Admission’s Photo Shoot

We’re looking for students to participate in a photo shoot for Admissions. These photos will be used on our recruitment materials, so you could be the next face of Corban!

 When: Tuesday, October 4, 3pm-5pm

Where: Meet at the Welcome Desk in Schimmel


  • Solid colored clothing or muted patterns
  • Choose a top with sleeves (t-shirt or longer)
  • Keep jewelry simple and minimalistic
  • Corban gear is not required but always welcome. Note: Logos are not permitted unless they are Corban’s!
  • Remember, you will be representing Corban, so put your best self forward, clothing included.

Bring: Textbooks, backpacks, laptops, coffee–any typical student gear that you would normally carry to class or around campus.

Please RSVP to if you can participate. Thanks so much!!