Ministry Opportunities & Chapel

Worship Night!

There will be a Worship Night in the Psalm Center October 11th at 8:30pm. Come for a wonderful time of worship with the Corban Community.

21 Days of Prayer

The TrueNorth Corps – Corban’s student missions group – will be sending you prayer requests for the next 21 days as we prepare for World Outreach Week.  Please be in prayer over the next 21 days for WOW that the Lord would use every aspect of the conference to challenge each of us to live under His Lordship to accomplish His will in the world.
Prayer Request:  Please pray for our guest speaker, Dr. George Murray, chancellor of Columbia International University, as he prepares to minister to the Corban community and help us better understand and align our hearts with God’s love and plan for all people. Pray that the Lord will change our lives and campus for His glory through Dr. Murray’s ministry among us.

Coming up in chapel:

Oct     7       Mon    Praise/Worship led by Chris Voigt & Student Worship Team
Oct     9       Wed    Amy Shreve (harpist)
Oct     11     Fri       No Chapel (Study Day)

Oct     14     Mon   Praise/Worship chapel
Oct     16     Wed   Fritz Liedtke, Photographer (“Skeletons in the Closet”)
Oct     18     Fri      Dr. Gary Ott, Surgical Director Center for Advanced Cardiac Disease,             Providence Heart and Vascular Institute



Admissions Looking For Hosts

“Corban Experience is approaching and methinks I hear the distant rumblings of a dorm battle afar off upon the horizon.”
We need help hosting, and there is an incentive to go with it. Let’s put it this way: Ever read Dr. Seuss’ The Sneetches? Well, there will be bragging rights for the champion dorm. Stay tuned for more info! If you would like to host please email with the following:

  • Dorm & room #
  • Phone number
  • Number of students you’re willing to host
  • Name of friend you are already planning on hosting
  • Roommates name/number if you’re responding for both of you

Free Writing Lab offered 3 nights a week!

Come to the Writing Lab (AC 3301) for assistance with grammar, punctuation, sentence structure and editing. Half-hour sessions are available on either Tuesday (6-8pm), Wednesday (4-6pm) or Thursday (6-8pm). Sign up beforehand by stopping by the room or emailing Daren Milionis at

Musically Speaking

  • Bring your lunch to the Psalm Center next Tuesday (Oct 8th) at noon to enjoy a piano concert by our guest artist Dr. Cole Burger. Then plan on joining Dr. Cole Burger at 3:00 for a Master Class in the Psalm Center.
  • Saturday, October 19, 2013 at 4:00 PM in the Psalm Performing Art Center
    -Charity Batson – Junior Piano Recital –Come support Charity as she plays works by Bach, Mozart, Chopin, and Debussy. She will be assisted by Bethea Gliebe, piano.

Students May Now Register for Israel Tour May 2014

Have you heard the buzz on campus?  Yes, the unforgettable study tour to Israel hosted by Drs. Greg Trull and Tim Anderson!  Yes, this trip of the lifetime is approaching and you can register for it.  If you have questions, contact Tim Anderson ( or Greg Trull ( with your name, mailing address and phone number.  Or stop by and get one of the really cool tour pamphlets.

Reminder #1:  If you are planning on going, remember the deadline for sending in your deposit is November 6th.
Reminder #2:  The tour makes a great Christmas and/or Graduation gift.
Reminder #3:  You can sign up for BI292 Bible Lands Tour class for three units of credit (Bible elective)

Corban Baseball Fundraiser

Fundraising for the Warriors Baseball team is in full swing for the 2013-14 season. Our athletes are selling an assortment of premium fruit. This year’s selection includes apples: Fuji, Gala, Granny Smith, as well as a mixed apple box. For citrus options we have Sunkist Oranges and Texas Grapefruits. A new addition this year is mixed premium pears. All options are sold by the box which range from 15-25 lbs., depending on the product. Prices range from $25 to $35 a box. For more info please contact a Corban baseball player or email Coach Judd at Thanks for your support. Go Warriors!

Are You Registered to Vote?

