
Core Group Assistant Applications

2014 Core Group Assistant Applications are now available in the Registrar’s office in Schimmel Hall. If you are interested in working with next years’ new students, either freshmen or transfers, now is the time to act. Deadline is March 21st. Contact Don Sparks 8188 if you have questions.


REACH Credit for Spring Break Mission Trips!

Are you participating in a service trip during Spring Break?  If so, register before you go for a Reach project.  Here’s how:

1.    Log onto Converge
2.    Click on the Help menu, then Reach
3.    Under Reach Forms, find the Project Registration Form (for community or church), open it, click “Comment”, then “T” for adding text so you can type on the form.  Save it and attach it to an email to

Questions?  Valerie Geer would love to help.  Stop by the Reach office in Student Life, or email


From the Registrar’s Office

DROPPING CLASSES: Only One Week Left!: Students you have until Friday, March 14th to withdraw from classes.  If you need to drop a class, stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up the necessary paperwork and pay the $10 fee per class dropped.

GRADUATION APPLICATIONS 2015:  If you are planning on graduating in December 2014 or May 2015, stop by the Registrar’s office to pick up your graduation application.  Applications are due back in the Registrar’s Office by Friday, April 18th.

REGISTRATION DATES FALL SEMESTER 2014 CLASSES:  We will continue self-registration for classes.  Please take time to set up an advising appointment with your advisor before you register for your fall semester classes.

  •  Juniors to be seniors/seniors: Monday, March 31st
  • Sophomores to be juniors: Monday, April 7th
  • Freshmen to be sophomores; Monday, April 14th

GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: FINAL COLLEGE TRANSCRIPTS DUE:  Graduating Seniors, if you have taken classes from another college or university all official transcripts from other institutions must be received in the Registrar’s Office by April 1st.  All REACH requirements must be completed by April 1st of the senior year.

•    BIBI432GJ: NT Book Study, The Gospel of John w/Dr. Gary Derickson, 3 credits, June 16 – July 25.  Tuition: $1005, plus a $40 technology fee.
Registration for the class will begin April 1st.  The class must be paid for at the time that you register.  Registration forms will be available in the Registrar’s Office.



There are four free tickets available for tonight, March 7th to the first one to call Richard Bruner at 541-905-6124. This is the true story of Rich Mullins, and is showing at Willamette Community Church in Albany at 7:00 p.m.


Who can I talk to?

Please check out this week’s Back Page Blog to learn about how Corban responds when a student is struggling with issues related to same-sex attraction, orientation or identity.  Also check out the list of faculty and staff who have expressed that they want to be publically identified as a safe person to talk to.  And for those faculty and staff who wonder why they weren’t named, let Student Life know and your name will be added!


What’s Happening on Campus (and off) this Week?

Upcoming Campus Recreation events:


  • Table Tennis Weekend Tournament: Registrations open until the 7th of March
    • Dodgeball Tournament: Registrations open until the 18th of March
      • Wiffleball League: Registrations open until the 28th of March

Outdoor Adventure

  • Ice Skating Event: Registrations close the 13th of March at 4pm.  Only 6 spots left. You snooze, you lose!

Visit our website for registration forms:


Westrek: Come Adventure With Us!

Saturday, March 1st – Saddle Mountain 

Join us for a non-technical mountain climb up Saddle Mountain in the Oregon Coast Range. This is one of our premier hikes for the semester, so don’t miss it!
Cost: $4 (the same as a trip to Dutch Bros)
How to sign up & questions: contact Travis Carr or Angel Prideaux.


Chiropractor on Campus!

Dr. Michels will on campus Wednesday, March 5th  from 2:30-4pm in the training room. Cost is $10 and is open to all Corban studnets, staff, and immediate family. Payment can be make in the form of cash or check made out to Corban University. If you would like to make an appointment please call 503.589.8193 or e-mail



“The Spot” and all-city worship event for young adults in Salem will be held at Salem Alliance church in March.
Date: Friday, March 7
Time: 7-9 pm


Did you Miss Chapel today?

