Ministry and Growth

Corban Chapel

The purpose of chapel is to create time and space for the Corban community to grow together spiritually. All students, faculty and staff are welcome to join us in the Psalm Center every M-W-F from 10:00 – 10:50 a.m. Here is what you can look forward to in the coming weeks:
Sept       2              Mon      “Before All Things” – Dr. Matt Lucas

Sept       4              Weds    “Before All Things” – Panel:  Summer Ministry

Sept       6              Fri           “Before All Things” – Dr. Gerry Breshears (Western Seminary)

Sept       9              Mon      Ken Rudolph (American Baptist World Evangelism)

Sept       11           Weds    Hearing the Stories Among Us:  Internationals

Sept       13           Fri           Pastor Jorge Trujillo (Centro Cristiano Agape)

Chapel questions?  Email Valerie Geer, Chapel Coordinator, or call her at x7010
Check out more chapel details and see the chapel schedule through the end of October:

Campus Wide Prayer Walk

We want to start the year off by covering our campus in prayer!
Date: Saturday, September 14th
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Location: Meet in the baseball field gravel lot.
For information contact Liane DeHart

They’re Still Coming!

We are still awaiting the arrival of five new freshman from Papua, Indonesia! They may be arriving on campus as late as the end of next week. Please give these students a warm Corban welcome as you see them arrive and start to make their way around.

Israel Study Tour!

Join Tim Anderson and Greg Trull for an incredible tour of the Holy Land! You can walk the paths of Moses, David and Jesus. See where God worked His greatest miracles. Tour dates are May 5-16, 2014. If you want to know more, contact Dr. Anderson  or Dr. Trull  Come to the Information Meeting on September 18th at 6:00 in the Manna Conference Room. Don’t miss it!