MK/TCK Pizza Party!
October 6th at 6:00 pm in the Coffee Shop. Come enjoy some yummy food and a good time of fellowship with fellow MKs and TCKs. We will be planning future events at this party, so it would be great to have you come and give your input. (If you are like this blog writer and didn’t know what a “TCK” is….it’s a “Third Culture Kid.” When MKs or international business kids come together, they create something called the third culture which is really just a collection of their common experiences living overseas that they share with each other.)
Spanish Club, Tuesday evening, 7:00 p.m.
Food (!claro!), conversation, games, and culture all in the Farrar lobby. ALL levels of Spanish are welcome. Get your speaking and listening practice. ?Preguntas? Contact Tim & Debbie Blycker: or
Zombies will infect Corban THIS MONDAY at 12:00am
There is a mandatory meeting in the Emmite Center Sunday at 7:00pm
Be sure to register to play at
For further questions please email
Pumpkin Smash
When: Sunday, November 10th, 9:00pm-10:30pm
Where: Farrar
What: An epic surge of manliness culminating in a massive wrestling match in pumpkin guts.
Why: Why not?