If so, you missed a hilarious time with 3,2,1 Improv Comedy! If you’d like to see them in concert tomorrow night, March 1 at 7:00p.m. at Dayspring in Keizer, come to the ASB office for free tickets, (That everyone else paid $10 for!) What a deal!
Also, in the same package is seeing our own ASB President Emily Teterud, song writer finalist in the Worship Northwest competition, perform her song and you can vote for your favorite artist! It’ll be a great night you won’t want to miss!


Hungry for a Great Meal Deal?

Aramark Promo: Get 25 meals with $25 Warrior Dollars for only $200. You may purchase this great deal in the Financial Services Office.




GRAD FINALE Door Prizes: And the Winner is…
•    Samsung Tablet: Rachel Olson
•    $50 Nike Certificate: Michelle Clubb
•    $50 iTunes Card: Andrew Pittman
•    $50 Amazon Card: Alec Kovac
•    $25 Starbucks Card: Kristina Moen
•    $20 VISA Card: Rachel Stewart
•    1 night lodging at the Phoenix Inn: Jason Mentzer
•    $25 Red Robin Card: Brian Spaulding
•    Alumni Gift Basket: Jenna Stebly
•    Mug/Starbucks Card: Alysha Fox
•    Grad Images Gift Certificate: Stephanie Myrie
•    Grad Images Gift Certificate: Jamie Freeberg
•    Grad Images Gift Certificate: Julia Quiring
•    Grad Images Gift Certificate: Maisa Bicudo
•    Water Bottle: Jacob Herrington
•    Water Bottle: Emily Boudreau
-If you are one of our door prize winners please stop by the Registrar’s Office to claim your prize.
CAP AND GOWN PICK UP: If you missed Grad Finale please stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up your cap and gown.
-Need Extra Commencement Tickets?  You may order them through this link:
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: FINAL COLLEGE TRANSCRIPTS DUE:  Graduating Seniors, if you have taken classes from another college or university all official transcripts from other institutions must be received in the Registrar’s Office by April 1st. All REACH requirements must be completed by April 1st of the senior year.
DROPPING CLASSES: Students you have until Friday, March 14th to withdraw from classes.  Please check online in SIS to make sure that your schedule is correct. If you need to drop a class, stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up the necessary paperwork and pay the $10 fee per class dropped.


Baseball Dinner/Auction Rescheduled

The Corban Baseball Dinner/Auction rescheduled date is Saturday, April 12th at 6:30 in the Psalm Center. Tickets can be purchased by emailing head coach Jeff McKay at More information on auction items and evening program can be found at The free mini concert and worship time led by local singer/songwriter Logan Martin will begin at 8:45.


Race to 2025

Did you know that there are more than 130 Sign Languages used by the deaf around the world, or that a Signed Language doesn’t follow the same rules and patterns of vocabulary and grammar as the languages spoken by hearing people? Wycliffe Bible Translators is sponsoring a fundraiser for Sign Language Bible translations in Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia. Race to 2025 pits teams of four against physical, mental and spiritual challenges in a race to raise money for Bible translation work around the world. The next race in our area is at Tall Timber Ranch in Washington during the weekend of March 14-16.  There isn’t much time left to join! Contact Alan Wymore ( or Race Coordinator Kris Russel ( to sign up. More info at
Whether you go or pray, check out this amazing video that will tell you more about the need for Bible translations for deaf communities:



Dear Student, we are rapidly approaching pre-registration for Summer Term (April 7–25) and for Fall 2014 (March 31—May 2).  Let me give you a simple check list  to see if you will be held up, or if you will sail through!
_____  I have a balance due
_____  I have not made arrangements for payments (that means you have called the Financial Services office and you have given them an amount and a date the payment will be made).  Please call to set up a payment plan—just remember that we have March, April and May remaining for payments to be made this year.
_____  I have undisbursed financial aid for the 2013 – 2014 year showing on my Financial Aid Online “Disbursements” tab at
_____ My Financial Aid will not pay all of my balance due.  A Financial Aid Counselor would be happy to help you learn about additional loan options.
_____ I have not applied for loans to pay for the rest of my balance.

If you have checked the first item and no others, you will sail through!
If you have checked any of the rest, your Pre-registration will be delayed until those items are completed.



