Housing Preference Survey
This survey is your opportunity to express your housing requests for the Fall 2014. All on campus students are asked to fill out this 30 second to 2 minute survey. Off campus students are strongly encouraged to complete the survey. The Housing Preference survey will close March 31st.
If you are a student who has not completed the survey, please go to the following link: (click here)
Housing Deposit
Are you returning to campus? Housing Deposits are due May 1st. Roommates pairs with earlier deposits receive room placement priority.
You may pay online using the following link https://store.corban.edu/admissions/dorm-deposit-for-residential-students .
Commuter Spring Play Tickets
Free Anne of Green Gables tickets to the first 30 commuters!!! (Of course this is the second, and last, group of 30 tickets offered by the Director of Community Life.) The first [30]…oops….now only 13 are left…..commuter students to come by Student Life will receive the tickets.
Enjoy the play!
Corban Green Games
Participate in the Green Games from March 10 to April 10 by saving energy in your dorm. The dorm that saves the most energy wins a pizza party from Corban Dining and a trophy to show off their sustainability style! Contribute to good stewardship of the earth by participating. It is as easy as turning lights off when you leave a room. Visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/corbangreengames for weekly contests, updates, and sustainability tips! If you have questions email Adrianne Hedlund at AHedlund@corban.edu.
Reminders from the Registrar’s Office
We will continue self-registration for classes. Please take time to set up an advising appointment with your advisor before you register for your fall semester classes.
Juniors to be seniors/seniors: Monday, April 7th
Sophomores to be juniors: Monday, April 14th
Freshmen to be sophomores; Monday, April 21st
GRADUATION APPLICATIONS 2015: If you are planning on graduating in December 2014 or May 2015, stop by the Registrar’s office to pick up your graduation application. Applications are due back in the Registrar’s Office by Friday, April 18th.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: FINAL COLLEGE TRANSCRIPTS DUE: Graduating Seniors, if you have taken classes from another college or university all official transcripts from other institutions must be received in the Registrar’s Office by April 1st. All REACH requirements must be completed by April 1st of the senior year.
• BIBI432GJ: NT Book Study, The Gospel of John w/Dr. Gary Derickson, 3 credits, June 16 – July 25. Tuition: $1005, plus a $40 technology fee.
Registration for the class will begin April 1st. The class must be paid for at the time that you register. Registration forms will be available in the Registrar’s Office.
Saturday & Sunday, March 22-23 CLOSED
Monday – Friday, March 24-28 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Saturday, March 29 CLOSED
Sunday, March 30 2:00 pm– midnight
Are You Interested in Being a Core Group Assistant Fall of 2014?
2014 Core Group Assistant Applications are now available in the Registrar’s office in Schimmel Hall. If you are interested in working with next years’ new students, either freshmen or transfers, now is the time to act. Deadline is March 21st. Contact Don Sparks 8188 if you have questions.
Talent Today!
New FREE resource to help you explore and understand yourself better! This may help you in your search for a major and/or satisfying career. Its called Talent Today. Take the assessment and get an interesting report about yourself that includes color-coded graphics and explanations. Did I mention it is free? https://www.talentoday.com/
Does Corban have a Culture of Courage?
Don’t miss a brief message by Katy Drake, AC of Fraagard, regarding this topic! (click here)
Did You Miss the List?
In case you missed it, the list of those staff and faculty members willing to be on a list of mentors to those struggling with same sex attraction, go to the following link for last week’s BackPage message from Brenda Roth, Vice President for Student Life, that includes the list. (click here)