Feel like your lawmakers aren’t listening?
Maybe you aren’t speaking loud enough…
Register to Vote!
When: October 7-11
Where: Chapel and Dining Hall


Transcripts:  Have you taken a course recently at another college or university?  Make sure that you request an official transcript be sent to Corban’s Registrar.
Dropping a class:  You may continue to withdraw from classes through November 8th.  To withdraw, pick up a course change card in the Registrar’s Office and pay the $10 fee.
Graduating in 2013-14, but haven’t applied to graduate?:  You can still pick up a graduation application in the Registrar’s Office.  The last day to submit your graduation application is: Monday, December 2, 2013



Do You Instagram?

#nordsighting is still on! For your chance to win, email Nathan Geer ( with your Instagram name or follow him (nthgeer) on Instagram so he can follow you and include your photo during the Ice Cream Social on Tuesday, Oct. 1st, 8-10pm in PVG lobby!!

Chiropractor On Campus

Dr. Michels will be on campus NEXT Wednesday, October 2nd, from 2:30-4:00 pm in the training room. Cost is $10 and is open to all Corban students, staff, and immediate family. If you would like to make an appointment please call 503-589-8193 or email

The Health Clinic will be open this Thursday

Matt Summers from Stayton Family Practice will be back on campus for clinic on Thursday, Oct. 3rd from 8:00 a.m. to Noon.  Contact Nurse Janie in person, by email or by phone 503-375-7010 to make an appointment.

 See Professor Kelli Gassman on the “Katie” Couric show!

Prof. Kelli Gassman and her husband, Dan, were facing infertility due to age and other factors. Now they have a healthy, happy 9-month-old boy, Trevor. Find out how by watching the first two segments of the “Katie” Couric show this coming Monday, Sept. 30. (Spoiler alert: Little Trevor sat on Katie’s lap and stole the show!) Here in the Willamette Valley, you can watch “Katie” on the ABC affiliate, KGW TV8, at 2:00 p.m. Elsewhere, use the quick Please help get the word out via email, Facebook and Twitter.

AMBEX Director coming to campus!

Mr. Gerald Orr will be back on campus October 7th & 8th to answer questions about Corban’s study abroad program in Regensburg, Germany. Come visit Jerry at his information table outside of Emitte Center and plan to join him for one of the following information meetings: Monday lunch from 12:00-1:00 in the Manna Room, and dinner 5:30-6:30 in the Oakland Room of the Dining Hall. He will also be available to answer your questions Tuesday morning at 8:00 am for breakfast.
Door prizes from Germany provided at each meeting!

From the Registrar’s Office:

Freshman: Final high school transcripts are needed in the Registrar’s Office.  If we haven’t received your final high school transcript you were notified via e-mail a couple of weeks ago.  We must have these prior to the start of spring semester registration.
Transcripts:  Have you taken a course recently at another college or university?  Make sure you request an official transcript be sent to our Registrar’s Office.
Dropping a class:  You may continue to withdraw from classes through Friday, November 8th.  Pick up a course change card in the Registrar’s Office and pay the $10 fee to withdraw.
Graduating in 2013-14, but haven’t applied to graduate?:  You can still pick up a graduation application in the Registrar’s Office. Last day to submit your application is: December 2, 2013

From the Mailroom:

Attention all Facebook Stalkers…make sure to add Corban University mail room’s Facebook page to your list!
“Like” our page if you haven’t already. We’re trying to get 300 or more “likes” by the end of the semester, and I know we have more than 300 students on campus!

The CORBANATOR is here.

You can only set up for this pass/fail course until Thursday! This fun workshop will cover those little things that cause you trouble: colons and semi-colons, adjectives and adverbs, commas and quotation marks. Sign up in the registrar’s office for En 081. The course will meet in AC3327, Thursday evenings from 5-6 p.m. on Oct. 3, 10, 17, and 24.

Events You Don’t Want to Miss!

Free Concert Tonight in the Psalm Center!

Award Winning A Capella Group, RESCUE tonight at 7:00 PM In the Psalm Performing Arts Center.
RESCUE is a national award-winning vocal group based out of Portland, Oregon.
Their unique and captivating style brings people of all ages into a worshipful and entertaining arena.

Are You Smarter than a College Student?

Come see if Dr. Nord can make the grade, as he will be the one on the hot seat!
Monday, September 30th, Psalm Center, 7:00 p.m.

Ice Cream Social

A personal meet-and-greet with Sheldon and Jamie Nord, featuring a #nordsighting picture slideshow! (See Announcement portion of the Corban Clips Blog to see how you can contribute an instagram photo to the slide show!) PVG lobby at 8:00 p.m. It’s going to be fun and yummy, don’t miss it!

