Monthly Archives: March 2017

From the Office of the Registrar


If you are planning on graduating in December of 2017 or May of 2018, stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up your graduation application.  Completed applications and graduation fee ($130) are due in the Registrar’s Office by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, April 21, 2017.


Students please contact your advisor to set up your advising appointment prior to the start of fall semester registration.  All students must meet with their advisor to schedule their fall classes and to receive their registration access code.  Please check your account for any holds.  Holds will prevent you from being able to register for classes.

Registration dates are as follows:

  1. Juniors to be seniors & seniors: Monday, April 10, 2017
  2. Sophomores to be juniors: Monday, April 17, 2017
  3. Freshman to be sophomores: Monday, April 24, 2017

GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: Final College Transcripts Due: April 1, 2017

Graduating Seniors, if you have taken classes from another college or university and have not submitted your final transcript, they must be received in the Registrar’s Office by April 1st, 2017.  All Reach requirements must also be completed by April 1st of your graduating year.  If we have not received this information from you, it could prevent you from being able to walk at Commencement.

summer classes

Summer Courses Online:

Please stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up a complete list of summer course offerings.  There will be two session dates: May 7th – June 30th and July 1st – August 26th.  There is no self- registration for summer courses.  Tuition is $420 per credit hour and courses must be pre-paid prior to being registered for the course.  Completed forms w/tuition must be turned in to the Registrar’s office for registration purposes.  This includes students who are also doing independent studies over the summer.

Here are a few of the course offerings:

Session I: May 7th– June 30th

  1. BA215SP Macro Economics
  2. BI105SP Bible Study Methods
  3. BI432GJ NT Book Study Gospel of John
  4. EN123SP College Writing I
  5. EN308SP American Literature: 20th Century
  6. MA103SP Contemporary Math

Session II: July 1st – August 26th

    1. AT103SP Introduction to Art
    2. CM213SP Missional Living
    3. CO102SP Fundamentals of Speech
    4. BI432E0 NT Book Study: Ephesians
    5. HI333SP History of Judaism and Christianity
    6. MA223SP Statistics and Probability
    7. SC143SP Life Science w/Lab
    8. Th233SP Biblical Worldview


Learn to keep writing when the words just will not come!

Gina Ochsner, Corban’s writer in residence, and assistant english professor, hosts a writing workshops series at the Barn.

From Gina:

Writing is an act of faith. Writers not only believe, but also rely upon words availing themselves when needed. However, what can a writer do when the words don’t arrive? In these two sessions, we will address a phenomenon nearly every writer encounters: the need to write while simultaneously feeling unable to do so.  We will talk about where story, essay and poetry ideas come from, how to “jump-start” writing when ideas seem absent, and how to develop those ideas.  We’ll be trying out different techniques so don’t be surprised if you leave these sessions with several story, essay or poetry starts in hand.  These sessions are designed for writers high-school aged and older.  No previous writing experience is needed—just curiosity.  Each of the sessions is designed as a distinct “unit” of thought and activity.  That is to say, if a participant cannot attend the first session, they can still attend the second session without missing a beat.

 Dates and Time:

April 22nd,10:00-1:00pm

April 29st ,10:00-1:00pm


$50.00 per session or $75.00 for both


Now open online at the Barn website ( or at the Barn during Open Table: Wednesday-Friday, 2:00-10:00 and Saturday, 1:00- 8:00.



DROPPING CLASSES:  The last day to withdraw from a class is FRIDAY, MARCH 17th.

If you need to withdraw from a class, please stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up the necessary paperwork and pay the $10 fee.


If you are planning on graduating in December of 2017 or May of 2018, stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up your graduation application.  Completed applications and graduation fee ($130) are due in the Registrar’s Office by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, April 21, 2017.


Students please contact your advisor to set up your advising appointment prior to the start of fall semester registration.  All students must meet with their advisor to schedule their fall classes and to receive their registration access code.  Please check your account for any holds.  Holds will prevent you from being able to register for classes.

Registration dates are as follows:

  1. Juniors to be seniors & seniors: Monday, April 10, 2017
  2. Sophomores to be juniors: Monday, April 17, 2017
  3. Freshman to be sophomores: Monday, April 24, 2017

GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: Final College Transcripts Due: April 1, 2017

Graduating Seniors, if you have taken classes from another college or university and have not submitted your final transcript, they must be received in the Registrar’s Office by April 1st, 2017.  All Reach requirements must also be completed by April 1st of your graduating year.  If we have not received this information from you, it could prevent you from being able to walk at Commencement.

Reach Graduation Requirements


Please make sure all Reach paperwork is submitted by April 1 to complete graduation requirements.

Completing a Reach Project Means:

  1. You uploaded a completed Project Registration Form.
  2. You served a minimum of 40 hours with one church or non-profit organization.
  3. You uploaded a one-page Reflection Paper.
  4. Your supervisor emailed a completed Supervisor Evaluation form to

When the above steps are completed within a one year time frame (from the first day of service) a Reach project is completed!

From the Registrar’s Office

Grad Finale door prize winners: CONGRATULATIONS! 

Door Prizes 2017 AND THE WINNER IS:
Kindle Fire Samuel Lee
$50 Corban Nike Gear Rachel Emrick
$25 cash Sarina Girangaya
$25 Amazon Gift Card Sadie Kallis
$25 Amazon Gift Card Matthew Killingsworth
Photo Package Jacob Fuqua
Photo Package Colleen Ellis
$25 Fandango Movie Gift Card Minette Bennett
1 full room booking EXITUS escape room up to 8 people ($160 value) Daniel Elkins
1 single passes EXITUS escape rooms ($25 value) Ashley Pickett
1 single passes EXITUS escape rooms ($25 value) Karissa Legg
1 single passes EXITUS escape rooms ($25 value) Emily Larick
1 single passes EXITUS escape rooms ($25 value) Craig Boekenoogen
$25 Applebee’s Gift Card Jobe Olson
$25 Arco Gas Gift Card Rachel Buck
$25 Olive Garden Gift Card Stacy Fields
$25 Starbuck Gift Card Emily Trout
Diploma Frame Jeremy Kazemier


Stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up your prize!

If you were unable to attend Grad Finale, please stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up your cap and gown and commencement tickets.


GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: Final College Transcripts Due: April 1, 2017

Graduating Seniors, if you have taken classes from another college or university and have not submitted your final transcript, they must be received in the Registrar’s Office by April 1st, 2017.  All Reach requirements must also be completed by April 1st of your graduating year.  If we have not received this information from you, it could prevent you from being able to walk at Commencement.


DROPPING CLASSES: If you need to withdraw from a class, please stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up the necessary paperwork and pay the $10 fee per course withdrawn from.   The last day to withdraw from a class if FRIDAY, MARCH 17th.



If you are planning on graduating in December of 2017 or May of 2018, stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up your graduation application.  Completed applications and graduation fee ($130) are due in the Registrar’s Office by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, April 21, 2017.  Applications that are turned in after the due date will be charged a late fee.



 This is your last chance for signing up to join us in visiting the land of kings, queens, lords, ladies, scholars, poets, preachers, peasants, and pasties! Join Dr. Colette Tennant and Dr. Sam Baker for a trip through time to England and Scotland, visiting cathedrals, galleries, palaces, Roman baths, Stonehenge, the Tower of London, Globe Theater, Westminster Abbey, C.S. Lewis’ house, Oxford, Holyrood, Edinburgh Castle, St. Andrews… oh, and of course, Harry Potter sights and more…!

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Wednesday, March 15th

DEPOSIT & PAYMENT DEADLINE: Wednesday, March 15th