
Core Group Assistant Applications

2014 Core Group Assistant Applications are now available in the Registrar’s office in Schimmel Hall. If you are interested in working with next years’ new students, either freshmen or transfers, now is the time to act. Deadline is March 21st. Contact Don Sparks 8188 if you have questions.


REACH Credit for Spring Break Mission Trips!

Are you participating in a service trip during Spring Break?  If so, register before you go for a Reach project.  Here’s how:

1.    Log onto Converge
2.    Click on the Help menu, then Reach
3.    Under Reach Forms, find the Project Registration Form (for community or church), open it, click “Comment”, then “T” for adding text so you can type on the form.  Save it and attach it to an email to

Questions?  Valerie Geer would love to help.  Stop by the Reach office in Student Life, or email


From the Registrar’s Office

DROPPING CLASSES: Only One Week Left!: Students you have until Friday, March 14th to withdraw from classes.  If you need to drop a class, stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up the necessary paperwork and pay the $10 fee per class dropped.

GRADUATION APPLICATIONS 2015:  If you are planning on graduating in December 2014 or May 2015, stop by the Registrar’s office to pick up your graduation application.  Applications are due back in the Registrar’s Office by Friday, April 18th.

REGISTRATION DATES FALL SEMESTER 2014 CLASSES:  We will continue self-registration for classes.  Please take time to set up an advising appointment with your advisor before you register for your fall semester classes.

  •  Juniors to be seniors/seniors: Monday, March 31st
  • Sophomores to be juniors: Monday, April 7th
  • Freshmen to be sophomores; Monday, April 14th

GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: FINAL COLLEGE TRANSCRIPTS DUE:  Graduating Seniors, if you have taken classes from another college or university all official transcripts from other institutions must be received in the Registrar’s Office by April 1st.  All REACH requirements must be completed by April 1st of the senior year.

•    BIBI432GJ: NT Book Study, The Gospel of John w/Dr. Gary Derickson, 3 credits, June 16 – July 25.  Tuition: $1005, plus a $40 technology fee.
Registration for the class will begin April 1st.  The class must be paid for at the time that you register.  Registration forms will be available in the Registrar’s Office.



There are four free tickets available for tonight, March 7th to the first one to call Richard Bruner at 541-905-6124. This is the true story of Rich Mullins, and is showing at Willamette Community Church in Albany at 7:00 p.m.


Who can I talk to?

Please check out this week’s Back Page Blog to learn about how Corban responds when a student is struggling with issues related to same-sex attraction, orientation or identity.  Also check out the list of faculty and staff who have expressed that they want to be publically identified as a safe person to talk to.  And for those faculty and staff who wonder why they weren’t named, let Student Life know and your name will be added!