Are you an “undeclared student”? Hoff School of Business invites you….

Griff Lindell, Dean of Business, would like to invite you to attend the Dean’s Reception, October 3rd at 6:00 p.m., in the Psalm Center. There will be refreshments, games and amazing door prizes, with someone walking away with the grand prize, an iPad! If you’d like to attend, RSVP  Jan hopkins at and you’ll receive your ticket for the event and entry into the door prizes. (must be present to win)

Procession Cheer Line

Be a part of the student cheer line for the bagpipe-lead procession of dignitaries from Schimmel to the Psalm Center. Gather at 1:15 p.m. the procession will begin at 1:30 p.m.

Athletics Wants You!

Want to Win $100 in Nike Gear? Who Doesn’t?

 Check it out!
NAME THE WARRIOR MASCOT CONTEST – OSU has Benny the Beaver, Oregon has Puddles, what is the name of the Warrior mascot? No idea. Here’s your chance to “Name the Warrior Mascot” by sending your entry to Greg Eide, Director of Athletics, via email ( by September 27th, for a chance to win a Nike shopping spree. The winner will be selected by the Department of Athletics, and then submitted to the President’s Cabinet for approval. If approved the winner will receive a $100 credit that can be used to purchase Nike gear through the Athletics Department. Be creative and win this great prize!

(2)    NAME THE STUDENT SECTION CONTEST – Have you ever noticed student sections at college campus’ are easily located just by a name or the shirts that students wore in a certain section? Gonzaga has “The Dawg Pound,” Oregon has “The Pit,” Duke has the “Cameroon Crazies,” Montana State Billings has “The Hive.” Here is your chance to “Name the Student Section” inside the C.E. Jeffers Sports Center by sending your entry to Greg Eide, Director of Athletics, via email ( by September 27th, for a chance to win a Nike shopping spree. The winner will be selected by the Department of Athletics and then  submitted to the President’s Cabinet for approval. If approved the winner will receive a $100 credit to purchase Nike gear! Show Warrior Pride, enter a name, be creative, and win a prize!

October 5th Willamette Invitational

The Cross Country team will be racing in Caldwell, ID this weekend but on October 5th, race at the Willamette Invitational here in Salem (our only Salem area meet).  The Willamette Invite is usually one of the largest cross country meets in the nation. Go Warriors!

Intramurals…..hurry so as not be left out of the awesome fun!

Last Chance to Sign up for Opal Creek Hike this Saturday the 21st!
9 Hole Golf: Entries Close Tuesday the 24th
Powder Puff: Entries Close Friday the 27th
Flag Football: Entries Close Friday the 27th

New Corban Fitness Center Protocol

Our new procedure is anyone using the fitness center must sign in before use. A podium is stationed outside the temporary back entrance with the sign in sheets. We will be keeping track of this through our onsite gym workers so please be respectful and cooperative. We appreciate you working with us until we are able to implement an improved system as this will help us to serve the campus better. This applies to the use of all Sports Center facilities, not just the upstairs fitness center.

Tonight & Tomorrow Night Home Volleyball Games!

Don’t miss this opportunity to pop up to the C.E. Jeffer’s Sports Center to cheer on the Warriors in two volleyball matches this weekend! Both nights at 7:00 p.m. come support the Warriors with all the Corban spirit you can muster!


Events Too Good to Miss…..

Skeleton in the Closet

The intersection of art & science explore: body image, eating disorders, obesity and pregnancy.
Tuesday, October 15th at 6:00 p.m. (informal reception) 7:00 p.m. (formal program) with artist Fritz Liedtke and Scientist Sarah Comstock.

Spanish Club Kickoff

Wanna learn and practice Spanish in a fun environment?  Come on out to the SPANISH CLUB kickoff party on Tuesday, October 8th @ 7:00 p.m. @ Farrar apartment (home of Tim & Debbie Blycker).  Food, games, native speakers & novices.  All are welcome!  Contact Valerie Geer ( with questions.


Dr. Nord’s inauguration is coming soon! If you see him around campus be sure to snap an Instagram of him and with #nordsighting to commemorate the experience!! Photos will be displayed at the Ice Cream Social the evening of Tuesday, Oct. 1st in PVG Lobby.

