

Go there for special unadvertised sale prices on items that’s only
promoted on Facebook! Go ahead, take a look! You know you love shopping online, the only difference here is you don’t pay for shipping, just run down the hill and pick it up, same day!
Take a look and let the bookstore know what you think!

*Book buy back is December 9-13 from 8am to 4pm each day!



Thanksgiving Week Hours
Tues. Nov. 26                    7:45am – 6:00pm
Wed. Nov. 27                    Closed
Thu.  Nov. 28                    Closed
Fri.    Nov. 29                    Closed
Sat.   Nov. 30                    Closed
Sun.  Dec. 1                      2:00pm – 12:00am



Do you like to meet new people? Express yourself creatively? Talk about important issues?
If so, why not use your gifts and talents to make a difference for Christ and the Corban community by  becoming a part of The Hilltop print, online, and yearbook staff! You may participate in two ways: join the J-lab class for one, two, or three credits OR work as a freelance writer, cartoon artist or photographer, contributing as you are able.
This is a fabulous opportunity to build your resume and allow you to connect with students and faculty at Corban.
There are many other great opportunities as well:  Kate Tracy, former Hilltop Editor, is currently working in Chicago as an intern with “Christianity Today”; Kelsey Leavitt, current Hilltop Online Editor, recently had one of her online Hilltop articles published in “Forward” and “ Direction,” two faith-based magazines for young adults; and  just last week, two J-lab students received free passes to the Switchfoot Concert so they could write a review.

Interested?  Contact J-lab adviser Amy Elker, at or co-adviser Ellen Kersey, at  for more information.



The deadline for completion of the Student Satisfaction Inventory is next week.  The link to the survey was emailed to all traditional undergrads at the beginning of the month. Please take time to complete this important survey by November 26! Your feedback is very important and will guide the choices we make. In appreciation for completing the survey, you will be entered into a drawing to receive a $100 Amazon gift card, one of three of $20 gift cards for iTunes and one of four $10 gift cards from iTunes.



They will be giving away over $1000 in prizes including…

  • Weekend getaway at the beach
  • Two night stay at Red Lion
  • Numerous gift cards
  • GRAND PRIZE: an all inclusive guided winter steelhead fishing trip for two with Coach Ohta and Josiah Darr, famed Tillamook Guide and writer for Salmon Trout & Steelheader Magazine ($500 value).

Tickets are $5 each, contact any team member or Coach Ohta ( for more info.



For the first time in program history, Corban’s men’s soccer team will be playing in the NAIA National Championship when the Warriors take on Concordia-Irvine in an opening round game on Saturday, November 23rd, beginning at 10:00 a.m. in Southern California. Due to non-regulation field dimensions in Irvine, the game has been moved to Biola University in La Mirada. The game will be available both with Live Video and Live Stats by visiting and clicking on the ‘Men’s Soccer Schedule’ tab.



Congratulations are in order for members of both the men’s and women’s soccer teams! Head coaches Aaron Lewis and Marty Ziesemer were named Coach of the Year for their respective sports, while senior Audrey Sullivan was named Offensive Player of the Year for women’s soccer and freshman Kemar Prince was voted Newcomer of the Year for men’s soccer. A total of 11 student-athletes were honored as All-Cascade Collegiate Conference selections in the two sports.



Sophomore Alexis Mitzel will be running this weekend at the NAIA Cross Country Championships at Rim Rock Farm in Lawrence, Kansas. She is the lone Warrior that will be competing on Saturday, November 23rd, beginning at 11:45 a.m. (Central Standard Time). Be sure to check for results from the event.





  • RESCHEDULING A FINAL: Rescheduling a final is an option only when there is an unavoidable emergency, if you have two exams scheduled at the same time, have more than three exams in one day or a documented disability. Please stop by the Registrar’s Office if you need to reschedule your exam.
  • SPRING SEMESTER REGISTRATION: All students should be registering for spring semester classes. If you have not registered for your classes please take care of this before you leave for Christmas break.
  • HAVE YOU APPLIED TO GRADUATE?:  The last day to apply to graduate for the 2013-14 school year is December 1st, 2013. Applications are available in the Registrar’s Office.



