      ASB
Oct         30           Weds    Pastor Steve Fowler, Salem Alliance
Nov        1              Fri        Allison Vesterfelt, author
Packing Light:  Thoughts on Living with Less Baggage

Events You don’t Want to Miss!


Faculty, Staff and Students
Come see our new location and meet our staff & enjoy come cookies & punch!
(Balyo lower level – closest to Davidson)

“Intramural-ly” Speaking…..

Upcoming Campus Recreation events. Hurry and sign up!  Time is running out…
Upcoming events:
Hoop for Hope: Registrations close Monday the 21st at 5pm.
Volleyball Co-Ed: Registrations close Thursday the 24th at 5pm.
Super Smash Bros: Registrations close Monday the 11th of November at 5pm.
Finders Keepers: Registrations open until Tuesday the 12th of November.  5 spots remaining.
For more information, check out our website at


Come join us Friday, October 25th at 9:30 pm  in the Lumberjack Field for the annual Lumberjack Games! Make sure to wear your flannel and boots!


Come to the Psalm Center Friday, October 25th for the Music Department’s first concert of the year! At 7:30 p.m. the Concert Band, Chamber Orchestra and Concert & Chamber Choirs will perform an eclectic variety of music from their fall repertoire.  It will be fun & Free!


1.) Join the Saints for a weekly men’s worship night for on Thursdays at 7:00pm in PV109.
2.) Westrek hike to Henline mountain October 26th. Meet in PVG at 9:45am and bring $4 for gas! Limited to first 27 people to show up.



If you are interested in seeing Dr. Michals next Wednesday, October 23rd, send Tony Walther an email at Dr. Michals will be on campus from 2:30-4:00 p.m. The cost to see him is $10.


  • Freshman: Final high school transcripts are needed. If we haven’t received your final  transcript you were notified via e-mail a couple of weeks ago by our office.  We must receive these prior to the start of spring semester registration.
  • Transcripts: If you’ve taken a course at another college or university make sure you request an official transcript be sent to our Registrar’s Office.
  • Dropping a class:  You may continue to withdraw from classes through Friday, November 8th.  Pick up a course change card in the Registrar’s Office & pay the $10 fee to withdraw.
  • Graduating in 2013-14, but haven’t applied to graduate?:  You can still pick up a graduation application in the Registrar’s Office.  Last day to submit your application is: Monday, December 2, 2013

Looking for an on campus job? Here are two opportunities….

  • Last call for those interested in a position with campus safety for next semester. Apply at
  • Are you are interested in a job in the Student Life Office? Turn in your resume by October 25th.


1. Corban students! You have a valuable resource at your fingertips called the Oregon Career Information System! Search for a scholarship, explore career options or get help choosing a major, build a resume’, learn job hunting skills, plus create your own private portfolio to save and store you favorite discoveries. You can access OCIS through the “Students” link of the Job and Career Services section under Resources on the Corban home page (or just use this link: ). The log in ID is Corban35 and the Password is: Warrior1. Go have a look!

2. Check out Persona–—a new social network management service that can help you locate and remove posts in Facebook and Twitter that reference: profanity; adult content; drugs/alcohol; racism/sexism; and violence. Your history includes your posts and friends posts as well  Contact Don Sparks 8818, if you have questions.


How would you like to make a trip of a lifetime to the Holy Land? There is still time to reserve a spot for our May 2014 Bible Lands Tour. The reservation deadline is Wednesday, November 6th (just a little over TWO WEEKS away), leaving you enough time to talk to family and friends. People are already reserving their spots.
Check out the Corban University website for more info (  When you’re ready to reserve your spot, contact Dr. Tim Anderson ( or Dr. Greg Trull ( or send in the sign up section of our brochure with your deposit to the Business Office.  You can also take our Bible Lands tour course and receive three units of Bible credit.
We’d love to show you the land of our faith and Savior.





Ministry Opportunities & Chapel

WORLD OUTREACH WEEK – October 21-25, 2013

“Mission – HIM – Possible!” is not a story of spy rings, international intelligence agencies, mysterious arms deals, and one man’s seemingly impossible mission to defeat the bad guys and make everything right (i.e. Tom Cruise). “Mission – HIM – Possible” is about the love and purpose of Christ to bring salvation and make disciples of all peoples.
From a human point of view, Christ’s mission may seem impossible to achieve. Yet from a divine perspective, His mission will be accomplished!
Dr. George Murray, Chancellor of Columbia International University and former missionary in Italy is the keynote speaker in chapel. Representatives from twenty mission agencies are coming to serve the Corban community by sharing in classes and in evening events in the dorms about what God is doing in the world. You will not want to miss out on any of what is being planned as we learn more about how to be part of Christ’s mission in the world today.

