Aagard’s Amazing.
Balyo’s the Bee’s Knees.
Davidson’s da Bomb.
Farrar’s Fantastic.
Prewitt’s Practically Perfect.
Van Gilder’s Vunderbar!
But which is the Dominant Dorm?
Corban Experience is coming. Will your dorm host the most?
Only one will wear the winnings. Sign up now, rub it in later.
Email the following information to
- Dorm & room #
- Phone #
- Number of students you’re willing to host
- Name of friend(s) you are already planning on hosting
- Roommate’s name/number if you’re responding for both of you
- Optional: Major & sports/other areas of interest
Are you planning to move off campus next semester? Are you planning to change roommates next semester? Then you will need to turn in the following forms to Student Life.
- Off Campus Housing Request
All students who are requesting to move off campus must pick up an Office Campus Housing Request Form from the Student Life Desk. These forms are due back to Student Life by November 26th.
- Room Change Request Form
Are you hoping to change residence halls, rooms, or roommate? Please pick up a Room Change Request Form from Student Life. These forms are also due November 26th.
- The last day to drop a class is Friday, November 8, 2013: Pick up a course change card in the Registrar’s Office and pay the $10 fee per course dropped.
- Graduating in May 2013, but haven’t applied to graduate?: You can still pick up a graduation application in the Registrar’s Office. The last day to submit your graduation application is: DECEMBER 1, 2013.
- SPRING SEMESTER REGISTRATION: It is time to start scheduling appointments with your advisor. Seniors: Schedules for graduates have been entered by the Registrar’s Office earlier this month (unless you have a hold on your account). Check your spring schedule in SIS to make sure it is correct. Contact the Registrar’s Office if you to make a change. Juniors: (and Seniors not graduating): Registration beings on Monday, Nov. 4th Sophomores: Registration begins Nov. 11th Freshmen: Registration begins Nov. 18th.
*All students, with the exception of Music majors will be participating in self registration. This requires you to visit your adviser for an advising visit and to receive your registration code. - Freshmen: Final high school transcripts are due in the Registrar’s Office. If we need yours you were notified via e-mail. Final transcripts need to be received in the Registrar’s Office prior to spring semester registration or you will not be allowed to register for spring classes.
- FINAL EXAMS: December 9 – 12, 2013
Chiropractor on Campus!
Dr. Michels will return to campus from 2:30 to 4:00 on Wednesday, November 6th. For appointments please email Tony Walther at or call extension 8193. The cost is only $10.