Ministry Opportunities & Chapel

Here’s Your chance to be a part of Bible Translation!

We’re looking for at least 4 Corban students to join participants from a Russian church in Salem to raise money for Bible translation. It’s a great cause, with eternal benefits! Race to 2025 in Montana on October 11-12-13.
Link to info and registration:
Promo video:
Questions? Contact Dr. Annette Harrison on campus, or Alan Wymore, Corban’s Wycliffe representative (

Warming Souls While Warming Soles

Sock & Bible Drive – September 17th – 30th
*New Socks
*New/Gently used Bibles (Please feel free to write an encouraging note inside your donated Bible!)
AWARD for the Dorm with the most donations!

Chapel Schedule




Brad Butcher, Passion 4 People




ASB:  Steffan Bard




RESCUE (acapella men’s group)




From the Registrar’s Office: Are you attending the right classes? Do you need to drop a class?

Students, have you looked at your fall class schedule in SIS recently?  Please check and see if your class schedule matches the classes you have been attending.  If you need to drop any classes, stop by the Registrar’s Office and pick up a course change card.  The cost to drop is $10 per class. You only have until November 8th to drop classes from your fall schedule.

A Note from Your Friendly Mail Room Staff

The Mail Room wants to provide the best and friendliest customer service possible. To help us achieve this we are asking you to please put your FIRST and Last Name Legibly on all your class papers. If we are not able to read your name, your paper will not be returned.

 The CORBANATOR is returning in October.

This fun workshop will cover those little things that cause you trouble: colons and semi-colons, adjectives and adverbs, commas and quotation marks. Sign up in the registrar’s office for En 081. The course is pass/fail and will meet in AC3327, Thursday evenings from 5-6 p.m. on Oct. 3, 10, 17, and 24.

Changes in Aramark

Just last week we said goodbye to Tamra Taylor, Food Service Director for Aramark here at Corban, who is pursuing a new career. Now we hear that September 24th, April Morrison who has been working for Aramark at Corban University for the past 5 years, will be leaving her position to pursue a career with the State of Oregon.  Both of these ladies have served our campus well. Be sure and give April your regards if you see her bustling about in the dining hall over the weekend.

Israel Study Tour

It‘s around 227 days or 7 months, 17 days, or over 5300 hours, or just over 300,000 minutes until our group leaves to travel half way “around the world” to Tel Aviv, Israel, the first stage of our incredible study tour.  We’ll then literally walk in the footsteps of Jesus and God’s chosen people.  If you’ve not reserved your place on the tour, we’d love for you to go with us.  You have enough time to talk to your family and friends about supporting you with their prayers  and finances.  For further information, contact Dr. Greg Trull or Dr. Tim Anderson.



“Change Your Brain, Change Your Life—Before 25” Kickoff Event

Wed., Sept. 18, 2013, 4 – 6 p.m., Psalm Center

World-renowned physician, psychiatrist, and brain expert Daniel Amen M.D., and his son-in-law, Corban’s own Jesse Payne, Ed.D., will be kicking off the national pre-launch tour for Dr. Payne’s new book, “Change Your Brain Change Your Life—Before 25” (due to be released July 2014).

The event will be videotaped and portions will be shown across the U.S. Join the hundreds already signed up to attend. Registration isn’t required. Admission is FREE!

More details online at

Westrek: Come Adventure With Us!

Saturday, September 21st – Triangulation Peak & Boca Cave
Join us for an epic hike to the top of the rocky Triangulation Peak with close up views of Mt. Jefferson! We will also be taking a side trail and exploring Boca Cave with its majestic opening outlining Mt. Jefferson.

Cost: $4 (the same as a trip to Dutch Bros)

How to sign up & questions: contact Travis Carr or Angel Prideaux.

Campus Prayer Walk

Help us start the year off by covering our campus in prayer! Tomorrow, September 14th at 3:00 p.m. we will gather at the baseball field gravel lot. For more info contact Liane Dehart.

Music Department Retreat

When: September 13-15, 2013

Where:Foundry Baptist Church, 60 NW Oregon, Bend, Or

Corban’s choirs, bands and orchestra will lead the worship music for the 10:15 a.m. worship service on Sunday, September 15th.  We hope to see some of you there! Take an early Sunday morning drive & join us for worship!