To all the hosts willing to “change it up” and host a different weekend. Thanks so much for your flexibility! Corban Experience was a success and we owe much of it to you! Stay tuned for the winner of the dorm hosting competition. (The anticipation just might kill you!)



Attention All Students:
Please be sure to write you FIRST and LAST names, legibly,  on ALL  your class papers. This will ensure your papers are scanned and emailed to you promptly.
All papers with illegible names on papers will be discarded.


Reach reminders:

1.    Due date for Spring Break projects:  4-1-14.
2.    Due date for Spring semester projects:  4-25-14 (BUT, if you’re a graduating SENIOR, your due date is 4-1-14)
3.    Your supervisor’s evaluation must be emailed to directly from your supervisor’s email address; this is how the form is considered “signed.”  If your supervisor is unable to do this and must print the form, please make sure he/she signs it, and then you can email it in to



Come and join us at Balyo Counseling Center for a Creative Arts Process Group
This will be 7 sessions and will meet on Thursdays at 3:30-5:00 starting March 6th
We will explore identity and relationship with self and others while doing art!
There is limited availability and if you are interested please email


Attention graduating seniors!

If you missed out on Grad Finale you missed out on FREE gifts from the Alumni Department! Please come down to the Alumni House located between Farrar and the President’s house to receive your free gifts! We are open M-F 8:00am-5:00pm. Hope to see you soon!


Counseling Class goes on Field Trip!

On Wednesday, February 26, Laurie Smith’s Community Agency Counseling class took a field trip to Willamette Valley Hospice in West Salem.  We had an amazing and informative conversation with Melissa Lindley, the Community Outreach Coordinator. Students learned about the philosophy of hospice care, the community that is served, and the ways that volunteers can serve. We see many opportunities for Corban students to serve!



What’s Happening On Campus this Week?

Upcoming Campus Recreation Intramural events:

  • Co-Ed Indoor Soccer: Registrations close this Friday 21st of February at 5pm!  Get a team quickly!
  • Badminton Two-Day Tournament:  Registrations close the 25th of February at 5pm
  • Outdoor Adventure
  • Ice Skating Event: Registrations close the 13th of March at 4pm.  Only 9 spots left. Hurry in!

Visit our website for registration forms:



AMBEX Director, Jerry Orr, will be here on campus this Monday and Tuesday, February 24th and 25th to answer questions about Corban’s study abroad program in Regensburg, Germany. Come visit Jerry at his information table outside of Emitte Center and plan to join him for one of the following information meetings: Tuesday lunch from 12:00-1:00 and dinner from 6:00-7:00. Both of these will take place in the Oakland Room of the Dining Hall. Door prizes from Germany provided at each meeting! Please email Jeff Benjamin at with any questions ahead of Jerry’s visit.

Show Don’t Tell

The Talent Show is really happening this time! Sunday, February 23rd – Psalm Center – 7p.m.


Student Activity Board Scavenger Hunt

Come to PVG after the Talent Show to participant in a Scavenger Hunt around campus! There will also be Bunco available in the PVG lobby for those who would not like to brave the weather.

Westrek: Come Adventure With Us!

Saturday, March 1st – Saddle Mountain

Join us for a non-technical mountain climb up Saddle Mountain in the Oregon Coast Range. This is one of our premier hikes for the semester, so don’t miss it!

Cost: $4 (the same as a trip to Dutch Bros)
How to sign up & questions: contact Travis Carr or Angel Prideaux.


Coming soon… March 1st… Corban University Bookstore Innova Disc Golf Tournament

  • 4 Man teams
  • Best Throw Format
  • Shotgun Start promptly at 9a.m.
  • (2) 9 hole rounds
  • $100 first place prize – low score
  • other tier prizes and lots of Fun.

Each team may buy

  • free throw (mulligan) a giant step,
  • free Roll (tricky)
  • 6ft string (move anywhere)

Only before play starts….$2 each/or all 4 for $5…only before play starts.
Check in starts at 8:00 a.m. Come to the tournament table near hole 6/Amphi Theater area for Starting hole assignments, instructions, questions, and extra purchases.


Spanish Club!