This is a short but insightful article on returning home after being away at college for the first time. Enjoy your Thanksgiving break!





Congratulations to LEXI MITZEL
…for qualifying for cross country nationals last weekend!


Operation Christmas Child 2013

‘Tis the season!
From November 18-23 join in the contest between dorms, commuters, and faculty/staff to see who can pack the most boxes! Drop off your boxes on the first floor of the Library and be sure to include $7 for shipping. Email for more information or if you have any questions.



Graduating in May 2013, but haven’t applied to graduate?:
You can still pick up a graduation application in the Registrar’s Office. The last day to submit your graduation application is: DECEMBER 1, 2013.

Spring Semester Registration: It is time to start scheduling appointments with your advisor.

  • Seniors: Schedules for graduates have been entered by the Registrar’s Office earlier this month (unless you have a hold on your account). Check your spring schedule in SIS to be sure it is correct. If there are any changes needed, please contact the Registrar’s Office.
  • Juniors (and Seniors not graduating): Registration began on November 4th
  • Sophomores: Registration began on November 11th
  • Freshmen: Registration begins November 18th
    *All students, with the exception of Music majors will be participating in self registration. This requires you to meet with your advisor for an advising appointment and to receive your registration code.

Freshmen: Final high school transcripts are due in the Registrar’s Office.  If we have not received your final high school transcript you were notified via e-mail. Final transcripts need to be received in the Registrar’s Office prior to spring semester registration or you will not be allowed to register for spring classes.

Final Exams: December 9 – 12, 2013: If you are unsure when your final exam is scheduled, please check this link:
Rescheduling a Final: Rescheduling a final is an option only when there is an unavoidable emergency, if you have two exams scheduled at the same time, have more than three exams in one day or a documented disability.  Please stop by the Registrar’s Office if you need to reschedule your exam.


Poetry Unleashed

Next week, be on the lookout for Poetry Unleashed – public acts of poetry on our campus.
If you would like to participate, let Dr. Colette Tennant know! (


HUGE thank you…..

to all hosts for helping out! Our houses would be awkwardly cramped and noisy without you. Stay tuned to find out who the champion hosting dorm is!



The deadline for completion of the Student Satisfaction Inventory is quickly approaching.  The link to the survey has been emailed to all traditional undergrads over the last couple of weeks. Please take time to complete this important survey by November 26! Your feedback is very valuable and will guide the choices we make. In appreciation for completing the survey, you will be entered into a drawing to receive a $100 Amazon gift card, one of three of $20 gift cards for iTunes and one of four $10 gift cards from iTunes.


Chiropractor on Campus Wednesday

Chiropractor Dr. Michels will be on campus Wednesday, November 20th from 2:30 to 4:00.  Cost for an appointment is $10. You can email or call extension 8193 for an appointment time.


Corban Camp Team

Information meeting coming November 26th- stay tuned for details. Questions in the meantime? Email Heidi at



Persona is a new social media management service now available to Corban students and alumni ( Persona will locate—and remove, if you choose—posts in Facebook and Twitter that reference: profanity; adult content; drugs/alcohol; racism/sexism; and violence. Your history includes your posts and friends posts as well  Access is FREE!! If you do go there and use it to screen your accounts, Don Sparks (X8188) would be interested in what you think. Enjoy!

Events You Don’t Want to Miss!

You are invited to attend:

The Odyssey

Psalm Center

Nov.14  10:30;  Nov. 15-16 and 21-23  7:30p.m.

Buy your tickets in the bookstore or at the door

$10 for students and school employees  $12 for adults

Come Witness one of the most poignant homecomings in four thousand years.
Odysseus, a mortal, journeys ten years to find the home and family he left to fight in the Trojan War. Mythical monsters challenge him. Jealous sorceresses fight for him. The gods themselves conspire to keep his ship from home, but for Odysseus no air is sweeter than the winds of Ithaca, no woman more beloved than his faithful Penelope, and no face more precious than that of his son who has grown up in his father’s absence.
Come enjoy the acting, the art, the music, the experience.  You won’t regret it.


