Athletics Wants You!

Want to Win $100 in Nike Gear? Who Doesn’t?

 Check it out!
NAME THE WARRIOR MASCOT CONTEST – OSU has Benny the Beaver, Oregon has Puddles, what is the name of the Warrior mascot? No idea. Here’s your chance to “Name the Warrior Mascot” by sending your entry to Greg Eide, Director of Athletics, via email ( by September 27th, for a chance to win a Nike shopping spree. The winner will be selected by the Department of Athletics, and then submitted to the President’s Cabinet for approval. If approved the winner will receive a $100 credit that can be used to purchase Nike gear through the Athletics Department. Be creative and win this great prize!

(2)    NAME THE STUDENT SECTION CONTEST – Have you ever noticed student sections at college campus’ are easily located just by a name or the shirts that students wore in a certain section? Gonzaga has “The Dawg Pound,” Oregon has “The Pit,” Duke has the “Cameroon Crazies,” Montana State Billings has “The Hive.” Here is your chance to “Name the Student Section” inside the C.E. Jeffers Sports Center by sending your entry to Greg Eide, Director of Athletics, via email ( by September 27th, for a chance to win a Nike shopping spree. The winner will be selected by the Department of Athletics and then  submitted to the President’s Cabinet for approval. If approved the winner will receive a $100 credit to purchase Nike gear! Show Warrior Pride, enter a name, be creative, and win a prize!

October 5th Willamette Invitational

The Cross Country team will be racing in Caldwell, ID this weekend but on October 5th, race at the Willamette Invitational here in Salem (our only Salem area meet).  The Willamette Invite is usually one of the largest cross country meets in the nation. Go Warriors!

Intramurals…..hurry so as not be left out of the awesome fun!

Last Chance to Sign up for Opal Creek Hike this Saturday the 21st!
9 Hole Golf: Entries Close Tuesday the 24th
Powder Puff: Entries Close Friday the 27th
Flag Football: Entries Close Friday the 27th

New Corban Fitness Center Protocol

Our new procedure is anyone using the fitness center must sign in before use. A podium is stationed outside the temporary back entrance with the sign in sheets. We will be keeping track of this through our onsite gym workers so please be respectful and cooperative. We appreciate you working with us until we are able to implement an improved system as this will help us to serve the campus better. This applies to the use of all Sports Center facilities, not just the upstairs fitness center.

Tonight & Tomorrow Night Home Volleyball Games!

Don’t miss this opportunity to pop up to the C.E. Jeffer’s Sports Center to cheer on the Warriors in two volleyball matches this weekend! Both nights at 7:00 p.m. come support the Warriors with all the Corban spirit you can muster!