A poem by Tim Blyker re: World Outreach Week:
if to chapel you arrive
at the hour of 9:55
if you happen to feel the call
you may have a ball
global minded you will be


Oct         21           Mon      W.O.W: Dr. George Murray
Oct         23           Weds    W.O.W: Dr. George Murray
Oct         25           Fri          W.O.W: Dr. George Murray   

Oct         28           Mon      ASB
Oct         30           Weds    Pastor Steve Fowler, Salem Alliance
Nov        1              Fri        Allison Vesterfelt, Author
                                           Packing Light: Thoughts on Living with Less Baggage  
(For the full schedule, please visit .)



  • Freshman: Final high school transcripts are needed in the Registrar’s Office.  If we have not received your final high school transcript you were notified via e-mail a couple of weeks ago by our office.  Final transcripts need to be received prior to the start of spring semester registration.
  • Transcripts:  Have you taken a course recently at another college or university?  Make sure that you request an official transcript be sent to our Registrar’s Office.
  • Dropping a class:  You may continue to withdraw from classes through Friday, November 8th.  Pick up a course change card in the Registrar’s Office and pay the $10 fee to withdraw.
  • Graduating in 2013-14, but haven’t applied to graduate?:  You can still pick up a graduation application in the Registrar’s Office.  The last day to submit your graduation application is: Monday, December 2, 2013

Special Veteran’s Day Ceremony

On Monday Nov. 11, Corban University will honor our nation’s veterans during a special Veteran’s Day ceremony. At 8 a.m. a special guest veteran will open the day with remarks to Corban students in front of the clock tower. This will be followed by an all-day reading of the names of U.S. military members killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Students, staff and faculty are encouraged to sign up in Student Life to read names during 30-minute intervals ending around 5 p.m.
Donations will be accepted for the family of Alex Hussey, cousin of Business Professor Shawn Hussey. Alex is a 21-year-old Army veteran who was on patrol in Afghanistan when he was hit by an improvised explosive device (IED). He lost both legs and a hand as a result. The funds will be used to help his family pay for travel and other expenses as Alex recovers in a military hospital in San Diego.
For more information, contact Sheldon Traver at or call 503-589-8197.

Got the Blues? You Are Not Alone

Ever feel like you are the only one who is sad in a world of happy people? Everyone experiences stress, sadness and anxiety from time to time – it’s part of life. These feelings often happen when you a lose a job, loved ones move away, during divorce, after a death in the family, or during retirement. But when changes in mood and behavior interfere with one’s ability to work, sleep, eat, and enjoy once pleasurable activities, it could be a sign of depression. National Depression Screening gives people the opportunity to take a free, anonymous questionnaire assessing their risk for mood and anxiety disorders and provides referral information for treatment. Visit for an online screening.

An Important Message from Carol in the Mail Room:

To all you wonderful students I adore, this is for you:
When you come to the mail room and say you have an email notification, that does not necessarily mean you have a package or a letter. If your email has an attachment that means you have  a returned paper, not a letter or package. However, if you do have an item to pick up, it will read “You have an ITEM to be picked up”.  Although I love seeing you all, save yourself the disappointment and read your email first!!!


In a little over 200 days our group leaves to travel to Tel Aviv, Israel, the first stage of our incredible study tour. This is the capital of the amazing modern nation of Israel. It’s also  next to Jaffa, or Biblical Joppa where Jonah caught a ship for Tarshish and Peter was used by the Lord raise Tabitha (Dorcas) from the dead. Then on to our headquarters at Jerusalem University College, at the southern wall of the Old City just a short stroll from the Temple Mount. That is just the start of our life-changing adventures in the Holy Land. We’d love for you to go with us. The reservation deadline is November 6th, just enough time to talk to your family and friends about supporting you with their prayers  and finances.  For further info contact Dr. Tim Anderson ( or Dr. Greg Trull (

A Note of Thanks from the Alumni Office

The Alumni Office wishes to thank everyone for the Corban hospitality and welcoming our alumni and visitors enjoyed while on campus last week for Homecoming!


World Outreach Week is October 21-15! We’ll have missionary guests from many different agencies on campus sharing in classes, Bible Studies, lunch time events and evening events! Please take time to visit their booths in Schimmel and have a conversation with them. Dr. George Murray, Chancellor of Columbia International University, will be sharing with us during chapel as well. Don’t miss out on getting to know our missionary guests!

Looking for a job on campus?

The Student Life office is looking for just the right student to work in our office beginning this January. Do you like people? Do you have good phone & organizational skills? Are you friendly yet professional? Then this could be the job for you. We will be accepting resume’s from now until October 25th at the Student Life desk, located on the 2nd floor of Schimmel.

