Tonight! Friday, October 17 @7pm: Volleyball vs. Southern Oregon
Saturday, October 18 @5pm: Volleyball vs. Oregon Tech
A quick reminder about our Game Day Special between 1:00-3:00 today @ Common Grounds. Then don’t forget to BE THERE – TONIGHT – Taking on Southern Oregon at the house Clarence Jeffers built!!!
Darwinism Massacred by A Monarch
Answers-In-Action will be sponsoring a presentation demonstrating the impossibility for Darwinism to explain the irreducibly complex metamorphic transformation of the Monarch caterpillar into the majestic Monarch butterfly.
Jesus and The Monarch — Dr. Thomas Kindell
9am Monday October 20th
Coffee Shop – Cost: $0.00
• Irreducible Complexity in its metamorphosis
• Navigates amazingly and flies longer than any human-designed micro-aerial vehicles
• A transformation alike to a believer’s change in Christ
Did you miss Chapel on Monday?
While on campus here Monday, Ebola M.D. Debbie Eisenhut did interviews with ABC’s KATU TV, CBS’s KOIN TV, NBC’s KGW TV, and other media, taking her message to hundreds of thousands of people. It’s not too late for thousands more to hear Dr. Eisenhut speaking to the public about serving on the front lines in Liberia, her evacuation to the U.S., and answers to a number of key questions. Via email, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn and other channels, please encourage family and friends to listen to the edited podcast .
Battle of the Bands Auditions
Battle of the Bands Auditions are next Wednesday and Thursday (October 22nd and 23rd) from 7:00-9:00pm. But you must sign up for a 15 minute slot on the bulletin boards outside of the ASB office located on the second floor of Schimmel.
Shari’s Shake Soiree comes to a close!
Congratulations to Nathan Messmer for creating the Lemon Raspberry Shake!! It is now available at the Shari’s on Lancaster.
Open Mic Night!
Tuesday, October 21st!
9:00-10:30 pm!
Coffee Shop!
Sign up for a 10 minute slot. Share your poetry, musical talent, and even comedic abilities with us!
Come enjoy a lively coffee shop atmosphere.
DROPPING A CLASS: You may continue to withdraw from classes through November 7th. Pick up a course change card in the Registrar’s Office and pay the $10 fee per class dropped.
FRESHMAN: Final high school transcripts are needed. If we haven’t received your final transcript you were notified via campus e-mail and by your core advisor. We must receive these prior to the start of spring semester registration. You will not be allowed to register for spring classes until your transcript has been received in our office.
SPRING SEMESTER REGISTRATION: It’s time to schedule appointments with your advisor.
Senior Registration begins: Monday, October 27th: All graduating seniors should already have registered for spring semester classes. Please check SIS to see if you need to make any changes. Non-graduating seniors are allowed to register for classes on Monday, October 27.
Juniors: Registration begins: Monday, November 3rd
Sophomores: Registration begins: Monday, November 10th
Freshman: Registration begins: Monday, November 17th. You’ll receive info regarding your new academic advisor in core group next week.
*All students, with the exception of Music majors will participate in self-registration. This requires you to set up an advising visit with your advisor to go over course scheduling and to receive your registration code.
Graduating in May of 2015, but haven’t applied to graduate?: Time is running out…The last day to submit your graduation application to the Registrar’s Office is Monday, December 1, 2014. Application are still available for pick up in the Registrar’s Office.
“Where did YOU do your study abroad?”
Study abroad used to be an optional experience for students. In today’s climate, however, many employers assume that all students are doing some kind of international study. The question employers ask isn’t, “did you study oversees?” It is now, “where did you do your study abroad?” International study experiences beef up your resume quite a bit.
Many students aren’t able to spend a whole semester oversees. Here’s the good news: Corban offers short international experiences like our Great Britain Academic Tour.
You can join Drs Baker, Kersey, and Tennant and explore historic spots in England and Scotland firsthand. Then when asked about your international study, you can confidently tell them about your academic experiences in London, Oxford, and Edinburgh.
For more information contact Dr. Sam Baker
A drop of wisdom from Steve Hunt…
“Umbrellas are not your enemy.”