Author Archives: Greg Trull

Staying Current

This unique issue of Dedicated allows you to hear what’s on the mind of some of Corban’s ministry professors. This past November, three School of Ministry professors had presentations accepted for the national meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society. With … Continue reading

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Preaching the Rod of Discipline in an Age of Abuse

Division of Culture For many generations, corporal punishment remained an integral element of discipline. I remember Dad’s belt well. And at Grandma’s house, flies breathed a sigh of relief when she turned the attention of her swatter to my behind … Continue reading

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Made New

Kintsugi. The story is told that in the early 15th century a Chinese ruler broke a treasured bowl. The hackneyed repair with ugly staples angered the shogun. He commissioned his craftsmen to develop a means of repair that would reclaim … Continue reading

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Understanding the Context

I inherited a large tool chest from my dad. He had been a tool salesman, so it was packed with goodies. I had always loved working on cars and other things as a kid. So I knew that tool chest … Continue reading

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Word from the Front Lines

Paul taught us that we fight a spiritual battle, both within ourselves and in our world. Both fronts will ultimately be conquered in the end through Christ, but today the battle rages. Fortunately, the Scripture and Spirit continue to empower … Continue reading

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Understanding Proverbs without Overpromising or Undermining

Proverbs has presented peculiar challenges for church and classroom. These obstacles may discourage some from teaching or preaching Proverbs. “With the exception of Leviticus, it is doubtful that any biblical book is viewed with less enthusiasm by the preacher.”[1] Some … Continue reading

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Picking Up the Pieces

A quick glance at the headlines, a short listen to the water cooler, a look around most communities. It doesn’t take much to reveal that our world is broken. Frayed around the edges and crumbled at its core. We’d be … Continue reading

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For forty-two years, they have camped around the world. The exploits of Gary and Monika Westcott have been captured on their Turtle Expedition blog. For someone who grew up loving to go camping, I think this may be one of … Continue reading

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The Baker Illustrated Guide to Everyday Life in Bible Times

By John A. Beck. Baker Books. 2013. Pastors and teachers can never have enough resources to illuminate the Scripture for themselves and to enliven sermons and lessons for their hearers. John Beck’s Everyday Life in Bible Times represents one more … Continue reading

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Starting Right

One degree. Seems so little. Yet, as many small plane pilots can tell you, one degree can make all the difference. For every sixty miles pilots fly off one degree, they miss their destination by a mile. If you left … Continue reading

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Folding and Flying

Do you remember flying paper airplanes as a kid? Maybe you and your friends found a balcony or an upper-story window. The breeze beckoned–Every fold carefully creased, sometimes made tighter with a lick. Very aerodynamic. Half the fun was comparing … Continue reading

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Teaching and Preaching Ethical Issues: How Far Do We Go?

Meet some friends. Jim has a full life running his own business, but has a passion for his volunteer ministry. Liz is a respected financial advisor, and mother of two active young sons. Allen spends most of his days with … Continue reading

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