Announcements & Reminders!

Housing Preference Survey

Where would you like to live next Fall? The Housing Preference Survey is required for everyone on campus and will be your opportunity to express your housing requests for the Fall 2014. The survey will take 30 second to 2 minute. Off campus students are strongly encouraged to complete the survey. The Housing Preference survey will close March 31st.

If you are a student who has not completed the survey, please click here:

Housing Deposit
Housing Deposits are due May 1st. Roommates pairs with earlier deposits receive room placement priority.
You may pay online by clicking here or stop by the business office.

Off Campus Housing Form
All students who expect to live off campus for the Fall 2014 are required to submit the Off Campus Housing Request Form. This form is available here or at the Student Life Offices. Forms can be submitted to the Student Life Office or emailed to

Summer Townhouses
Limited space will be available to live in the townhouses in the summer. Priority will be given to students working on campus full time over the summer. Applications will be available March 31st and will close April 11th.



If so, please be sure to let them know they can complete their first year of studies at Mars Hill Church’s main campus in Bellevue, WA. Applications are now being accepted by Corban, which will offer its classic 24-credit Biblical Studies certificate in a one-year format. The first set of four classes will be offered Fall 2014. The cap is 150 students. So, the sooner your friends apply, the better! For more details point them to



Saturday & Sunday, March  22-23         CLOSED
Monday – Friday, March  24-28              8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Saturday,  March  29                              CLOSED
Sunday, March 30                                   2:00 pm– midnight


Reach reminders:

All Reach work for graduating seniors is due 4-1-14.
All Spring Break & Spring semester Reach work for returning students is due 4-25-14.

Remember, here’s how you find Reach forms:
1.       Log onto Converge
2.       Click on the Help menu, then Reach
3.       All the Reach forms are here on the Converge page.  They are writable pdfs, so they’ll open in Adobe.  It won’t let you type on them until you select “T” for text, which can be found in the upper right by clicking on the word “Comment.”
If you’re not using a computer on campus, it might look a little different, but you’ll still need to click on “text” or “add comment” (either an icon or in the toolbar) so that you can type on the form.  Then, just save it and attach it to an email to
(BTW, these instructions are on the Reach page, too.)


Tuition Free Day a Success!

Thank you students for partnering with the Office of Advancement and making this year’s Tuition Freedom Day a huge success! In just two short hours, hundreds of students participated in writing over 500 personalized thank you cards!  Our donors will be blessed to read your notes of appreciation.


Reminders and News from the Registrar’s Office:

GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: FINAL COLLEGE TRANSCRIPTS DUE APRIL 1st:  Graduating Seniors, if you have taken classes from another college or university all official transcripts from other institutions must be received in the Registrar’s Office by April 1st.  All REACH requirements must be completed by April 1st of the senior year.

REGISTRATION DATES FALL SEMESTER 2014 CLASSES:  We will continue self-registration for classes.  Please set up an advising appointment with your advisor before you register for your fall semester classes.
    Juniors to be seniors/seniors: Monday, April 7th
    Sophomores to be juniors: Monday, April 14th
    Freshmen to be sophomores; Monday, April, 21st

GRADUATION APPLICATIONS 2015:  If you are planning on graduating in December 2014 or May 2015, stop by the Registrar’s office to pick up your graduation application.  Applications are due back in the Registrar’s Office by Friday, April 18th.

•    BIBI432GJ: NT Book Study, The Gospel of John w/Dr. Gary Derickson, 3 credits, June 16 – July 25.  Tuition: $1005, plus a $40 technology fee.
Registration for the class will begin April 1st.  The class must be paid for at the time that you register.  Registration forms will be available in the Registrar’s Office.


To read Don Sparks BackPage article click here!
