Spring Reminder


ADDING/DROPPING CLASSES: Friday, January 20th is the last day to add/drop classes from your Spring schedule without a fee.  After that date you may only withdraw from a class up through the 10th week of the semester (Friday, March 17th).  Please verify your Spring semester class schedule in SIS to make sure everything is up to date.

GRAD FINALE 2017: Are you graduating this school year?:  Graduates you were recently mailed a flier about our upcoming Grad Finale event to be held on Thursday, February 16th, from 2 – 6 p.m. (open house) in the Emitte Center.  This is an opportunity for you to pick up your cap & gown, commencement tickets, order graduation announcements & class rings, meet our graduation photographer, learn more about being an alum, the ASB banquet and much, much more…DON’T MISS THIS!!!! 


Registrar Update


FINAL EXAMS: December 5 – 8, 2016

To view the final exam schedule online:  https://inside.corban.edu/registrar/final-exam-schedule


All students should now be registered for spring semester courses.  If you have not registered, please meet with your advisor to get your registration access code.

Graduating this year and haven’t applied yet?

If you did not apply to graduate last April, it is not too late.  Please come by the Registrar’s Office to pick up a graduation application.  Completed applications must be turned in by December 1, 2016.  Please be aware that a late fee does apply.

GRADUATES MARK YOUR CALENDAR!:  Grad Finale is coming on Thursday, February 16th.  More information will be coming after the New Year.  If you have specific questions about commencement, please visit the commencement web page: https://inside.corban.edu/commencement

SPRING SEMESTER CLASSES BEGIN ON: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 for all Traditional Undergrad students.

Great Britain Academic Tour





Need to take care of that Spring gen. ed. HUMANITIES ELECTIVE credit? Want to do while traveling through England and Scotland? Here’s your chance!

Here’s what you do:

#1 – Attend the Great Britain Academic Tour information meeting (see below)

#2 – Sign up for the Spring HU333: GREAT BRIT ACA TOUR class to receive academic credit

#3 – Start planning and saving for summer 2017 

We’re heading back to the land of kings, queens, lords, ladies, scholars, poets, preachers, peasants, and pasties! Join Dr. Colette Tennant and Dr. Sam Baker for a trip through time to England and Scotland, visiting cathedrals, galleries, palaces, Roman baths, Stonehenge, the Tower of London, Globe Theater, Westminster Abbey, C.S. Lewis’ house, Oxford, Holyrood, Edinburgh Castle, St. Andrews… oh, and of course, Harry Potter sights and more…!

INFORMATION MEETING: Tuesday, November 1st @ 4:30PM – PV101

QUESTIONS: email sbaker@corban.edu

Update from the Registrar

SPRING SEMESTER REGISTRATION 2017:  It is time to start scheduling appointments with your academic advisor:

All graduating Seniors should already be registered for classes for spring semester 2017.  Please check SIS to see if you need to make any changes to your spring schedule.  *Please do this before October 31st.

*Students who have holds on their accounts will not be allowed to register.  If you have a hold on your account you were contacted via your Corban e-mail by the Registrar’s Office, Student Life or Financial Services.  Thank you for taking care of these before the start of registration.

UPDATED: Registration Dates:  Registration will open on:

  • Non-graduating Seniors & Juniors: Monday, October 31st
  • Sophomores: Monday, November 7th
  • Freshman: Monday, November 14th:  All freshmen will receive their new advisor assignments in core group next week.  Please wait to schedule an advising appointment until after this time.

*To be considered a:

Senior: you must have completed 93 credits before the start of fall semester.

Junior: 62 credits completed before the start of fall semester

Sophomore: 31 credits completed before the start of fall semester

Freshman: 0 – 30 credits completed before the start of fall semester

Withdrawing from a class?:  The last day to withdraw from a class in Friday, October 28th.

If you need to withdraw from a class, please stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up a course change card.  Once you have the required signatures, please return the form to the Registrar’s Office along with your $10 fee per class withdrawn.

Final High School Due:

  • Freshman:  If you have not submitted your final high school transcript, please put in a request now to have it sent to the Registrar’s Office at Corban.  You will have a hold on your account which will prevent you from being able to register until your transcript has been received in the Registrar’s Office.  If you have any questions please stop by the Registrar’s Office between 9 – 4, Monday – Friday

Graduating this year?

