Former CUEST students are making a difference for Jesus Christ in Papua, Indonesia–and the United States.
Three former CUEST students seized the opportunity to join Spring Break mission trips.
Far from Papua, the students traveled a combined total of 9,800 miles by car and plane to serve in Los Angeles, Utah and New Hampshire

Sherina Msen traveled with a Corban team to the Dream Center in Los Angeles.
The team shared hope and healing with the physically and spiritually broken in the Los Angeles area.
Despite being an English learner, “the greatest thing I got to see,” Msen noted, was “that God’s love is never limited by these [language] barriers.”

Jacline Sajori journeyed with a group of friends to rural Utah.
The team built relationships and shared the news “that Jesus is enough” with communities in Utah.
Sajori exchanged testimonies with Mormons at Temple Square in Salt Lake City, visited rural communities and engaged with students at Snow College.
Along the way, Sajori engaged with many who “had never had contact with Christians before.”

Maria Pallo accompanied a Corban group to His Mansion Ministries in southwestern New Hampshire.
The Christian community provides a year-long residential recovery program for those overcoming substance addiction and destructive behaviors.
The missionaries went “to work, play, eat, worship, share and pray” with residents. Preparing an Indonesian meal for the residents became a highlight, but the takeaway for Pallo was that “no matter how broken our lives are, God is able to make us whole again.”

I am so thankful for the love and heart that God has blessed those students with and may God keep blessing them more and more for the benefit of his Kingdom so that everyone can be safe during this last moment that Jesus is about to come back, may you continue with the same spirit of serving one another, I am excited I wish the service was in Uganda here :). May God be with you all.