Monday, November 25 at 10:00am

In order to prepare for this rigorous race
ASB Presents…
Canned Food Drive Contest!
Each Thanksgiving food item counts for 2 points for your group! 

Groups are:
Balyo & Davidson
Aagard & Farrar
Commuters, Townhouses, Staff & Faculty

Donation bins are located in each dorm for on campus students.
For Commuters and Townhouses, bins are located in the Commuter lounge below the coffee shop. For staff and faculty, bins are located in the Faculty Office and Schimmel. 

There will be an AWESOME  Grand prize for the team with the most points!
Winner will be announced at the Turkey Trot. 



When?: November 23rd @ 7:00 p.m.

Where?: Green Villa Barn – Independence, Oregon

What?: Pie, dancing, pumpkins, pilgrims, and much much more!

Directions will be emailed next week.



Tomorrow, November 16th at 1:00 p.m. on Warrior Field!

The Warriors are hosting this epic event….


Student Recital

Need Lunch Plans?  Tuesday, November 19 – Student Recital at noon
Bring your lunch to the Psalm Center Tuesday at noon to enjoy performances by your very own Corban University music students.


Chapel Schedule

Nov        18           Mon      Pastor Scott Nelson, Morningstar Community Church

Nov        20           Wed      ASB:  Steffan Bard


Nov        22           Fri         Steve Taylor, filmmaker/writer/producer/recording artist

                                                “The Art of Courage”         


Nov        25           Mon      No Chapel  (Turkey Trot)

Nov        27           Wed      No Chapel (Thanksgiving)                            

Nov        29           Fri         No Chapel (Thanksgiving)                       

Events You Don’t Want to Miss

Pumpkin Smash

When: Sunday, November 10th    9:00pm-10:30pm
Where: Farrar
What: An epic surge of manliness culminating in a massive wrestling match in pumpkin guts.
Why: Why not?”

Battle of the Bands

THIS Sunday, November 10, from 7-8:30 in the psalm center!

Westrek: Come Adventure With Us!

Saturday, November 16th – Eagle Creek    
Join us for an epic hike high upon the sides of a gorge with a majestic river and multiple waterfalls below!
Cost: $4 (the same as a trip to Dutch Bros)
How to sign up & questions: contact Travis Carr or Angel Prideaux.”

Corban Theater Presents The Odessey

Corban’s theater department opens The Odyssey with a 10:30 matinee on Thursday the 14th! Come see the Greek hero Odysseus endure a perilous voyage to reunite with his family. Mythical monsters challenge him, jealous sorceresses fight for him, and gods conspire to keep his ship from home. Will Odysseus complete the journey?

The Odyssey runs evenings at 7:30 on November 15, 16, 21, 22, and 23. Student tickets are $10 and are available in the bookstore or at the door. Seating is first come first serve.

Upcoming Campus Recreation events

Hurry and sign up!  Time is running out…
Upcoming events:

  • Super Smash Bros: Registrations close Monday the 11th of November at 5pm.
  • Finders Keepers: Registrations continue to be open until  Tuesday the 12th of November.  2-4 spots remaining.

For more information, check out our website at

Hearing the Stories Among Us: A Marine’s Perspective

Come join Corban’s military veterans on Monday, Nov. 11 at 7 p.m. in the Emitte Center for a special documentary highlighting the service of U.S. Marines to their country. Dr. Shawn Hussey will share some of his own stories from the Marines including his direct role in the protection and security of the President of the United States. Refreshments will be provided as we cap off a full day of recognizing those right here in the Corban community who have served our country.



