Announcements you NEED to know!

Writing Lab offered 3 nights a week!

Come to the Writing Lab (AC 3301) for assistance with grammar, punctuation, sentence structure and editing. Half-hour sessions are available on either Tuesday (6-8pm), Wednesday (4-6pm) or Thursday (6-8pm). Sign up beforehand by stopping by the room or emailing Daren Milionis at

Note from the Bookstore

Friday, today, will be the last day you will be able to charge your student account for books.

From the Registrar’s Office:

Adding & Dropping a Class:

Today, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6TH IS THE LAST DAY TO ADD A CLASS.  It is also the last day to drop a class without a fee. Please see your advisor to make these changes.  If you haven’t checked your class schedule since the start of school, please do so in SIS.  Make sure the classes you have been attending are the ones on your schedule.  After 9/6 you will be able to drop classes through the Registrar’s Office, but there will be a $10 fee per class.


Saturday, October 5th we will be celebrating the inauguration of our new President Sheldon C. Nord.  We are looking for student volunteers to serve as ushers/greeters at the ceremony.

You would need to be available from 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 5th. If you are interested in serving at this event please contact Sandy Clouser at

Need Weekend Assistance?

Need assistance on the weekend? Call (503) 877-4206 and reach a Residence Life staff member between the hours of 5pm (Friday) and 8am (Monday). We’re happy to help you get back in your room, provide some band aids and minor first aid, or sit down and listen if you are having a difficult time.