Stinky Bagels (Poetry Club)

Poetry is meeting Tuesdays at 1:30p.m. in the Library and Fridays at noon in the cafeteria. Come join us!

Events You Don’t Want to Miss!

Upcoming Campus Recreation events.  Hurry and sign up!

  • Hoop for Hope: Registrations close Monday the 21st at 5pm.
  • Volleyball Co-Ed: Registrations close Thursday the 24th at 5pm.
  • Super Smash Bros: Registrations close Monday the 11th of November at 5pm.
  • Finders Keepers: Registrations continue to be open until  Tuesday the 12th of November.  9 spots remaining.

For more information, check out our website at


Bring your lunch to the Psalm Center next Tuesday at noon to enjoy performances by Corban University music students.
Then Saturday, October 19, come again for an hour-long piano recital with Charity Batson. At 4:00 PM, she will perform solos and a duet with Bethea Gliebe.

Skeleton in the Closet is Next Tuesday

Don’t miss “Skeleton in the Closet, The Intersection of Art and Science Explore: Body Image, Eating Disorders, Obesity and Pregnancy.” Tuesday, October 15, 7:00 P.M. Please invite others to join the Corban community for this very special public event. Corban’s own Dr. Sarah Comstock will present her scientific findings and artist Fritz Liedtke will discuss the intimate conversations and emotions involved with his acclaimed art exhibit. The evening begins with an informal reception in the Psalm Visual Arts Gallery at 6:00 p.m. The formal program begins at 7:00 p.m.

THE SPOT- All City Worship Night for Salem Young Adults

What: Worship/ Prayer/ Snacks/ Hanging out
When: Friday, October 18th
Where: Salem Evangelical  (455 Locust St NE  Salem, OR 97301)
Time: 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Find out more on Facebook:
Contact Liane DeHart with any questions:

A Weekend of Home Athletic Events!

Today…..October 10th

What: Women’s Soccer
When: 4:00 p.m.
Where: Warrior Field
Vs: Evergreen

Friday…..October 11th

What: Warrior Volleyball
When: 7:00 p.m.
Where: C.E. Jeffers Sports Center
vs: Warner Pacific

Saturday…..October 12th

What: Women’s Soccer
When: 11:00 a.m.
Where: Warrior Field
vs: NorthWest University

What: Men’s Soccer
When: 2:00 p.m.
Where: Warrior Field
vs: NW Christian University

What: Warrior Volleyball
When: 7:00 p.m.
Where: C.E. Jeffers Sports Center
vs: Concordia


Events You Don’t Want to Miss!

Westrek: Come Adventure With Us!

 Saturday, October 12th – Saddle Mountain 
Join us for an epic hike to the summit of the coastal Saddle Mountain with views of the Pacific Ocean, the Coast Range, and the Cascade Mountains!
Cost: $4 (the same as a trip to Dutch Bros)
How to sign up & questions: contact Travis Carr or Angel Prideaux.”

Check out Campus Recreations upcoming events!

Upcoming October events:
For more info check out our new website at

  •    Powder Puff Football: Registrations close Wednesday the 9th at 5pm
    • Canyonview Paintball: Registrations close Monday the 7th at 5pm. (12 spots left.)
      • Hoop for Hope: Registrations close Monday the 21st at 5pm.
        • Finders Keepers: Registrations open until November12th (16 spots left.)

Veteran’s Day Event

On Nov. 11, Corban will honor our nation’s veterans during a special Veteran’s Day ceremony. At 8 a.m. a special guest veteran will open the day with remarks to Corban students in front of the clock tower. This will be followed by an all-day reading of the names of U.S. military members killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Students, staff and faculty are encouraged to sign up in Student Life to read names during 30-minute intervals ending around 5 p.m.
Additionally, donations will be accepted for the Gary Sinise Foundation to build homes that will help restore wounded vets’ independence.
For more information, contact Sheldon Traver ,Corban’s Writer/Photographer  at or call 503-589-8197.

Stinky Bagels

Stinky Bagels Poetry Club is moving to Fridays at noon in the cafeteria. We will no longer be meeting on Tuesdays.

Vengan al primer noche del club de Español!
Come to the Spanish Club kickoff party! 

Come practice Spanish in a fun environment! There will be food, games and fun!
Both native speakers, intermediate and beginners are welcome!
The kickoff night: Tuesday, October 8, at 7:00pm.
The club will be held in the Blyker’s apartment in Farrar.
See you there!
¡Nos vemos ahi!

Answers-In-Action Club kickoff!

This week, we’ll discuss how the Bible relates to politics.
What: Thought provoking discussion, informal debate, homemade goodies & officer elections!
When: This Wednesday, October 9th at 5pm!
Where: The coffee shop!