Spring Break Library Hours-
Saturday, March 19: Closed
Sunday, March 20: Closed
Monday-Friday, March 21-25: 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Saturday, March 26: Closed
Sunday, March 27: Closed
Monday, March 28: Normal Library Hours resume
Spring Break Library Hours-
Saturday, March 19: Closed
Sunday, March 20: Closed
Monday-Friday, March 21-25: 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Saturday, March 26: Closed
Sunday, March 27: Closed
Monday, March 28: Normal Library Hours resume
Admissions is looking for about 15 graduating seniors to participate in a photo shoot with our talented photographer, Jessica Marple.
When: Tuesday, April 5, 2pm-4pm
Where: Psalm Center
Wear: Your cap and gown for graduation! We want it to look like it’s actual graduation day.
Email rbenham@corban.edu if you are available to be in this photo shoot. The photos will be used in our Admissions recruiting materials for next year!
Early Registration for Fall semester opens April 4th. If you have an unpaid balance and are not on a Payment Plan, a registration HOLD is currently on your account.
Statements were sent to your Corban email on March 1st, so take time to find that email, and review your account online.
Tuition Payment Options:
1st Annual
Library Easter Egg Hunt
March 14-18
The hunt starts after chapel on Monday and goes through close on Friday.
The eggs will be hidden around the library.
They have small prizes in them.
Keep the prize, return the eggs to either desk for next year’s hunt.
There will be 2 golden eggs with cash prizes
Friday, March 11th is the last day to withdraw from a class. Please pick a course change card before next Friday in the Registrar’s Office.
If you missed Grad Finale and were unable to pick up your cap and gown, please stop by the Registrar’s Office today. If you would like more information about our April 30th Commencement please visit our webpage: https://inside.corban.edu/commencement
If you are planning on graduating in December of 2016 or May 2017, stop by the Registrar’s Office starting Monday, March 7th to pick up your graduation application. Completed applications and graduation fee are due in the Registrar’s Office by Friday, April 15th.
Students please take time to set up an appointment with your advisor prior to the start of fall semester registration. All students must meet with their advisor to go over their fall schedule and to receive their registration access code. Please check your account for any holds. Holds will prevent you from being able to register for your classes.
Registration dates are as follows:
Summer 2016 online course offerings: Each course is 3 credits
Session I: May 1st – June 25th
_____BI103SP Introduction to Biblical Literature: Chuck Schreiner
_____EN123SP College Writing I: Ellen Kersey
_____EN307SP American Literature: 19th Century: Colette Tennant
_____MA103SP Contemporary Math: Joe Greenwood
_____PS105SP General Psychology: Carl Chica
_____PS205SP Lifespan Development: Ann Gibson
_____TH205SP Introduction to Theology: Kent Kersey
Session II: June 26th – August 20th
_____AT102SP Introduction to Art: Paula Wenell
_____BA225SP Micro Economics: Chuck Schreiner
_____CM213SP Missional Living: Paul Johnson
_____CO102SP Fundamentals of Speech: Andrew Madaus
_____HI423SP: Special Topic: Bonhoeffer & The Reich
_____MA113SP College Algebra: Joe Greenwood
_____SC143SP Life Sciences (w/lab): Jason Brownell
_____TH233SP Biblical Worldview: Chuck Schreiner
*Cost per credit hour: $420. Tuition must be paid to the Corban University Business Office at the time of registration.
*Pick up course registration forms in the Registrar’s Office. Students will be allowed to register for up to 6 credits this summer.
Corban’s Haiti team is hosting a GARAGE SALE
this Friday and Saturday from 9am-4pm in THE BARN.
We are selling TONS of stuff for CHEAP!
There’s so much stuff, you’re bound to find a few surprises you’ll like as well!
Come check it out Friday and Saturday.
All proceeds will go toward the Haiti Medical Mission trip.
* We will be accepting CASH and CARD
Poverty Simulation
T H U R S D A Y , M A R C H 1 7 , 2 0 1 6
1 : 0 0 – 4 : 3 0 P M
Join CoActive Connections for an
experience to “walk a mile” in the shoes
of someone experiencing poverty.
Contact us for registration link:
R E G I S T E R B Y 0 3 / 1 0 / 1 6
$ 2 5 R E G I S T R A T I O N
*This event is also looking for volunteers*
Please contact:
Lori Beamer
Director of Operations and Outreach CoActive Connections
(971) 599-3093
Do you have a passion for writing or photography? Do you have business sense and want experience in sales? Would you like to be a mover and a shaker? Are you willing to learn and try new things? Do you want to be a part of the “in” crowd and know what is happening on campus before the rest of the student body? Could you use some extra cash to help pay for tuition?
If the answer is yes to any of these questions, consider applying for a leadership position for one of Corban’s publications!
Editor and Asst. Editor positions are available for Corban’s print publication “The Hilltop,” Corban’s online publication “Hilltop News”, our yearbook, and photography. We also have a new position available for a Business Manager. Each position is a year-long commitment and each includes a small scholarship.
You must be enrolled in Journalism Workshop on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:00-4:15 p.m. for all positions except Staff Photographer and Business Manager.
If interested, please pick up an application in the Student Life office. Return your application NLT Thursday, March 18, to the faculty drop box, 5th floor AC, addressed to Amy Elker, journalism adviser.
Student Account Holds
If you have not turned in insurance information, health forms, immunization records, or your student contract for the 2015-2016 school year there is a hold on your account and you will not be able to register for Fall 2016 classes.
Please contact the Student Life Office ASAP to turn in your missing paperwork and have your hold removed.