From the Registrar:

  • THE LAST DAY TO DROP A CLASS IS TODAY!!! Friday, November 8, 2013: Pick up a course change card in the Registrar’s Office and pay the $10 fee per course dropped.
  • Graduating in May 2013, but haven’t applied to graduate?: You can still pick up a graduation application in the Registrar’s Office and fill out the necessary paperwork. The last day to submit your graduation application is: DECEMBER 1, 2013.
  • SPRING SEMESTER REGISTRATION: It is time to schedule appointments with your advisor.
  1. Seniors: Schedules for graduates have been entered by the Registrar’s Office earlier this month (unless you have a hold on your account).  Check your spring schedule in SIS to make sure it is correct.  If there are any changes needed, please contact the Registrar’s Office.
  2. Juniors (and Seniors not graduating): Registration beings on Monday, Nov. 4th
  3. Sophomores: Registration begins Nov. 11th
  4. Freshmen: Registration begins Nov. 18th.
    *All students, with the exception of Music majors will be participating in self registration.  This requires you to visit your advisor for an advising visit and to receive your registration code.
  • Freshmen: Final high school transcripts are due in the Registrar’s Office. If we have not received yours you were notified via e-mail. These must be received in the Registrar’s Office prior to spring semester registration or you will not be allowed to register for spring classes.
  • FINAL EXAMS: December 9 – 12, 2013


Every other year in the fall, Corban conducts an assessment of student satisfaction in a variety of areas across the institution. Your feedback is very important and will guide the choices we make. A link to the survey has been sent to all traditional undergraduate students via email. All who respond to the survey will enter drawings for some cool stuff.  Please, participate!  In appreciation for completing the survey, you will be entered into a drawing to receive a $100 Amazon gift card, one of three of $20 gift cards for iTunes and one of four $10 gift cards from iTunes.

Corban Camp Team

Information meeting coming November 26th- stay tuned for details. Questions in the meantime? Email Heidi at

It’s that time again, Corban Experience is almost here!

On Sunday afternoon we will be having about 160 potential students on campus and on Monday many of them will be joined by their parents. The visitors will be in classes, chapel and in our dining hall. We have learned over the years that one of the things that stands out to our visitors is how they are treated while on campus. You can be a part of seeing students make the choice to attend Corban by your interaction with our visitors during Corban Experience. Everyone on campus plays a big role in what kind of experience our visitors have, thank you in advance for making them feel welcome.

Planning on a Housing Change Next Semester?

There are two forms available in the Student Life Office to help you navigate any changes you might want to make.

If you are planning to move off campus please pick up a Off Campus Housing Request Form, fill it out and leave it at the Student Life desk.

If you are planning to make a roommate change or building change please pick up a roommate Change Request Form, fill it out and leave it at the Student Life desk.

Both forms will be collected and passed on to Eugene Edwards, Director of Community Life.

Chapel Schedule

Here’s what’s coming up in chapel for the next two weeks:

  • Nov 11  Mon      Hearing the Stories Among Us: Corban’s Veterans
  • Nov 13  Wed     David Schroeder, Cadence International
    “Loving You Changes Me”
  • Nov 15  Fri        Praise/Worship Chapel
  • Nov 18  Mon    Pastor Scott Nelson, Morningstar Community Church
  • Nov 20  Weds   ASB
  • Nov 22  Fri        Steve Taylor, filmmaker/writer/producer/recording artist
    “The Art of Courage”



Aagard’s Amazing.
Balyo’s the Bee’s Knees.
Davidson’s da Bomb.
Farrar’s Fantastic.
Prewitt’s Practically Perfect.
Van Gilder’s Vunderbar!

But which is the Dominant Dorm?

Corban Experience is coming. Will your dorm host the most?
Only one will wear the winnings. Sign up now, rub it in later.
Email the following information to

  • Dorm & room #
  • Phone #
  • Number of students you’re willing to host
  • Name of friend(s) you are already planning on hosting
  • Roommate’s name/number if you’re responding for both of you
  • Optional: Major & sports/other areas of interest



Are you planning to move off campus next semester? Are you planning to change roommates next semester? Then you will need to turn in the following forms to Student Life.

