Author Archives: Nathan Swanson


FINAL EXAMS: April 30th-May 3rd 2018

To view the final exam schedule follow this link:

REMINDER: GRADUATION APPLICATIONS FOR TUG STUDENTS for 2018-19 graduates:  DUE THIS FRIDAY, APRIL 27th by 4:00 p.m. in the Registrar’s Office


Graduates: Commencement will be held on Saturday, May 5th at 2:00 p.m. at the Salem Armory Auditorium.  All graduates participating in the ceremony are required to attend a rehearsal, which will begin promptly at 12:15 p.m. at the Armory.  Doors will open for your guests at 1:00 p.m.  Please remember that this is a ticketed event and all guests must have a ticket to gain entry.  For more information about commencement visit our website:


Please stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up a summer course registration form.  There are two, eight week online sessions; the first beginning May 6th and the second July 1stTuition is $420 per credit hour and must be prepaid prior to being registered in the course.


One last reminder:  Before you leave for summer break, please make sure that you have registered for your fall 2018 courses.  If you are not planning to return, please notify the Registrar’s Office.


-From the Office of the Registrar



Unwanted Textbooks?

Wondering what you are going to do with some of your textbooks that you will not need this upcoming summer/fall?  Want to find a good use for them?  Consider donating your used textbooks to the Corban University Library!  What will the library do with it?  The library began putting some textbooks on reserve, making the few copies we have available to all students.  We will be doing the same this upcoming fall (2018) and we would love to add to our growing collection.  Donated textbooks will be placed on reserve (which means that students can check it out for 2-hours, enabling more students to get access to it) whenever a course utilizing that book for a required or recommended purchase is being offered.  This means that students will be able to get access to your donated text and may not have to purchase the text for a course.  If interested, textbooks can be dropped off at the library’s circulation desk.  Please contact Garrett Trott ( if you have any questions.


Czech Republic SOS Meeting

If you are interested in being part of an SOS trip this year, the Czech Republic team is meeting in the Library Conference room this Monday, Dec. 11, from 4:00-5:00 p.m. Six to eight students have an amazing opportunity to participate in the good things God is doing in the Czech Republic. This meeting will inform you about the application process, provide tips for writing support letters, and help answer any other questions you have. Furthermore, the Christmas season is an ideal time to begin raising funds for your trip, and this meeting will help equip you to tell friends and family about the opportunity you have to participate in a church growth and planting ministry in the Czech Republic. If you cannot make it to the meeting but still want information about this SOS trip, please contact Annette Harrison at

From the Office of the Registrar

Final Exams: December 11-15, 2017

To view the final exam schedule online:

Rescheduling an Exam:

If you need to reschedule an exam please come by the Registrar’s office and pick up a “Rescheduling a Final Exam” form.  Reasons for rescheduling: Two exams at the same hour, Four exams in one day, Student illness/Family emergency, Documented disability.  * A fee is charged to cover the cost of monitoring a rescheduled final unless there is a conflict on the schedule.

Graduating this year and haven’t applied yet? Friday December 1st is the last day to apply.

If you did not apply to graduate last April, it is not too late.  Please come by the Registrar’s Office to pick up a graduation application.  Completed applications must be turned in by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, December 1, 2017.  Please be aware that a late fee does apply.

Spring Semester Registration:

All returning students should now be registered for spring semester courses prior to leaving for Christmas break.  If you have not registered, please meet with your advisor and get your registration access code.  All financial, Student Life and Registrar holds must be taken care of before you are allowed to register.

Graduates Mark Your Calendar!:

Grad Finale is coming on Thursday, February 15, 2018 form 2 – 6 p.m.  More information will be coming after the new year.  If you have specific questions about commencement, please visit our webpage:

Spring Semester Classes Begin:

Wednesday January 10, 2018 for all Traditional Undergrad students.