Come enjoy singing in Spanish, learning a bit about culture, and participating in Spanish language activities, according to your level/ ability. Tuesday, February 25th, in PV108 from 7-8p.m. Snacks & drinks provided!



Servant Sale!!!

Have weeds that need to be pulled?
Do you want to get ahead on spring cleaning??
The Utah Missions Team can help!

As a fundraiser, the Utah spring break missions team will be providing a “servant sale” for Corban’s faculty and staff. 🙂

If interested in hiring our team to work on a project or have questions, please contact the team leaders:
JennaMarie Harris =
Katrina Aman =


Library Survey

Thank you to those who have completed the Library survey!
If you have not completed the Library survey, it remains open until February 21st at 5pm.
Please, take a few minutes to share your thoughts on the Library and the services we provide so we can serve you better.
To express our appreciation for your participation, those who complete the survey will have an opportunity to win one of two $75 Amazon gift cards (one student and one faculty/staff), or one of four $35 Amazon gift cards (3 student and one faculty/staff).
Please, click on this link and complete the survey by Friday, February 21st at 5pm:
Any questions?  Contact Garrett Trott:


Chapel on Monday features author…

Dr. Ulf Spears, Author of the new book “Coaching Leadership Families,” will be speaking in chapel Monday, February 24.


Hilltop Journalism Staff Fundraiser

The Hilltop News Journalism Staff is holding a fundraiser to send our editors and asst. editors to the Evangelical Press Association Conference in Anaheim, CA in May.  We would appreciate your support by ordering food at the Chipotle restaurant on Lancaster Drive,  Tuesday, Feb. 25th from 3:00-7:00 p.m.  Be sure to tell the cashier you are supporting the Corban Journalism Staff, and we will receive 50% of the proceeds from all sales that evening!  Thank you for your support!

What’s Happening in the Corban Community this Week?!

Spanish Club Meets Soon!

Tuesday, February 25th 7:00-8:00 p.m. in PV 108.  All are welcome!  Come on out and sing a Spanish worship song, learn a bit about culture and Catholicism, and participate in a Spanish language activity according to your language ability.  Beginners – advanced welcome.  Snacks and drinks provided.  Contact Valerie Geer with questions.


Upcoming Campus Recreation events:

Intramural Events

  • Co-Ed Indoor Soccer: Registrations close the 21st of February at 5pm.
  • Badminton Two-Day Tournament:  Registrations close the 25th of February at 5pm

Outdoor Adventure

  • Ice Skating Event: Registrations close the 13th of March at 4pm.  Only 22 spots left.


“Show Don’t Tell”

The show will go on! Sunday February 23rd at 7pm in the Psalm Center!
Questions? Contact


Bookstore Disc Golf Tournament

March 1st at 9am 

  • 18 holes
  • shotgun start
  • best throw format
  • 4 man groups
  • $5 entry each player at Bookstore sign up
  • $100 group 1st prize and other tier prizes



Grad Finale: RESCHEDULED for Thursday, February 20, 2014 from 2:30 – 6:30 pm.  For more information about Grad Finale please visit our webpage:  Grad Images, our commencement photographer will be available to take your picture at this event!


Musically Speaking……

14th Annual Hymn Festival – Jesus Our Friend and Savior!
Thursday, February 20 and Friday, February 21 at 7:30 PM
First Presbyterian Church
770 Chemeketa St NE, Salem
Come join in singing praise to our Lord.
Our worship will be accompanied by the Corban Choir and Orchestra.


Corban Experience Refueled!

Feb. 23-24 is the newly scheduled Corban Experience. If you had signed up to host please let Jared Hernandez know at a.s.a.p. if you are still able to host or not. Thank you for your flexibility!


Corban’s Theater Department presents…..

