We hope you’re all having a great summer and finding some time for relaxation, recreation, and rejuvenation! We miss you on campus, BUT… Some exciting things are happening while you’re gone!

Ben and Nicole Pearson are getting ready to welcome their newest addition on August 5th, but we all know babies come on their own time. See if you can outguess that so-called “doctor” and join the Arrival of Baby Pearson baby pool!
Place your bet* on baby’s arrival date, gender, weight and length. Guesses accepted through July 31st (unless baby arrives before then!). Points are awarded based on how accurate your guess is in each category.
The person with the most points (ie. most accurate guesses in all categories) wins a $25 Dutch Bros. gift card! Second and third place will receive a $10 gift card each, and fourth and fifth place win a $5 gift card each.
*No purchase necessary. 😉
Corban is pleased to welcome the following faculty and staff members to the University community:
“It is my pleasure to introduce Leslie Herrmann to the Corban community. Leslie joins Corban on July 7th as the Dean of Christian Formation and Engagement, a position that has been created in order to provide leadership and create synergy between three important Corban programs: Chapel, Reach, and Student Programs. Leslie will supervise Chapel directly, and will provide supervisory support to Brittany Croft as Reach Coordinator and to Ben Pearson as Director of Student Programs. Leslie came to know the Lord as a college student through Campus Crusade for Christ and has been dedicated to Christian higher education and discipleship ever since. Most recently, Leslie has been teaching spiritual formation at William Jessup University as an adjunct; her other professional experiences include a combination of academic and administrative roles at other Christian higher educational institutions, so she brings necessary academic and administrative skills to this new role. Leslie obtained her undergraduate degree from Cal. State Poly; she also earned a Masters in Theological Studies and a Th.M. from Regent College in Vancouver Canada. Leslie is a creative thinker, a collaborative leader, and is someone I am very excited for you to get to know! – Brenda Roth, Vice President for Student Life
“Please also join me in welcoming Brittany Croft as she transitions from the part-time role of Operations Manager to the full-time role of Reach Coordinator/Operations Manager. As Operations Manager, Brittany has spent the last number of months redesigning Student Life systems. From parking permits to student records, and from student workers to website editing, Brittany has refreshed many Student Life processes in order to make sure that they align with departmental changes that have occurred all over Corban’s campuses and more effectively enable Student Life programs to meet student and community needs… At the same time, as Reach Coordinator, Brittany will advise students, liaise with church and community partners, maintain Reach records, and provide leadership to the Reach advisory committee. Brittany has proved herself as an invaluable member of the Corban community and I am grateful to now have her serving with us in a full-time capacity.” – Brenda Roth, Vice President for Student Life
“I am excited to announce that Christina Cooper, ABD, has accepted the position of Assistant Professor of Biology in the Corban University School of Arts and Sciences… Christina will play an integral part as we continue to fulfill our mission in Salem and around the world.” – Matt Lucas, Provost/Executive Vice President

During the month of June, we’ve had some young future Warriors on campus! Warrior Summer Sports Camps taught young athletes about teamwork, sportsmanship, and fun while they built foundational skills in their sport. Camps were held for baseball and girls’ basketball. Corban also hosted a Timbers Youth Soccer Camp, with professional soccer players sharing their skills with kids from ages 5-13 at Warrior Field.
Click here to find forms that will be required of you before the start of the upcoming 2015-2016 school year. You may turn them in via email, snail mail, or at check-in.