Textbook Donations

Wondering what you are going to do with some of your textbooks that you will not need this upcoming spring?  Want to find a good use for them?  Consider donating your used textbooks to the Corban University Library!  What will the library do with it?  The library began this fall semester (2017) putting some textbooks on reserve, making the few copies we have available to all students.  We will be doing the same this upcoming spring (2018) and we would love to add to our growing collection.  Donated textbooks will be placed on reserve (which means that students can check it out for 2-hours, enabling more students to get access to it) whenever a course utilizing that book for a required or recommended purchase is being offered.  This means that students will be able to get access to your donated text and may not have to purchase the text for a course.  If interested, textbooks can be dropped off at the library’s circulation desk.  Please contact Garrett Trott ( if you have any questions.

Update from the Registrar!

Spring Semester Registration:

It is time to contact your advisor for an advising appointment and to receive your registration code for spring 2018 course registration. 

  • All graduating seniors should already be registered for their spring semester classes.  Please check SIS to see if you need to make any scheduling changes at this time.
  • Students who have holds on their accounts will not be allowed to register.  If you have a hold on your account you will be contacted by the Registrar’s Office, Student Life or Financial Services.  Thank you for taking care of these prior to the start of registration.

Registration dates for Spring semester 2018: 

  • Seniors (93 credits completed and above): Monday, October 23rd (Graduating seniors should already be registered for their spring courses)
  • Juniors (62 credits completed and above): Monday, October 30th
  • Sophomores (31 credits completed and above): Monday, November 6th
  • Freshman: Monday, November 13th.  All Freshman will receive their new advisor assignments in freshman seminar in the next week.  Please wait to schedule an advising appoint until after this time.

 Withdrawing from a class?:

  • If you need to withdraw from a class, please stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up a course change card.  Once you have the required signatures, please return the form to the Registrar’s Office along with your $10 fee per class withdrawn.  You have until Friday, November 3rd to withdraw from a course this semester

 Final High School and College Transcripts Due:

  • Freshman: If you have not submitted your final high school transcript, you have already received notification from our office about submitting it.  A hold has been placed on your student account which will prevent you from being able to register for classes beginning on Monday, November 13th.  If you have any questions about this please contact our office.
  • If you have taken classes over the summer at another college or university and have not sent your final transcripts to Corban:  Please place an order to have them sent to the Corban Registrar’s Office.

Graduating this year?:

  • If you applied to graduate this school year, you have received a copy of your degree audit in your Corban e-mail.  Please look over this carefully with your advisor and make sure that you have a plan in place to fulfill all of your degree requirements.  You should be registered for all of your spring semester classes at this time.  If you make any scheduling changes, please communicate with Karen Goertzen at so that she can update your audit.
  • If you did not applied to graduate this past April, it is not too late.  Please come by the Registrar’s Office to pick up a graduation application.  Completed applications must be received before December 1, 2017.  Please be aware that a late fee does apply.

Harvestifall is this Saturday 10/21/17! Students gather at an off-campus venue to play harvest games, eat fall treats, dust off the boots, and learn how to swing dance – western style. Contact SAB, ASB, or an RA to find out more!

Update from the Registrar!

Withdrawing from a class?:

If you need to withdraw from a class, please stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up a course change card.  Once you have the required signatures, please return the form to the Registrar’s Office along with your $10 fee per class withdrawn.  You have until Friday, November 3rd to withdraw from a course this semester

Final High School and College Transcripts Due:

  • Freshman: If you have not submitted your final high school transcript, you have already received notification from our office about submitting it.  A hold has been placed on your student account which will prevent you from being able to register for classes beginning on Monday, November 13th.  If you have any questions about this please contact our office.
  • If you have taken classes over the summer at another college or university and have not sent your final transcripts to Corban:  Please place an order to have them sent to the Corban Registrar’s Office.

Graduating this year?:

  • If you applied to graduate this school year, you have received a copy of your degree audit in your Corban e-mail.  Please look over this carefully with your advisor and make sure that you have a plan in place to fulfill all of your degree requirements.  You should be registered for all of your spring semester classes at this time.  If you make any scheduling changes, please communicate with Karen Goertzen at so that she can update your audit.
  • If you did not applied to graduate this past April, it is not too late.  Please come by the Registrar’s Office to pick up a graduation application.  Completed applications must be received before December 1, 2017.  Please be aware that a late fee does apply.