Anne of Green Gables
March 13-15 and 20-22
Matinees at 10:30am on the 13th and 15th
Evening shows at 7:00pm on the 14th-15th and 20th-22nd
Tickets are $10 for students and may be purchased at the bookstore or at the door
Doors open ½ hour before the performance



The Never-Ending Story of Male and Female
Wed., Feb. 19, 9 – 11 p.m.
Emitte Center
In the beginning God created man and woman. Ever since, we humans have been asking questions. “Loveology” is an exploration of what the Bible has to say about the never-ending story of male and female. This Corban community-only event, especially for singles, will feature in-depth discussion about singleness and marriage from “Loveology” author John Mark Comer. Comer serves as lead pastor at Bridgetown: A Jesus Church, which is part of a family of churches formally known as Solid Rock in Portland, OR. Bridgetown is unique in that about half of the 6,000-member church is made up of educated, unmarried college students and twenty-somethings. After he speaks, Comer will host a lively, anything goes Q&A session. Come and discover the theology of love, ask questions about sex and romance, and maybe even learn something new about God’s purpose for you.


What Happened to the Corbanator?!

The Corbanator did not meet on Feb. 6, due to the snow and the school closure!
As a result, the workshop will meet Feb. 13, 20, and 27 and March 6.
So… you still have time to register and take advantage of a workshop that will help you with grammar and punctuation.

  • Go to the registrar’s office and sign up for En 091, a one-credit course.
  • Cost = zero
  • Tests = zero
  • Homework = zero

The workshop will meet in AC4422 from 5-6 p.m. on the Thursdays as indicated.




GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: FINAL COLLEGE TRANSCRIPTS DUE:  Graduating Seniors, if you have taken classes from another college or university all official transcripts from other institutions must be received in the Registrar’s Office by April 1st.  All REACH requirements must be completed by April 1st of the senior year.

DROPPING CLASSES: Students you have until Friday, March 14th to withdraw from classes.  Please check online in SIS to make sure that your schedule is correct.  If you need to drop a class, stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up the necessary paperwork and pay the $10 fee per class dropped.


Corban Univ. Library

Saturday, February 15, 2013    CLOSED
Sunday,   February 16, 2013    CLOSED
Monday,  February 17, 2013    2:00– 11:00pm



Hoff School of Business (HSB) is sponsoring Lemonade Day in Salem/Kaiser. This is the first venture in the Northwest. If you are interested in mentoring a middle-school student (taking them through a very child-friendly, cartoon-laden workbook) contact Griff Lindell, Dean of the HSB. You don’t have to be a business major to mentor – you just have to love kids – and help them answer the questions that will build their 14-step process in starting a lemonade stand business!
A sample of the Mentoring Guide is available in the Dean’s office. Contact Dean Lindell if you are interested.
About Lemonade Day – from the national website:
America was built on the back of small business. Entrepreneurs take risks believing they can realize their dream if they work hard, take responsibility and act as good stewards of their resources. Today’s youth share that optimism, but lack the life skills, mentorship and real-world experience necessary to be successful. In 2007, founder Michael Holthouse had a vision to empower today’s youth to become tomorrow’s entrepreneurs through helping them start, own and operate their very own business…a lemonade stand. Lemonade Day is a strategic 14-step process that walks youth from a dream to a business plan, while teaching them the same principles required to start any big company. Inspiring kids to work hard and make a profit, they are also taught to spend some, save some and share some by giving back to their community. Launched in Houston, Texas in 2007, Lemonade Day has grown from 2,700 kids in one city to 150,000 kids in 36 cities across America and Canada. With the help of partners like Google, Lemonade Day will bring this entrepreneurial experience to 1 million kids in 100 cities across America, sparking entrepreneurship and empowering youth in a way that’s never been done to scale.

What’s Happening at Corban this week?

Marion County Dog Shelter Training on Campus!

Doing your Reach service at Marion County Dog Shelter?
If so, and you need to attend their orientation/training, a special session will be held on Thursday, February 13th at 7:00 p.m. in PV108.  Even if you haven’t made contact with the shelter, and you’re interested in serving there, you can come!  Questions?  Contact Val in the Reach office: or x7010.


Portland Timbers Youth Camp at Corban this Summer!