  • Off Campus Housing Request
    All students who are requesting to move off campus must pick up an Office Campus Housing Request Form from the Student Life Desk. These forms are due back to Student Life by November 26th.
  • Room Change Request Form
    Are you hoping to change residence halls, rooms, or roommate? Please pick up a Room Change Request Form from Student Life. These forms are also due November 26th.


  • The last day to drop a class is Friday, November 8, 2013:  Pick up a course change card in the Registrar’s Office and pay the $10 fee per course dropped.
  • Graduating in May 2013, but haven’t applied to graduate?:  You can still pick up a graduation application in the Registrar’s Office. The last day to submit your graduation application is: DECEMBER 1, 2013.
  • SPRING SEMESTER REGISTRATION:  It is time to start scheduling appointments with your advisor. Seniors: Schedules for graduates have been entered by the Registrar’s Office earlier this month (unless you have a hold on your account). Check your spring schedule in SIS to make sure it is correct. Contact the Registrar’s Office if you to make a change. Juniors: (and Seniors not graduating): Registration beings on Monday, Nov. 4th Sophomores: Registration begins Nov. 11th Freshmen: Registration begins Nov. 18th.
    *All students, with the exception of Music majors will be participating in self registration. This requires you to visit your adviser for an advising visit and to receive your registration code.
  • Freshmen: Final high school transcripts are due in the Registrar’s Office. If we need yours you were notified via e-mail. Final transcripts need to be received in the Registrar’s Office prior to spring semester registration or you will not be allowed to register for spring classes.
  • FINAL EXAMS: December 9 – 12, 2013

Chiropractor on Campus!

Dr. Michels will return to campus from 2:30 to 4:00 on Wednesday, November 6th.  For appointments please email Tony Walther at or call extension 8193.  The cost is only $10.



MK/TCK Pizza Party!

October 6th at 6:00 pm in the Coffee Shop. Come enjoy some yummy food and a good time of fellowship with fellow MKs and TCKs.  We will be planning future events at this party, so it would be great to have you come and give your input. (If you are like this blog writer and didn’t know what a “TCK” is….it’s a “Third Culture Kid.” When MKs or international business kids come together, they create something called the third culture which is really just a collection of their common experiences living overseas that they share with each other.)

Spanish Club, Tuesday evening, 7:00 p.m.

Food (!claro!), conversation, games, and culture all in the Farrar lobby.  ALL levels of Spanish are welcome.  Get your speaking and listening practice. ?Preguntas?  Contact Tim & Debbie Blycker: or


Zombies will infect Corban THIS MONDAY at 12:00am
There is a mandatory meeting in the Emmite Center Sunday at 7:00pm
Be sure to register to play at
For further questions please email

Pumpkin Smash

When: Sunday, November 10th, 9:00pm-10:30pm
Where: Farrar
What: An epic surge of manliness culminating in a massive wrestling match in pumpkin guts.
Why: Why not?


National Roll Call – Veteran’s Day – Nov. 11

On Monday Nov. 11, Corban University students, staff and faculty will have the opportunity to reflect on the dedication and sacrifice of the men and women who have served in the U.S. military.

The National Roll Call will be completed on college campuses across the nation. Throughout the day, volunteers will read the names of more than 9,000  members of the U.S. military who gave their lives during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This will accompany an opening ceremony at 8 a.m. and a special Corban Chapel service dedicated to the university’s many student and staff veterans.

Chapel Next Week

November 4     REACH Week: Student Speakers

November 6     REACH Week: Student Speakers

November 8     REACH Week: EXPO! Come meet Community Partners ready to tell you about the opportunities they have for you to serve!

Volunteers are needed to read names in 30-minute segments beginning at 8:30 a.m. and going through 6 p.m. A sign-up sheet is now in Student Life. Please sign up for a time and show your support for our veterans. If you know a veteran, either alive or who has passed away, and would like to honor them during the National Roll Call, you can also add their name at Student Life.

For more information contact Corban writer and photographer Sheldon Traver at 503-507-9953 or email him at