  • If you applied to graduate this school year, you should have received a copy of your degree audit via your Corban e-mail.  Please look over this carefully with your advisor and make sure that you have a plan in place to fulfill all of your requirements.  Please make sure that Karen Goertzen is aware of your degree completion plans.
  • If you did not apply to graduate last April, it is not too late.  Please come by the Registrar’s Office to pick up a graduation application.  Completed applications must be turned in before December 1, 2016.  Please be aware that a late fee does apply.

Update from the Registrar

NO CLASSES ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14th: Mid-term study break

SPRING SEMESTER REGISTRATION 2017:  It is time to start scheduling appointments with your academic advisor:

All graduating Seniors should already be registered for classes for spring semester 2017.  Please check SIS to see if you need to make any changes to your spring schedule.  Please do this before October 31st.

Registration Dates:  Registration will open on:

  • Non-graduating Seniors: Monday, October 31st
  • Juniors: Monday, November 7th
  • Sophomores: Monday, November 14th
  • Freshmen: Monday, November 21st:  All freshmen will receive their new advisor assignments in core group next week.  Please wait to schedule an advising appointment until after this time.

*To be considered a:

Senior: you must have completed 93 credits before the start of fall semester.

Junior: 62 credits completed before the start of fall semester

Sophomore: 31 credits completed before the start of fall semester

Freshman: 0 – 30 credits completed before the start of fall semester

Withdrawing from a class?:

If you need to withdraw from a class, please stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up a course change card.  Once you have the required signatures, please return the form to the Registrar’s Office along with your $10 fee per class withdrawn.  You have until Friday, October 28, 2016 to withdraw from a class this semester.

Final High School and College Transcripts Due:

  • Freshman:  If you have not submitted your final high school transcript, please put in a request now to have it sent to the Registrar’s Office at Corban.  You will have a hold on your account which will prevent you from being able to register until your transcript has been received in the Registrar’s Office.  If you have any questions please stop by the Registrar’s Office between 9 – 4, Monday – Friday
  • If you have taken classes at another college or university and have not had your final transcripts sent to Corban.  Please place an order to have them sent to the Registrar’s Office at Corban.

Graduating this year?

  • If you applied to graduate this school year, you should have received a copy of your degree audit via your Corban e-mail.  Please look over this carefully with your advisor and make sure that you have a plan in place to fulfill all of your requirements.  Please make sure that Karen Goertzen is aware of your degree completion plans.
  • If you did not apply to graduate last April, it is not too late.  Please come by the Registrar’s Office to pick up a graduation application.  Completed applications must be turned in before December 1, 2016.  Please be aware that a late fee does apply.

Tsunami and Earthquake Preparedness Comic

Without Warning, a new comic by OEM and Darkhorse Comics

To celebrate the Great ShakeOut in 2016, Oregon’s Office of Emergency Management and Dark Horse Comics teamed up to publish Without Warning: Tsunami, a new comic touting tsunami preparedness. The 16-page comic strip sequence chronicles a mother/daughter camping trip on the Oregon coast when an earthquake and resulting tsunami strike. The duo stays safe and helps others in danger. Download here

Also available published in 2014, Without Warning! Tells the story of Cascadia High School student, Angie as she must go rescue her little sister after a Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake. This publication is a partnership between the Oregon Office of Emergency Management and Dark Horse Comics. Download it here!

Admission’s Photo Shoot

We’re looking for students to participate in a photo shoot for Admissions. These photos will be used on our recruitment materials, so you could be the next face of Corban!

 When: Tuesday, October 4, 3pm-5pm

Where: Meet at the Welcome Desk in Schimmel


  • Solid colored clothing or muted patterns
  • Choose a top with sleeves (t-shirt or longer)
  • Keep jewelry simple and minimalistic
  • Corban gear is not required but always welcome. Note: Logos are not permitted unless they are Corban’s!
  • Remember, you will be representing Corban, so put your best self forward, clothing included.

Bring: Textbooks, backpacks, laptops, coffee–any typical student gear that you would normally carry to class or around campus.

Please RSVP to rbenham@corban.edu if you can participate. Thanks so much!!


Library Hours

Hello Corban students! Just a reminder for those of you that like to use the library Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. The library is closed for chapel from 9:55-10:50 MWF, a library student assistant will give a 10 minute curtesy notice in case you lose track of time. Have a good day!