Portland Timbers agreed to host a youth camp on campus in June! Camp will include at least one player from the professional team. The date is set for June 23-26,  and the cost is $150 per player. Each day will be full from 10:00a.m.-3:00pm each day. Contact Coach Aaron Lewis for details at


Spanish Club

Tuesday, February 25th 7:00-8:00 p.m. in the Pavilion (Exact room TBD).  All are welcome!  Come on out and sing a Spanish worship song, learn a bit about culture and Catholicism, and participate in a Spanish language activity according to your language ability.
Beginners – advanced welcome.  Snacks and drinks provided.  Contact Valerie Geer with questions.


Fusion Art Show

The reading of the Fusion Art Show will be in the Psalm Center Wednesday, February 12th at 7:30 p.m.


Westrek: Come Adventure With Us!

Saturday, February 15th – Tillamook Head
Join us for an epic hike through old growth forests and headland cliffs on the Oregon coast.
Cost: $4 (the same as a trip to Dutch Bros)
How to sign up and ask questions: contact Travis Carr or Angel Prideaux




Fill out Library Survey and have a chance to win an Amazon Gift Card!

As you are an important part of Corban, we would greatly appreciate your thoughts on our Library.  If you have never set foot in the library, or if you spend every waking hour among the stacks and labs, we want your feedback so we can serve you better.
We are providing a survey on the various services that the Corban University Library provides.
To express our appreciation for your participation, those who complete the survey will have an opportunity to win one of two $75 Amazon gift cards (one student and one faculty/staff), or one of four $35 Amazon gift cards (3 student and one faculty/staff).
Please, click on this link and complete the survey by Friday, February 21st at 5pm:


Oregon Scholarships still Available!

OCIS news… over 250 Oregon-specific scholarships are still available.
Go to OCIS, use Financial Aid Sort.  Under “Personal Characteristics,” select Oregon
(or your Oregon county).  Under “Deadline,” select “February or later.” Login: Corban35 – Password: Warrior1
Questions? Contact Don Sparks



Having trouble figuring out how to type on the new Reach forms (writable pdfs) that are on Converge?  Here’s how:
•    From a computer on campus:  The pdf will open in Adobe.  Look in the upper right for the word “Comment.”  Click on that, then select “T” for text.  Now you can place the cursor where you want and type.
•    From a computer off campus:  It may or may not be the same as above, but the key is to select a “text” option which enables you to type on the form.  Sometimes this is an icon in the toolbar, sometimes it appears to the left or along the top.


Corbanator Buried in Snow!!

The Corbanator did not meet on Feb. 6, due to the snow and the school closure!
As a result, the workshop will meet Feb. 13, 20, and 27 and March 6.
So… you still have time to register and take advantage of a workshop that will help you with grammar and punctuation.
Go to the registrar’s office and sign up for En 091, a one-credit course.
Cost = zero
Tests = zero
Homework = zero
The workshop will meet in AC4422 from 5-6 p.m. on the Thursdays as indicated.



GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: FINAL COLLEGE TRANSCRIPTS DUE:  Graduating Seniors, if you have taken classes from another college or university all official transcripts from other institutions must be received in the Registrar’s Office by April 1st.  All REACH requirements must be completed by April 1st of the senior year.

DROPPING CLASSES: Students you have until Friday, March 14th to withdraw from classes.  Please check online in SIS to make sure that your schedule is correct.  If you need to drop a class, stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up the necessary paperwork and pay the $10 fee per class dropped.

GRADUATING SENIORS YOU ARE INVITED TO: Grad Finale: “THIS EVENT WAS POSTPONED”:  More information coming early next week on rescheduling this event!




Monday February 2, 2014 in the Emitte Center 7:30pm!

Learn about the different roles on ASB and chat with current ASB members to get an idea of whether or not you would like to run for the 2014-15 school year!


 Chiropractor on Campus today!

Dr. Michels will be on campus in the training room of the gym TODAY from 2:30pm -4:00pm  (January 31.)  To make an appointment please e-mail or call 503.589.8193.



Do you enjoy science, camp counseling and investing in the lives of kids? Are you looking for a fun way to earn a Reach credit? Come to an informational meeting Tuesday, February 4th at 4:30 p.m. in PV 107. Katy Ranzoni from Cascade School District will be there to share how you can help with Cascade Junior High’s Outdoor School program in April. Counselors and teachers are always needed.  Questions? Contact Cara Teterud at



If you would like to improve your grammar and/or punctuation skills, this workshop is for you. Sign up at the registrar’s office for En 091.

