

GRAD FINALE Door Prizes: And the Winner is…
•    Samsung Tablet: Rachel Olson
•    $50 Nike Certificate: Michelle Clubb
•    $50 iTunes Card: Andrew Pittman
•    $50 Amazon Card: Alec Kovac
•    $25 Starbucks Card: Kristina Moen
•    $20 VISA Card: Rachel Stewart
•    1 night lodging at the Phoenix Inn: Jason Mentzer
•    $25 Red Robin Card: Brian Spaulding
•    Alumni Gift Basket: Jenna Stebly
•    Mug/Starbucks Card: Alysha Fox
•    Grad Images Gift Certificate: Stephanie Myrie
•    Grad Images Gift Certificate: Jamie Freeberg
•    Grad Images Gift Certificate: Julia Quiring
•    Grad Images Gift Certificate: Maisa Bicudo
•    Water Bottle: Jacob Herrington
•    Water Bottle: Emily Boudreau
-If you are one of our door prize winners please stop by the Registrar’s Office to claim your prize.
CAP AND GOWN PICK UP: If you missed Grad Finale please stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up your cap and gown.
-Need Extra Commencement Tickets?  You may order them through this link:
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: FINAL COLLEGE TRANSCRIPTS DUE:  Graduating Seniors, if you have taken classes from another college or university all official transcripts from other institutions must be received in the Registrar’s Office by April 1st. All REACH requirements must be completed by April 1st of the senior year.
DROPPING CLASSES: Students you have until Friday, March 14th to withdraw from classes.  Please check online in SIS to make sure that your schedule is correct. If you need to drop a class, stop by the Registrar’s Office to pick up the necessary paperwork and pay the $10 fee per class dropped.


Baseball Dinner/Auction Rescheduled

The Corban Baseball Dinner/Auction rescheduled date is Saturday, April 12th at 6:30 in the Psalm Center. Tickets can be purchased by emailing head coach Jeff McKay at More information on auction items and evening program can be found at The free mini concert and worship time led by local singer/songwriter Logan Martin will begin at 8:45.


Race to 2025

Did you know that there are more than 130 Sign Languages used by the deaf around the world, or that a Signed Language doesn’t follow the same rules and patterns of vocabulary and grammar as the languages spoken by hearing people? Wycliffe Bible Translators is sponsoring a fundraiser for Sign Language Bible translations in Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia. Race to 2025 pits teams of four against physical, mental and spiritual challenges in a race to raise money for Bible translation work around the world. The next race in our area is at Tall Timber Ranch in Washington during the weekend of March 14-16.  There isn’t much time left to join! Contact Alan Wymore ( or Race Coordinator Kris Russel ( to sign up. More info at
Whether you go or pray, check out this amazing video that will tell you more about the need for Bible translations for deaf communities:



Dear Student, we are rapidly approaching pre-registration for Summer Term (April 7–25) and for Fall 2014 (March 31—May 2).  Let me give you a simple check list  to see if you will be held up, or if you will sail through!
_____  I have a balance due
_____  I have not made arrangements for payments (that means you have called the Financial Services office and you have given them an amount and a date the payment will be made).  Please call to set up a payment plan—just remember that we have March, April and May remaining for payments to be made this year.
_____  I have undisbursed financial aid for the 2013 – 2014 year showing on my Financial Aid Online “Disbursements” tab at
_____ My Financial Aid will not pay all of my balance due.  A Financial Aid Counselor would be happy to help you learn about additional loan options.
_____ I have not applied for loans to pay for the rest of my balance.

If you have checked the first item and no others, you will sail through!
If you have checked any of the rest, your Pre-registration will be delayed until those items are completed.



To all the hosts willing to “change it up” and host a different weekend. Thanks so much for your flexibility! Corban Experience was a success and we owe much of it to you! Stay tuned for the winner of the dorm hosting competition. (The anticipation just might kill you!)



Attention All Students:
Please be sure to write you FIRST and LAST names, legibly,  on ALL  your class papers. This will ensure your papers are scanned and emailed to you promptly.
All papers with illegible names on papers will be discarded.


Reach reminders:

1.    Due date for Spring Break projects:  4-1-14.
2.    Due date for Spring semester projects:  4-25-14 (BUT, if you’re a graduating SENIOR, your due date is 4-1-14)
3.    Your supervisor’s evaluation must be emailed to directly from your supervisor’s email address; this is how the form is considered “signed.”  If your supervisor is unable to do this and must print the form, please make sure he/she signs it, and then you can email it in to



Come and join us at Balyo Counseling Center for a Creative Arts Process Group
This will be 7 sessions and will meet on Thursdays at 3:30-5:00 starting March 6th
We will explore identity and relationship with self and others while doing art!
There is limited availability and if you are interested please email


Attention graduating seniors!

If you missed out on Grad Finale you missed out on FREE gifts from the Alumni Department! Please come down to the Alumni House located between Farrar and the President’s house to receive your free gifts! We are open M-F 8:00am-5:00pm. Hope to see you soon!


Counseling Class goes on Field Trip!

On Wednesday, February 26, Laurie Smith’s Community Agency Counseling class took a field trip to Willamette Valley Hospice in West Salem.  We had an amazing and informative conversation with Melissa Lindley, the Community Outreach Coordinator. Students learned about the philosophy of hospice care, the community that is served, and the ways that volunteers can serve. We see many opportunities for Corban students to serve!
