Update from the Office of the Registrar


If you are planning to graduate in December of 2017 or May of 2018 your graduation application is due back at the Registrar’s Office by Friday, April 21st at 4:00 p.m. along with your $130 application fee.  Applications turned in after this Friday will be required to pay a $260 application fee.  If you have not picked up your application, they are available in the Registrar’s Office.


Graduates: Commencement will be held on Saturday, May 6th at 2:00 p.m. at the Salem Armory Auditorium.  All graduates who are participating in the ceremony are required to attend a rehearsal which will begin promptly at 12:15 p.m. at the Armory.  Doors will open for your guests at 1:00 p.m.  Please remember that this is a ticketed event and all guest must have a ticket to gain entry.  For more information about commencement visit our website: https://inside.corban.edu/commencement


Come be a part of one of the largest events of the school year, as we celebrate our 2017 graduates.  We are looking for 30 – 35 volunteers to assist with Greeting, Tickets, Ushering and more…  If you would like to serve at this event please contact: Sandy Clouser in the Registrar’s Office or e-mail sclouser@corban.edu

summer classes

Summer Courses Online:

Please stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up a complete list of summer course offerings.  There will be two session dates: May 7th – June 30th and July 1st – August 26th.  There is no self- registration for summer courses.  Tuition is $420 per credit hour and courses must be pre-paid prior to being registered for the course.  Completed forms w/tuition must be turned in to the Registrar’s office for registration purposes.  This includes students who are also doing independent studies over the summer.

Here are a few of the course offerings:

Session I: May 7th– June 30th

  1. BA215SP Macro Economics
  2. BI105SP Bible Study Methods
  3. BI432GJ NT Book Study Gospel of John
  4. EN123SP College Writing I
  5. EN308SP American Literature: 20th Century
  6. MA103SP Contemporary Math

Session II: July 1st – August 26th

    1. AT103SP Introduction to Art
    2. CM213SP Missional Living
    3. CO102SP Fundamentals of Speech
    4. BI432E0 NT Book Study: Ephesians
    5. HI333SP History of Judaism and Christianity
    6. MA223SP Statistics and Probability
    7. SC143SP Life Science w/Lab
    8. Th233SP Biblical Worldview