  • You will earn one credit.
  • You will have fun.
  • You will pay no money.
  • You will learn.
  • You will have no homework or tests.

Join us in AC4422 next Thursday (and every Thursday during February).

Questions? Email

Corban Experience is almost here!!!

Corban Experience is a week and a half away. WOOHOO!!! However, we are still short on hosts! Jared Hernandez will willingly send another ridiculous and pathetic picture of himself to you as an incentive if you are willing to help. We are especially in need of guys. Sign up at the link below or email if you have already signed up and are willing to host another student. Thank you all!

You know those little floaty rings kids use to stay afloat? Yep…. That’s you guys….. Blessings!


Valentine’s Day is coming!!

Do you want to do something extra nice for that special someone in your life this Valentine’s Day?  Why not treat your valentine to a totally unique and personalized video love note!  On Tuesday, Feb. 11 from 12-2 p.m. in the coffee shop, and Wed. Feb. 12 from 5-7 in the dining hall, you may record, on video,  your valentine greeting to a friend or loved one for only $2 or for $1, you may write a greeting.  The recorded and written greetings will be posted on Hilltop Online February 14th, in a special video/slide show.  In addition to surprising your sweetie, the funds will be used to help send your Hilltop editors to the Evangelical Press Association conference in Anaheim in the spring.  For more information, contact or



  • GRADUATING SENIORS YOU ARE INVITED TO: Grad Finale: Thursday, February 6th from 2:30 – 6:30 p.m. (open house) in the Emitte Center. If you are graduating this year you’ll want to stop by Grad Finale. Please join us to pick up your cap & gown and grad tickets. You may also order graduation announcements, class rings, meet our photographer, learn more about alumni and career services, student loans and much, much more…DON’T MISS THIS!!!
  • GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: FINAL COLLEGE TRANSCRIPTS DUE:  If you have taken classes from another college or university all official transcripts from other institutions must be received in the Registrar’s Office by April 1st.  All Reach requirements must be completed by April 1st of the senior year.
  • DROPPING CLASSES: You have until Friday, March 14th to withdraw from classes. Please check online in SIS to make sure that your schedule is correct. If you need to drop a class, stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up the necessary paperwork and pay the $10 fee per class dropped.


Writing help is available again this semester!

Help with grammar, punctuation, sentence structure and editing can be found on Tuesday from 6:00 -8:00, Wednesday from 4:00-6:00  and Thursday from 6:00-8:00.  Stop by and sign up in Student Support (AC 3301) or just email Daren Milionis at


Tax Form Now Available

If you were a student in the year 2013, you now have access to your 1098T form for the 2013 tax year on-line.  To access your 1098T:

  • First:  go to
  • Second: in the center column you will see a link to the 1098T, select that link.
  • Third: enter your social security number
  • Fourth: PIN enter your social security number again
  • Fifth: put your cursor on the PDF and select.

Your 1098T will show and you can either print it, e-mail it, or save it, or do all three.



Already you guys are doing a beautiful job serving in Salem and the surrounding area!  Thanks for your work. You are positively impacting children, the aging, animals, the poor, the earth, schools, churches, youth, and more!
Here are a few reminders:
1.    To find the Reach forms, log on to CONVERGE, click on the HELP MENU, then REACH.
2.    You are welcome to serve with an organization that is not on our partners list.
3.    Project Registration forms should be submitted BEFORE you begin your service.            4.    Upcoming due dates for Spring project completion:
a.    For GRADUATING SENIORS:  April 1, 2014
b.    For everyone else:  April 25, 2014

Contact Valerie Geer for questions or help.


Want a good job that’s waiting for you after graduation?

If so, it’s time to learn how (and how not) to craft a winning résumé and online profile. Dozens of Corban students already can testify: This works! Given today’s extremely competitive marketplace, why take any chances? Sign up now to attend IMPRESSIBLE™ YOU! Thursday, Feb. 6, 7 to 9 p.m., in the Psalm Performing Arts Center. Less than 75 tickets are still available. Email right away.