Study Day: Friday October 13th. No classes today.

Corban Weekend is Here!

Corban Weekend has begun! See the link below for information and the schedule of events!

Corban Weekend 2017

Celebration of Life service for Esther Suelzle Ybarra

The Suelzle family would like to invite the students, staff, and faculty of Corban University to join them on Sunday, October 1st for a Celebration of Life service for Esther Suelzle Ybarra at Cascade High School in Turner, OR. The service will take place at 3:00 PM in the new auditorium, located near the gym. This service will commemorate Esther’s life, legacy, and what would have been her 22nd birthday (October 3rd).

How are you serving through Reach?

If you want to share your Reach experience, email Liane Smith ( to be part of a video highlighting Reach and how Corban students are serving!



Need a Yearbook?


2017-2018 Yearbooks can be purchased NOW for only $10! You can log onto this website: and pay with a credit or debit card.

If you prefer, you may pay with cash or check; simply put cash or check in an envelope marked YEARBOOK and drop it in the Big Blue Box outside the faculty office on the 5th floor of the Academic Building. Be sure your name is on it.


If you missed out on getting a yearbook last year, you still can do that. For only $5, you can get a copy. Just log onto, and select 2016-2017 Student On-Campus. Use a credit or debit card and pay $5. Or you can pay $5 cash or check. Just email Ellen Kersey, yearbook adviser, at, and she will arrange a time for you to pick up last year’s yearbook.


Check out the error on the bulletin board outside the Adjunct Office, AC5525, across from the elevator. Be the first to email explaining the error, and you’ll earn a free coffee from Common Grounds.

Humans vs Zombies

Starting this Sunday night, humans try to fend off the sudden outbreak of zombie students with nerf guns and sock bombs all around campus. Contact SAB to find out more!

The harvest season is upon us! Come get to know the garden program to help grow food for those in need, learn organic gardening methods, eat tasty vegetables, and sign-up for a Reach project. Meeting times are Mondays from 4:00pm-5:30pm

Please let us know if you would like to be included on our garden email list (

Find us on Facebook at ‘Corban Community Garden

Beach, Reach, and More!

Beach Party 2017!!! Come enjoy some fun in the sun playing games, digging for treasure, eating, and more!

Where? Bob Straub State Park in Pacific City, OR

When? Saturday, September 9th from 2PM-8PM


Greetings from the Barn! Starting this week, our biweekly Barn newsletter will be sent out via email. Each email will include the latest Barn news, including photos, projects, and upcoming events. It’s a great way for us to get to know one another! Hesitant about the frequency, or already plugged-in to our social media sites? You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the link at the bottom of each newsletter. (Just don’t forget about us, okay?)


“Make a Difference Day” Wednesday, September 13th.

Hosted by the Reach Program, the day will kick off in chapel with a message from Mark Bulgin, Ike Box co-founder. Mark will share the Ike Box vision, a powerful story about the tragic death of their infant son, and how the Ike Box was born. Ike Box  now impacts the lives of youth through their mission: “We help divested young people build capacity to rise to the challenges of life”.

Evening activities will be located in the Barn from 6:30p.m. -8:30 p.m. and will feature students presenting their summer Reach projects and reflection artwork. Coffee, cheesecake and barn activities will be provided!

Service Saturday Program

Not sure where to serve for Reach? We have an opportunity for you!

Join Reach Coordinator, Liane Smith, and other Corban students for a monthly service day to complete a Reach project! The Service Saturday program will introduce you to issues surrounding our community as we serve with local organizations that are meaningfully impacting Salem.

Details: Attend each monthly Service Saturday and you will satisfy one Reach project.

First Service Saturday: September 16 at Habitat for Humanity (12:30 to 5:00 p.m.)

How to sign up: email and attend an informational meeting. We are limited to 15 students so sign up if you are interested!